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Cat Broken Leg Treatment Cost: 2024 Price Guide

Ashley Bates

By Ashley Bates

vet treating cat's broken leg

Cats get into all kinds of mischief. And just like human children, there can be lots of potentially pricey and unforeseen bills. If you think your cat might have a broken leg, you probably need immediate answers on cost.

Here, we break down how the total price can differ depending on the veterinary facility, the area you live in, and the fracture or break severity can go around $1,000 to $4,000 or even more. Let’s get down to brass tacks.

Prices for Broken Leg Treatment: Why Does it Differ?

The cost of a broken bone depends completely on the total damage and location. Plus, you have to consider any medications or sedatives your vet will need during the process. Some cats with surface wounds may need topical antibiotics or other healing medications as well.

Then, there are always follow-up appointments to check to see how well the leg is healing. So, as you can tell, there are quite a few factors that play into the total cost of broken leg treatment for cats.

Regular, Uncomplicated Fractures

Common fractures and breaks that are easy to treat cost in the $1,000 range. Generally, cats are fully healed by 6–8 weeks.

During treatment, the vet will assess the damage to see the proper path of resolution. They may have to check the injury to see how to stabilize the bone properly. Typically, a simple break only requires a splint to make a total recovery.

cat with broken leg in the streets
Image Credit: HeungSoon, Pixabay

Severe or Multiple Breaks

If your cat has experienced something pretty traumatic, costs can climb drastically. It isn’t unusual for it to cost anywhere up to $4,000 and more. Certain factors determine the total cost, such as if the cat needs sedation for any type of procedure.

Recovery time can be pretty different here, too—and accommodations for your cat might change as well. Once the vet gets all the information they need, they will stabilize your cat’s bones in place using screws, surgical pins, and possibly even plates.

The more extensive the damage, the higher costs you accrue.


Additional Costs

Even though we discussed the basic averages, the actual price will depend on several factors.

Below are some additional costs to consider when you make your calculations.
  • Vet Visit: Some vets charge a fee just to see your pet. These rates will vary depending on the facility, but generally, you’re looking at an additional $50.
  • Emergency Vet Costs: Emergency veterinary facilities are places open after normal vet hours. These places typically charge much more for their services than traditional vets. Average costs of emergency vet visits alone cost between $800 to $1,500, not including all treatments.
  • X-rays: Your cat will most assuredly need X-rays for broken bones, which is actually figured into the total cost of treatment. But X-rays themselves generally cost between $150 and $250.
  • Medications: Depending on your cat’s going home condition, your vet may prescribe antibiotics or pain medications. These extras can tack on between $20 to $150.


Are There Low-Cost Options?

If you are on a tight budget but need your cat to get medical attention—there are certain options. Call your vet to explain the situation to see if they offer any payment plans or alternate methods of payment.

If you have no luck, you can always reach out to a shelter or rescue. If they cannot help you, they have contact numbers for many surrounding animal facilities that could be the answer to your troubles. Help and advice are just a phone call away.

Even if you can’t afford treatment, your cat needs to have this issue handled. Professionals can guide you through these next challenging steps. But hopefully, you wind up with a healthy, happy, functional kitty in no time.

hepper cat paw divider

Final Calculations

So, in total, you can figure to spend an average of $1,000 for a broken leg—but you need to know it’s possible to be $4,000 or more with all aspects included. Remember that emergency vets are often significantly more expensive.

Featured Image Credit: Leoschka, Shutterstock

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