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Are There Hemp Cat Toys? Facts & FAQ

Jessica Kim

By Jessica Kim

cat lying in its bed with toy

Hemp fabric is considered an eco-friendly option because it has a less harmful impact on the environment than fabric made with synthetic materials. Fortunately, the pet industry is gradually making strides to produce more eco-friendly pet products, including cat toys.

While they’re still not as common as toys made with cheaper material, hemp cat toys can be found in most pet stores. So, if you’re looking to shop responsibly, replacing old cat toys with new hemp cat toys is a great place to start.

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How Does Hemp Work?

Hemp fabric is made by harvesting fibers from the stems of Cannabis sativa plants. While the Cannabis sativa plant may be more well-known for containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other psychoactive properties, the plant is also capable of producing high-quality textiles.

Cannabis sativa plants have two sexes, and female plants are most commonly used for textile purposes.1 The stems have two layers. The outer layer has softer fibers that are used to spin into rope or yarn. The inner layer is woodier and is more often used for fuel and building materials.

Hemp fabric and rope are extremely durable and have high moisture-wicking properties. It has medium flexibility and stretch and doesn’t pill easily. So, it’s actually a pretty ideal fabric for cat toys. It can withstand batting and clawing and can stay cleaner for longer.

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What Are the Different Types of Hemp Cat Toys?

These days, you can find many different kinds of cat toys made with hemp material. There are small ball toys, cat wands, and toys stuffed with catnip. Since hemp fabric is durable, you don’t have to worry so much about toys tearing apart quickly. However, it’s important to look for toys that have good stitchwork. Toys with loose threads or stitching can quickly unravel.

Make sure to be mindful of any toys that use a fabric blend containing hemp. Hemp can be mixed with other fabrics to create other textures and appearances. Hemp will often be mixed with softer fibers, like cotton, polyester, silk, or wool, because it can feel rough. So, if purchasing all-natural products is a priority for you, make sure to check the fabric blend on cat toys and make sure that it omits synthetic materials, like nylon and polyester.

Fortunately, eco-friendly cat toys have mindful designs that will do their best to use as many all-natural materials as possible without compromising your cat’s safety. For example, hemp cat wands will most likely have string made with natural sisal and bamboo dowel rods. However, since there are some cases where cat toys will be a mix of natural and synthetic parts, make sure to check all parts to ensure the entire toy is made with natural materials.

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When Is Hemp Used For Cat Toys?

Girl playing with her cat
Photo Credit: Dora Zett, Shutterstock

Hemp is an excellent choice for anyone looking for eco-friendly options. It’s one of the more popular materials for pet toys because of its durability. Along with being a durable fiber, it requires little water to grow. It can improve soil health because it introduces certain nutrients back into the soil.

The process of harvesting and spinning hemp into yarn is also eco-friendly, unlike synthetic fabrics that generate greenhouse gas emissions. The fabric is biodegradable, so you don’t have to worry about it adding to landfill waste like non-renewable plastics.

Along with being used as material for cat toys, hemp can be used for other cat accessories, like cat beds, scratching posts, and collars.

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Advantages of Hemp Cat Toys

One of the most significant advantages of hemp cat toys is that it’s a sustainable option. So, cat owners looking to shop responsibly can purchase hemp cat toys. Some toys made with hemp are also fully biodegradable and many contain catnip, so they add extra excitement to playtime for your cat.

Another advantageous aspect of hemp toys is their durability. They can handle a cat’s bites and claws and tend to last much longer than cat toys made with synthetic materials. Some cats may enjoy the rougher texture and use it to scratch their claws. Also, since hemp is an all-natural material, it’s a safer option for cats to play with it.

Disadvantages of Hemp Cat Toys

Hemp toys tend to be more expensive than cat toys made with synthetic materials. However, their durability can often outlast cheaper toys, so you could end up saving on costs in the long run.

You also won’t find as much variety with hemp cat toys, and some pet stores may not supply them. If you’re looking for treat dispensing toys or puzzle toys, you probably won’t find any that are made entirely out of hemp.

Cat string play
Photo Credit: Snake44, Shutterstock

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Is hemp string toxic to cats?

Hemp string isn’t toxic to cats, and cats can safely play with it. Just make sure to discard any broken or torn bits of hemp string and store the string in a secured place when you’re not home. It’s possible for your cat to accidentally ingest some string, which can cause choking or obstructions in the digestive tract.

What happens if my cat eats hemp fabric?

Hemp is a non-toxic, biodegradable material, but your cat may have difficulty passing it if it’s accidentally swallowed a large amount. If your cat swallows a piece of a hemp cat toy, contact your veterinarian for further instructions. Your veterinarian may advise you to look for signs of an upset stomach or have you schedule a visit to determine if the fabric is causing an internal blockage.

What’s the difference between hemp and catnip?

Hemp and catnip are sourced from different plants. While hemp is a product of the Cannabis sativa plant, catnip is sourced from Nepeta cataria, which is an herbaceous plant belonging to the mint family.

Hemp products for cats don’t contain THC or other psychoactive components. While cats that enjoy catnip may display behaviors similar to psychoactive behaviors, catnip doesn’t have any psychoactive properties or effects on cats. Researchers believe that a cat’s behavior can be affected by the catnip scent as it triggers mood receptors in the brain.

What other natural materials are used in cat toys?

One of the most common natural materials used in cat toys is sisal. Sisal is a popular material used for scratching posts. However, some cat toy manufacturers may use sisal mixed with synthetic fibers, so make sure to purchase products that only use all-natural sisal.

You can also find cat toys made of cotton or wool. Cat toys can also contain all-natural stuffing made of cotton, wool, or buckwheat hulls.

What other ways is hemp used in cat products?

Hemp is a versatile plant that can benefit a cat’s quality of life in several ways. Hemp oil can be ingested, and it’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower blood pressure and promote heart health. It can also have a calming effect on cats due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Cats with arthritis and digestive issues may find alleviation by taking regular doses of hemp oil.

Hemp products can also be used topically to treat and nourish dry skin. You can find several cat CBD products designed to reduce pain and inflammation naturally. Some products can help cats de-stress and reduce anxiety, so they can be a helpful supplement for cats with mild behavioral issues.

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Hemp cat toys are an excellent eco-friendly option. While they may be a little more expensive than other cat toys, they’re usually much more durable and less harmful to the environment. They’re also safer for cats to play with, so you can rest assured that you’re giving your cat high-quality toys while reducing negative impacts on the environment.

Featured Image Credit: Nataliya Derkach, Shutterstock

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