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Basset Dalmatian Mix (Bassmatian): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove


Height: 20–24 inches
Weight: 50–80 pounds
Lifespan: 10–12 years
Colors: Black, brown, white, spotted
Suitable for: Families, singles, outdoor enthusiasts
Temperament: Gentle, loving, affectionate, intelligent, energetic, playful

The Bassmatian is a hybrid breed, a cross between a Basset Hound and a Dalmatian. The gentleness of the Basset Hound, combined with the spotty exuberance of the Dalmatian, makes for a unique mix and a great family pet. These dogs are typically active animals—not as much as Dalmatians are, but enough that they’ll need a couple of hours of exercise every day. That said, they can inherit more of the calm and laidback nature of the Basset Hound and have a more placid demeanor that suits families with small households and young children. To understand this unique hybrid a bit better, it helps to look at their parent breeds.

Originally bred for sniffing out and hunting small game like rabbits, the Basset Hound is a popular family pet with an astounding sense of smell, second only to that of the Bloodhound. They are calm dogs, even occasionally described as lazy, and have a friendly and affectionate disposition. Their stubborn streak can make training a challenge, but they are highly food motivated, so treats usually help.

Best known for their starring role in the famous Disney movies, the Dalmatian is an old breed with roots stretching back a few hundred years. These dogs have bouncy, outgoing personalities with the energy to match and are ideally suited to active owners who have the time to keep them busy. They are highly intelligent, a trait that usually makes training easy, but they also have a headstrong nature that presents a challenge.

If the Basset Dalmatian Mix sounds like the dog for you, read on for more information on this gentle yet active breed.

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Bassmatian Puppies


Before bringing home a Bassmatian puppy, you should be aware that they are typically a high-energy breed and will require a great deal of regular exercise, even if they do inherit more of the Basset Hound’s docile qualities. They are highly affectionate dogs that love to be close to their owners and will resort to destructive behavior if left alone too much.

They will likely have the spotty coat of their Dalmatian parent but are usually short and may have large, floppy ears. That said, it can be difficult to predict the physical characteristics of hybrid breeds, especially when the parents are so uniquely different.

The parent breeds of Bassmatian
The parent breeds of Bassmatian: Left – Basset Hound (Marek Perička, Pexels) | Right – Dalmatian (Jozef Fehér, Pexels)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bassmatian 🧠

The Bassmatian is best described as charming: With their gorgeous spotty coat from their Dalmatian origins and the docile, regal demeanor of the Basset Hound, this combination makes for a charming hybrid breed. These dogs are full of personality and character and are known to make their owners laugh with their outrageous antics. While not as energetic as their Dalmatian parent, they are typically full of enthusiastic energy that can be quite challenging to put a lid on, so they are ideally suited to active owners.

That said, the docile and placid nature of the Basset Hound also has a place, and after a day full of play and activity, this dog will love to cuddle on their owner’s lap. They are highly affectionate and loving toward children and other dogs and rarely show any aggression. They are loyal and alert pups, but they can’t really be regarded as guard dogs. With their high intellect, they are typically easy to train but can be stubborn and independently minded at times, which can present a challenge during training.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Bassmatian is a great family dog and gentle with children. They are exceptionally friendly and sweet-natured and rarely, if ever, aggressive. They can be fairly boisterous at times, though, so you may want to keep a close eye on them around young children, as they may accidentally knock them over.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Bassmatian is friendly and curious around other dogs and rarely shows aggression. Despite the Basset Hound’s hunting heritage, these dogs have a low prey drive, so your cats are usually safe with them!

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Things to Know When Owning a Bassmatian

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

The Bassmatian is a fairly high-energy pup and will need a diet that can provide for their energy needs. This involves a diet with a high amount of good-quality, animal-sourced protein and as few filler ingredients like wheat, soy, and corn as possible. We recommend purchasing the best quality dry kibble that you can afford, with meat like chicken or beef listed as the first ingredient. This should ideally be supplemented with a quality wet food or lean meat occasionally to provide added amino acids and variety for your dog.

Quality dry kibble is ideal, and the average amount is around 2 to 4 cups per day, depending on your Bassmatian’s size and activity levels, both of which can vary widely among the breed. Obesity is not a common issue with Dalmatians, but it can be an issue with Basset Hounds, so we recommend against free feeding your Bassmatian. As with any dog, make sure they have access to fresh, clean water daily.

Exercise 🐕

Bassmatians are typically high-energy pups and need around 2 hours of exercise per day. This should ideally be split into two sessions, one consisting of gentle play and a slow walk and one session consisting of more intensive exercise, like running or swimming. These dogs love a good play session and will enjoy games involving balls and frisbees. The powerful nose that they’ll likely inherit from their Basset Hound heritage will make them an ideal candidate for puzzle toys too.

They will benefit greatly from occasional off-leash exercise, so good training is essential to allow them this freedom.


Training 🦮

With the stubbornness of the Dalmatian in their genetics, training your Bassmatian can be a challenge. They can be headstrong at times and determined to get their own way, so you’ll need a healthy dose of patience and consistency to successfully train these dogs. They love treats, praise, and attention from their owners, so positive reinforcement training is an ideal method to use.

We recommend beginning training as early as possible, as well as early socialization, both of which will make the training of your Bassmatian an easier and smoother process. Socialization is an often-overlooked aspect of training but is an essential aspect to get your dog integrated and accustomed to other dogs and to prevent distraction.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming Bassmatians is an easy affair because they have short coats that need little brushing. Occasional brushing to help reduce shedding by picking up any dead hair is all that’s needed. They may need nail trimmings every few weeks, and regular teeth brushing will help prevent any dental disease. If your Bassmatian inherits the long, droopy ears of the Basset Hound, be sure to check them regularly for any signs of infection, as the lack of airflow can quickly cause bacteria build-up. Be sure to keep the inside of their ears as dry and clean as possible.

Health Conditions ❤️

The Bassmatian benefits from hybrid vigor and has no reported hereditary diseases to be concerned about. That said, they may potentially inherit genetic disorders from their parent breeds, though these are far less common. These include the following:

  • Dalmatians are known to suffer from hereditary deafness, and around 8% of Dalmatians are born completely deaf, while another 20% are born with deafness in one ear.
  • Dalmatians have a unique urinary tract that is particularly susceptible to urinary tract stones. This can be largely avoided by giving them plenty of access to fresh, clean water, and the condition is exceedingly rare in Dalmatian hybrids.
  • Hip dysplasia is fairly common in both Dalmatians and Basset Hounds and may be passed on to your Bassmatian too. The condition has no cure, unfortunately, and can only be carefully managed.
Minor Conditions
  • Obesity
  • Bloat
  • Cataracts
  • Allergies
  • Ear infections
  • Cherry eye
Serious Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Urolithiasis
  • Intervertebral disc disease

Male vs. Female

There are few differences between male and female Bassmatians, especially when males are neutered and females are spayed. These simple procedures will stop males from wandering and stop any unwanted pregnancies in females, as well as reduce any of the small hormonal influences that differentiate the sexes.

Bassmatians can vary widely in size, anyway, so even physically, there is little that is noticeably different. All dogs are unique individuals, and their personality and temperament are far more affected by their upbringing and environment than their sex.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Bassmatian

1. The Dalmatian is an ancient breed.

While their exact origins are somewhat of a mystery, we do know that Dalmatians have ancient origins, and they have been linked to Egyptian paintings of spotted dogs. In the early 1800s, the breed was developed in Central Europe in a region once known as Dalmatia, where the breed got their name.

2. The Basset Hound has a powerful nose.

Basset Hounds have over 220 million smell receptors, compared to a human’s 5 million, and they can follow scents that are incredible distances away. Their sense of smell is second to that of only the Bloodhound, so you can be sure the Bassmatian will inherit some of this sniffing power.

3. Dalmatian coats are one of a kind.

Just like human fingerprints, Dalmatian coats are all unique, and no two Dalmatians will have the same variety of spots! The same goes for Bassmatians that inherit this spotty coat: They will each be truly special.

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Final Thoughts

The Bassmatian, or Basset Dalmatian Mix, is an affectionate, loyal, and loving dog that makes a great addition to your family. They have little to no prey drive and generally get on famously with other pets, including cats! They are high-energy pups and will require a fairly significant investment in time. They won’t do well in apartments or homes with small yards unless they are exercised several hours per day. While they can be a bit of a challenge to train, they are still great for novice owners, and with time and dedication, training is usually not too difficult.

If you are looking for a gentle and sweet-natured addition to your family, the Bassmatian is an ideal choice!

See Also: 

Featured Photo Credit: Shutterstock, anyaCPhotography

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