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Can Dogs Eat Edamame? Vet-Approved Nutrition Facts & Safety Guide

Cassandra Kyser

By Cassandra Kyser

Can Dogs Eat edamame

Vet approved

Dr. Athena Gaffud Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Athena Gaffud

Veterinarian, DVM

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Edamame is a healthy and delicious snack that has grown in popularity. It’s commonly referred to as a “superfood” for humans. Of course, dogs and people have different dietary needs, and while you don’t need to give your dog edamame for nutritional reasons, it’s fine as an occasional treat. Before you offer your dog their first bite of edamame, there are a few things you should know.

Divider-Dog Paw and Bone- New

Is All Edamame Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Edamame beans are soybeans harvested before they’re fully ripe. If your dog has a soy allergy, they shouldn’t eat edamame. Fortunately, this is quite rare.

Many processed edamame snacks contain additional ingredients that aren’t dog friendly. Avoid giving your dog any edamame that was prepared or cooked with oil, sauces, salt, or spices.

Can Dogs Eat Edamame
Image By: takedahrs, Pixabay

Do Dogs Like the Taste of Edamame?

Many dog foods contain soy ingredients, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your dog will like plain edamame. If your pup enjoys other dog-safe vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans, they may enjoy the occasional spoonful of edamame. Dogs have food preferences just like we do, so you won’t know until your dog tries some!

What’s the Best Way to Serve Edamame to My Dog?

The safest way to serve edamame to your dog is to first remove the shell. You can serve edamame raw or cooked. If you do cook edamame beans before giving them to your dog, use a method that does not require salt, oil, or other ingredients—simply boil them in plain water.

If your dog hasn’t had edamame before, give them a couple of beans to see how their stomach (and taste buds) handle this new food.

Edamame in a glass bowl
Image By: MYCCF, Pixabay

Are Edamame Shells Toxic to Dogs?

Edamame beans come in a pod that is stringy and difficult to chew. While these shells are not toxic, they may pose a choking hazard for some dogs. Larger dogs with a full set of teeth can likely chew a whole edamame shell without a problem. Smaller dogs and those with dental issues may have a difficult time with the shells. Edamame shells aren’t easily digestible and can also cause minor digestive problems.

My Dog Ate Edamame Shells! Should I Call the Vet?

As noted above, you should remove the shell before feeding edamame to your dog. However, dogs sometimes get into things they shouldn’t. If your dog did eat a whole edamame pod, there is no reason to panic.

Dogs may experience an upset stomach when eating any new food, including edamame shells. Reactions like flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting that clear up on their own are not an emergency for an otherwise healthy dog.

Persistent diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite can lead to dehydration. If your dog continues to have an upset stomach, is lethargic, or shows other signs of dehydration, call your vet.

vet checking a dog's stomach at his clinic
Image By: Dragon Images, Shutterstock

Edamame Nutrition Facts

For reference, 1 cup of shelled, plain edamame contains 188 calories, 8 grams of fat, 8 grams of fiber, and 18 grams of protein. However, 1 cup of edamame would be a huge amount for any dog.

The occasional treat would be more like a tablespoon, which has 12 calories. While that sounds like a negligible amount for humans, those 12 calories can add up quickly for dogs, particularly small and toy breeds.

How Much Edamame Can My Dog Eat?

Before you can judge how much edamame your dog could have as a treat, you have to know how many calories they eat each day.

The majority of your dog’s caloric intake should come from their dog food. How many calories your dog needs vary by their activity level, overall health, age, spay/neuter status, and current weight. While your vet is the best resource for this information, this chart is a good guide for estimating your dog’s daily calorie requirements.

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The Bottom Line

Edamame beans are unripened soybeans and should not be given to a dog with a soy allergy.

Avoid feeding your dog edamame shells, as they are tough and may cause an upset stomach. Plain edamame beans that do not contain oil, salt, or other seasonings are a safe occasional treat.

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Featured Image Credit: Green Edamame Plant, Pexels

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