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How Much Do Boston Terriers Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Oliver Jones

By Oliver Jones

Boston terrier

This cute little tuxedo-colored dog is affectionately known as “the American Gentleman.” This Boston Terrier is now a purebred dog but started as a crossbreed between the English Bulldog and the White English Terrier. Even though Boston Terriers have a reputation for being pit-fighter dogs, they have a relatively gentle temperament.

They are classified as a non-sporting breed, so they are not insatiable for exercise. Their exercise will be a matter of maintenance for their health. If you’re considering a Boston Terrier, here’s what you need to know about one-time, recurring, and occasional costs.

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How Much Are Boston Terriers: One-Time Costs

There are a variety of places you can find a new Boston Terrier pup. You can adopt from a humane society, find a local breeder (or drive a distance), or maybe someone has posted an ad. You might even find someone giving away pups on the side of the road! It happens, and any of these pups, no matter where they’re found, make great pets for your family.

But in the interest of you being informed, here’s what you need to know about different places you can get a Boston Terrier.

Boston Terrier
Image Credit: Aneta-Jungerova, Shutterstock

Free Boston Terrier

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money to get a new dog, or maybe are wanting to try out a Boston Terrier, this could be a good option for you. It may well be that someone’s Boston Terrier had a litter of pups. Either way, you’re not likely to get paperwork or any real vote of confidence for the pup that you’re getting.

So, if it’s health in a pup that you’re looking for, it’s best to shell out a little bit of money.

Boston Terrier Adoption

  • $300–$600

You may find a rescue. But believe it or not, in some cases adopting a puppy may be worse than getting a free one. In the case of getting a free puppy, someone from the goodness of their own heart may be sincerely trying to find homes for puppies. But let’s say hypothetically that someone has seen that there is a market for people looking for Boston Terriers. This person may end up breeding dozens of Boston Terrier pups without any regard to their long-term well-being.

This is often a tell-tale sign of a puppy mill. Not good for the dog or the owner buying. This is why these pups are significantly cheaper. Nevertheless, these dogs have come into the world and need a home. So, if this is for you and is in your price range, you may find a companion that fits right in with your family!

Boston Terrier Breeders

  • $1,500–$4,000

To find a breeder of Boston Terriers, you can visit the website of the Boston Terrier Club of America. You can search by zip code to find the nearest breeder to you. Though a breeder may show up on the list, they are not certified by the BTCA themselves. You must investigate to see whether or not the breeder is certified by the American Kennel Club and whether the breeder has ethical practices.

If you go with a reputable breeder, you’ll find a Boston Terrier costs between $1,500 and $4,000.

Boston Terrier Cost: Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $335–$495

We’ll say it now and you’ll hear it again. These dogs are minimalist. They will live in your house without a problem. Probably the only piece of furniture that will be unique to them is a doggy bed, which they may or may not use. They might end up sleeping at the foot of your bed (as long as you’re okay with that!).

The most significant cost is going to be the spaying or neutering of your new pup, should you decide to go that route.

boston terrier on grass
Image Credit: Lenka N, Shutterstock

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List of Boston Terrier Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $15
Spay/Neuter $150–$300
Microchip $45–$55
Teeth Cleaning $150–$300
Bed $30
Nail Clipper $7
Brush $8
Toys $30
Carrier $40
Food and Water Bowls $10

How Much Does a Boston Terrier Cost Per Month?

  • $75–$200 per month

Undemanding by nature (except when needing your attention), the happy-go-lucky Boston Terrier just needs his daily needs met. This is not the kind of dog that is typically pampered by a doting owner. Just give him a bowl of food, cuddle, play with him, and take him out for exercise. You can easily do all of the grooming yourself as well.

Boston Terrier
Image Credit: Avi’s Colors, Pixabay

Boston Terrier Health Care Costs

  • $75–$150 per month

Boston Terriers, when compared to other dog breeds, are a breeze to take care of in terms of diet, grooming, and health issues. The best thing you can do for your dog is to tend to his health little by little and to ensure that he is well-fed and happy. Oh, and don’t forget to exercise him!

Boston Terrier Food Costs

  • $25–$35 per month

A grown Boston Terrier will eat up to 1¾ cups of food per day. When they are puppies, they will eat less overall and about 3 times per day. Chicken or other poultry based foods like Hill’s Science Diet are best for Boston Terriers. A 30lb bag of dog food should last you at least 2 months. But you also have to figure-in the little treats and protein supplements you might feed them.

Boston Terrier Grooming

  • $5–$50 per month

Boston Terriers are relatively low maintenance as far as grooming goes. Other dogs grow long coats that get shaggy and smelly. If you are up for it, you could probably do the grooming yourself. This consists of brushing your dog’s coat daily, brushing his teeth twice a week, wiping off his tears underneath his eyes (they get tear stains), and cleaning out his ears once a week.

Of course, he will need a bath every few weeks. If you clip his nails, you can do it right after the bath since the water helps soften up the nails. But if you want to get him washed and his nails clipped by a professional, you’re looking at no more than $50 per appointment.

Boston Terrier Medications and Vet Visits

  • $15–$20 per month

Boston Terriers are generally very healthy. Earlier in their life, they are not as susceptible to adverse health conditions though things like tumors and deafness can occur later on. They may also develop a gait, called patellar luxation. But none of these should cause us to sound the alarm to increase your budget for veterinary costs. A once-a-year check-up and initial vaccinations will not put you over the edge.

Red Boston Terrier
Image Credit: safepaws, Pixabay

Pet Insurance for Boston Terriers

  • $30–$45 per month

Accidents happen. Whether it’s an incident or a health condition that develops later on. Getting pet insurance will make sure that if you have a bite wound, torn ligament, or other unforeseen injuries, that your pup will be covered. It also covers health issues such as cancer, allergies, and digestive problems.

Boston Terrier Environment Maintenance Costs

  • $0–$10 per month

Your Boston Terrier is going to be mostly content just lounging in the living room while you’re watching TV. If he needs to do his business, take him outside and pick up the poop with a poop bag (very inexpensive). Since they have shorter coats and don’t shed a ton, cleaning up after their hair inside isn’t going to cost you anything other than a few minutes of sweeping from time to time.

Boston Terrier Entertainment Costs

  • $0–$40 per month

Boston Terriers are content to sit at home. But they do need exercise since they tend to get pudgy if too sedentary. Get them out to the park to play fetch or roughhouse. Fortunately for you as the dog owner, this is mostly free fun! If you want to add some variation, you can try a dog toy subscription service, where boxes of different toys are delivered to your house every month. Return them when you’re done and get different toys back!

Also, be sure to exercise them for at least an hour a day. This could be two 30-minute walks. Again, free fun for them as they soak in the sights and sounds of your neighborhood or nearby dog park.

boston terrier
Image Credit: Zero Degrees Photography, Shutterstock

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Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Boston Terrier

  • $125–$250 per month

The above figure is definitely on the higher end. This is because accidents happen, and unforeseen things take place! You can’t expect the unexpected. So, it’s a good idea to have a little bit of extra money set aside to cover the expenses for your pup.

Additional Costs to Factor In

It’s easy to budget for the predictable things. But the unpredictable things are, well … unpredictable. You should probably pad on an extra $25–$75 a month for overall costs just in case something goes haywire. Your dog might go nuts all of a sudden and knock over a lamp. You might suddenly need to go on vacation somewhere you can’t take him with you.

A dog sitter can cost about $30 per day to check on your dog. This includes feeding, taking them to do their business, giving them a walk, and some minor playtime.

Owning a Boston Terrier on a Budget

Since these are such low maintenance dogs, you won’t have that much in recurring costs. Since this is the case, think about where you are getting your Boston Terrier from—an AKC-certified and reputable breeder is a great place to start.

Boston Terrier
Image Credit: Eve Photography, Shutterstock

Saving Money on Boston Terrier Care

Only give your pup what he absolutely needs in terms of physical sustenance. He will be more than happy with that. Of course, a treat from time to time won’t break the bank. Take the time to do all of the grooming yourself—it requires no special equipment.

Feed him good food and he will probably not have many digestive issues leading to a visit to the vet’s office. Get him free exercise- walking, running in the park, etc., and he will be happier and healthier for it.

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One of the best things about the American Gentleman is his even temperament, gentle nature, and easygoingness. This is what people think of when they see this tuxedoed pup. But what we don’t think about is all of the costs that go into taking care of him. Fortunately, he’s very inexpensive.

Just be sure to get one from a good breeder (even if the price is higher than adopting) and it will pay off with good health. Great dog and inexpensive monthly costs? Win-win!

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Featured Image Credit: Eve Photography, Shutterstock

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