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18 Best Dog Training Sites & Courses of 2024

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

professional trainer teaching dog a stand command

Not everyone has the time to take their dogs to a training class to teach them basic commands or obedience. Everything is online now, including dog training websites and courses you can take to train your dog — all from the comfort of your own home, on your own time.

Online dog training is all about convenience. You can find a course that is right for you and your dog and that you can fit into your schedule. There are so many options out there, though, so how do you even know where to start? Which sites are reputable, and which ones will actually help your dog learn? After all, you don’t want to waste your time.

That said, if you do prefer to have the in-person training experience, there are a few options for that. These courses would, of course, require you to live near the training sites or at least be able to travel to them, which could be costly.

We have put together a list of the top 20 dog training sites and courses this year, so you can maximize your time and energy into a program that really works.

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A Quick Comparison of Our Favorites in 2024

Rating Image Product Details
Doggy Dan Doggy Dan
  • Step-by-step video instructions
  • Over 25000 dogs trained
  • Respectful training
  • Second place
    Peaceable Paws Peaceable Paws
  • 7-week course options
  • Real-life scenarios
  • Focus on building love and trust
  • Third place
    Dog Training Depot Dog Training Depot
  • 12-week training course
  • 24 videos included
  • Activity sheets to enhance learning
  • Dog Training Nation Dog Training Nation
  • Community-based
  • Offers books as resources
  • K9 Pro K9 Pro
  • One-on-one training consultations
  • Lots of online materials
  • The 18 Best Dog Training Sites and Courses

    1. Doggy Dan: The Online Dog Trainer

    Doggy Dan: The Online Dog Trainer

    Doggy Dan is a professional dog trainer who has collectively trained over 25,000 dogs over the course of his career. He provides step-by-step instructions via video on how to tackle basic concerns and training needs, such as potty training and obedience lessons. He doesn’t use gimmicks or scare tactics and doesn’t believe that aggression and fear have a place in teaching your dog to obey you. Instead, he gives solutions that work and will have your dog respecting you and wanting to follow you because of that respect. Doggy Dan’s courses are great for puppy training or finding solutions to specific concerns.

    2. Peaceable Paws

    Peaceable Paws

    Peaceable Paws offers in-person classes and seminars, but they also have videos and books that you can purchase through their store that take you through the seven-week courses. You can watch Pat Miller, the trainer, taking owners and their dogs through real-life situations and watch people make mistakes and learn from them as Pat instructs. The video options are great because they’re fairly inexpensive and take you through the same material as if you were sitting in the class in person. These training modules focus on love and building a bond of trust and peace between you and your dog and show you realistic ways of building that bond through the use of clickers and rewards.

    3. Dog Training Depot

    Dog Training Depot

    Dog Training Depot offers a 12-week online training course with 24 videos, known as the Canine Coach program. It also comes with PowerPoint presentations and activity sheets that add to the learning experience and help you track your dog’s progress. This is a fairly structured course, as it has milestones for you to complete, but you can utilize the resources to work with your schedule and keep you on track. This program focuses on teaching your dog to not jump, bark, pull, bite, or behave in other concerning ways.

    4. Dog Training Nation

    Dog Training Nation

    Dog Training Nation is community-based training where dog owners across the United States can read and share thoughts about the site’s blog posts. It also provides several training videos that help you get started when teaching your dog basics, like learning to pull a rope toy without getting aggressive. Dog Training Nation also offers books as resources. Although this isn’t a training program with guided, step-by-step training, it is still a great place to find valuable information when training your dog.

    5. K9 Pro Training

    K9 Pro Training

    Steve Courtney offers one-on-one training consultations with an eight-week follow-up to see how the training is progressing. He also has a master class that you can attend to receive intense, driven training for your dog. Steven is located out of Australia, however, so travel may not be an option for you. He does, however, provide excellent materials on his website that you can utilize even if you are not able to participate in his in-person classes.

    6. VCA Hospitals

    VCA Hospitals

    You can take your dog to any one of the VCA Hospitals located in 43 different states in the U.S. to attend puppy training courses, as well as receive medical care and advice. They offer in-person training to encourage accountability as you train your puppy. In their words, you’ll be more likely to keep up with the training so you don’t fall behind in the next class. You can see their Q&A blog post on their website, where they answer basic questions about puppy training.

    7. Your Pure Bred Puppy

    Your Pure Bred Puppy

    Your Purebred Puppy believes that training your puppy begins the moment you bring them home; how you react to whatever they do will set the tone for what they know to be right or wrong. On their website, they provide in-depth training advice articles, including a step-by-step guide about how to start training your puppy at 7 weeks old. This is a great resource for learning the dos and don’ts of puppy training.

    8. The Dogington Post

    The Dogington Post

    The Dogington Post is an online newspaper for everything regarding dog health, lifestyle, and training. They offer entire articles devoted to training, as well as a section called, “Ask the Trainer,” where a professional dog trainer weighs in on various questions and concerns. The Dogington Post has tons of captivating information that you can use in the process of training.

    9. DoggieBuddy

    One Dog Training

    DoggieBuddy offers training tips specific to older dogs. People may say, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but DoggieBuddy believes that you can certainly try. When we think of “dog training,” we usually think of puppy training, but sometimes, older dogs need to go back to basics. This is especially true if they have recently been adopted from a shelter, as they may not be properly trained or have forgotten their training from when they were younger.

    10. The Happy Puppy Site

    The Happy Puppy Site

    The Happy Puppy Site has an article containing 15 great dog training videos, free of charge. They found videos by various trainers and compiled them into one place, so you can enjoy the benefits of a training program without having to pay for one if you don’t need it. Watching random training videos like these can give you tips and tricks, but it should not replace a full training regimen.

    11. Canine Journal

    Canine Journal

    With over 100 years of experience, the Canine Journal provides top-notch information about training for all kinds of dogs. You can find resources based on the dog’s breed or age.

    12. Dogs That Dog Training

    Dogs That Dog Training

    This service can be found on YouTube. These videos do not follow a structured program but merely aid in the training process. The benefit of following along on YouTube is that the owner updates the collection periodically, so your training knowledge never has to stop.

    13. Dr. Dunbar’s Dog Behavior and Training

    Dr. Dunbar’s Dog Behavior and Training

    Dr. Dunbar is one of the most qualified instructors available, so his video content is as good as it gets. It may be difficult to get past his slightly dry presentation, but the information you can glean is worth it.

    14. Howcast: How to Train Your Dog with JoAnne Basinger

    Howcast- How to Train Your Dog with JoAnne Basinger

    JoAnne’s videos are concise, which is good if you don’t have a ton of time to spend watching videos. She offers great techniques to teach your dog, even though her video count is limited; there are only 24 available at the moment.

    15. Kikopup


    Kikopup’s videos have demonstrations with various types of dogs. She shows how to teach new tricks, as well as how to instill basic obedience.

    16. Journey Dog Training

    Journey Dog Training

    A unique aspect of Journey Dog Training is that she first posts her lessons on Facebook Live, where you can interact with her and ask real-time questions. She focuses on topics like how to deal with dog anxiety and aggression.

    17. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

    Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

    Zak George offers YouTube videos of easy-to-digest material, which is great if you just want quick tips on basic dog training. His content is not geared toward aggressive dogs, however, so if you need behavioral modification training, you should probably look elsewhere.

    18. Cesar’s Way

    Cesar’s Way

    Although not written personally by Cesar Milan, Cesar’s Way is a blog based on his theories of dog behavioral psychology, including information about body language and energy, which can help you in the training process.

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    Training your dog is important, but it does not have to be a hassle. You can find tips and the best dog training programs online to work through at your own pace or find local in-person training classes for added accountability and puppy socialization. Regardless of what you’re looking for, we hope that this list is helpful when you’re considering your options and finding resources to aid in your training journey.

    See also:

    Featured Image Credit: Svitlana Hulko, Shutterstock

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