150 Cat Names That Start With W for Your Wonderful Kitty
By Jessica Kim
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Coming up with the perfect name for your cat can be a daunting task. The possibilities are endless, and it can be difficult to find a place to start. It’s often helpful to start by choosing a letter of the alphabet. To help you begin the process of finding a cat name, we’ve compiled a list of wonderful names that start with W. Keep reading to get inspired in your search for the perfect name for your new cat.
How to Name Your Cat
There’s no pressure to come up with a name for your cat right away. Many cat owners will choose to spend time with their new cats and get to know them before deciding on a name. So, take some time to let your cat settle into their new home and let their true personality start to shine.
As you spend time with your cat, you can start to collect a list of names that stick out to you. The names can have meanings that resonate with your cat, or you can just choose names that sound nice to you. Once you’ve gathered a list of names, you can try testing them out on your cat to see which one feels like a good fit. Eventually, you’ll be left with a name that sounds perfect whenever you call your cat.
Female Cat Names That Start With W
Many beautiful and unique names start with W for female cats. Here are some of our favorites.
- Wahnita
- Waldena
- Waldette
- Waldina
- Waltina
- Wanda
- Waneeta
- Wanette
- Wardia
- Wardine
- Warna
- Waverly
- Welda
- Wendelle
- Weslia
- Whitley
- Whitney
- Wicket
- Wilfreda
- Willa
- Willabelle
- Willena
- Willene
- Willow
- Wilmina
- Winifred
- Winslet
- Winsley
- Winter
- Wisteria
- Wylda
- Wynette
- Wynn
- Wynonna
Male Cat Names That Start With W
You can also find a lot of great options for names that start with W for male cats. The following names are all excellent options.
- Waldron
- Waleed
- Wallace
- Waller
- Walt
- Ware
- Warrick
- Watt
- Waylon
- Wayne
- Wei
- Welford
- Wendell
- Westley
- Weston
- Whitaker
- Whitmore
- Wilber
- Wilhelm
- Willes
- William
- Willmar
- Wilmer
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Wingate
- Winslow
- Winston
- Wolfgang
- Woodson
- Woody
- Wortham
- Wren
- Wyatt
Descriptive Names That Start With W
You can always choose a name that describes your cat’s appearance or personality traits. Here are some descriptive names that may be a perfect fit for your cat.
- Wacky
- Walker
- Wanderer
- Warmhearted
- Wayward
- Whimsy
- White
- Whopper
- Wild
- Wily
- Winsome
- Wiry
- Wisdom
- Wispy
- Witty
- Wonder
- Wry
Food Names That Start With W
Food-inspired names are always a cute and fun option for cats. Here are some possible options for food names that start with W.
- Waffle
- Wakame
- Walnut
- Wampee
- Wasabi
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Wheat
- Whipped Cream
- Wine
- Whiskey
- Winter Melon
- Witlof
- Wolfberry
- Wonton
- Wrap
Famous Fictional Character Names That Start With W
Sometimes, cats can embody the personality of famous fictional characters. The names below are great examples of notable fictional characters with names that start with W.
- Wade Wilson
- Waldo
- Wall-E
- Wally West
- Walter White
- Wario
- Watari
- Watson
- Wendy Darling
- Willy Wonka
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- Wolverine
Location Cat Names That Start With W
Another fun name idea is to name your cat after a location. Here are some cities that start with W that also make great cat names.
- Wabush
- Wadduwa
- Wagga Wagga
- Waikiki
- Waimea
- Waingapu
- Wajir
- Wakkanai
- Wales
- Walla Walla
- Wallis
- Warmister
- Warrington
- Warsaw
- Warwick
- Washington
- Watamu
- Wau
- Wellington
- Westerland
- Wewak
- Wexford
- Wheaton
- Whistler
- Whitby
- Wichita
- Wick
- Wicklow
- Wigan
- Wilmette
- Wilmington
- Wiltshire
- Winchester
- Windsor
- Winnipeg
- Wisconsin
- Woodstock
- Worcester
- Wyoming
We hope our list of cat names has inspired you and helped you come up with some good name ideas for your new cat. Just remember, you can take as long as you need when deciding on a name for your cat. No matter what, your cat will appreciate being given a name that’s been chosen through a thoughtful process.
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