Can Pomeranians Swim? Facts & Tips

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When it comes to activities, the Pomeranian can be quite the fickle little beast, including whether they feel like swimming! If forced, most Pomeranians can doggy paddle in the water and stay afloat. But that doesn’t mean they’ll all like it! Unfortunately, this often goes with bath time, too.
If you’d like to learn more about Pomeranians and swimming, read on.
How Do You Teach a Pomeranian to Swim?
At their core, Pomeranians are a land-loving breed. So, it makes sense that they are not always drawn to the water. In fact, Pomeranians generally hate the water and get very nervous and afraid when they are around it.
That said, it is possible to train your pup to swim—you just need to do it with patience and care. The first step is introducing your Pomeranian to water gradually. Allow them to get used to the pool or lake before forcing them into it by placing a few treats along the edge of the pool for them to find.
This will help them become more comfortable with the idea of swimming, and they may even start getting into the water on their own. If they do not, you can use treats or a toy to coax them in.
Once your pup starts going in, you should teach them how to float and paddle with small rewards like kisses and treats. Additionally, make sure you never throw your Pomeranian into the water or force them to swim—it could cause trauma and lead to an aversion to swimming.
Do They Like Water?
Most Pomeranians won’t enjoy swimming, but they can learn how to tolerate it if they’re taught correctly. With that said, you should never expect your pup to be a water dog, and you should never force them to do something they don’t want.
Pomeranians are not the best swimmers—by a long shot. Yes, their instincts will kick in and keep them afloat. But Pomeranians are small, and they don’t have the stamina that other breeds possess.
Due to this fact of nature, Poms tire quickly in water. If unsupervised or assisted, they might drown. So, if you do decide to take your pup swimming, be sure to watch them carefully and never leave them alone in the water.
It’s absolutely a possibility that your Pomeranian will grow to love going for short swims, but never force the idea. Test the waters, so to speak, to see whether your Pom enjoys swimming in the first place.
Once they’ve had enough time in the water for you to effectively gauge their opinion, you’ll know whether swimming is an activity that’s worth pursuing.
Tips for Bathing Your Pomeranian
Since Poms don’t like swimming (or water in general), it’s safe to assume that bath time is an activity they are not fond of. As such, it’s important to know how to bathe them in a way that will make them comfortable.
- Always use lukewarm water—never hot or cold.
- Use a special shampoo specifically made for dogs and cats.
- Put cotton balls in their ears before rinsing to keep water out.
- Offer treats and lots of praise throughout the process.
- Rinse your pup multiple times to ensure all soap is gone.
- Use a hairdryer on the lowest setting to dry them off.
By following these tips, you can make bath time as stress-free as possible for your Pomeranian.
Bottom Line
Poms are not natural swimmers, so don’t expect them to love being in the water. Encourage them to get used to it with patience and care, and make sure you never force them into anything they’re uncomfortable with.
There’s a very good possibility that your Pomeranian will not like swimming in the least. If that turns out to be the case, accept it and move on. In the end, it’s important to remember that your pup’s safety and comfort come first—no matter the activity.
Featured Image Credit: Hutsun, Shutterstock