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Corgi & Basset Hound Mix: Info, Pictures, Personality, & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Corgi & Basset Hound Mix

Height: 13–20 inches
Weight: 41–65 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Black, brown, white, blue, red
Suitable for: Attentive owners, homeowners, retirees, families of all sizes, lower-energy owners
Temperament: Loving, affectionate, alert, cheerful, curious

The Corgi Basset is a mix between a Welsh Corgi and a Basset Hound. The result is an extremely loving and affectionate medium-sized dog who will make a wonderful addition to your family.

These dogs are abundantly friendly toward familiar faces, but they can be wary around strangers. They’re also very alert, and they have a howl that will be sure to wake you if there is an intruder. While they don’t have the size to fend off danger, they’ll certainly let you know if they sense any!

Corgi Basset Hound mixes are great for families or owners who are looking for a dog with a lot of love and personality without excessive energy or extensive exercise requirements. We’ll go over everything you need to know about this breed so you can decide if they are right for you and your family.

Divider 1Corgi Basset Puppies


Many owners may dive into owning a Corgi Basset because of their lower exercise requirements, but where this dog may lack in energy, they make up for it in emotional neediness. Corgi Bassets desire nearly constant attention and affection from their owners, so make sure you and your family have the time and dedication to give these dogs the love they need before committing to bringing one home.

Many people also believe that smaller dogs—and especially those who don’t need much exercise—are good for apartments. While they certainly don’t take up much space, they do inherit a tendency to bark and howl from their Basset Hound parent breed. If the area you live in has noise constraints, you may want to rethink this breed.

Lastly, you need to be prepared to begin training early on with your Corgi Basset. If trained from puppyhood, these dogs can become very obedient. However, if you aren’t prepared to start a training routine shortly after you bring your pooch home, they can be comfortable taking the leadership position in your home, which can make them rather difficult to train.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Corgi Basset

1. One of their parent breeds was thought to be extinct.

One of the Corgi Basset’s parent breeds, the Basset Hound, originated in France and was a very popular dog among wealthy and aristocratic families. Following the French Revolution and the fall of royalty, the breed was believed by many to be extinct. However, the lower-class families in France, following the revolution, began turning to the breed for its hunting and tracking ability. As a result, it gained popularity again and is now widespread across the world.

2. Their parents are well-acquainted with royalty.

Both parent breeds have a history with royal families. The Basset Hound gained much popularity when Princess Alexandra of Wales took a particular interest in the breed in the 19th century. Corgis have a more recent history with royalty, as the current Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, has owned numerous Corgis since her reign began in 1952.

3. They have a tendency to dig.

Many dogs will dig occasionally, but the Corgi Basset will very happily dig on a regular basis if their energy isn’t expended elsewhere. Don’t worry too much! Their desire to destroy your lawn can be trained away for the most part, but you may end up with a hole or two in your yard until proper training sets in.

The parent breeds of the Corgi Basset - Basset Hound and Welsh Corgi
Image Credit: Left – Marek Perička, Pexels | Right – Alvan Nee, Unsplash

Temperament & Intelligence of the Corgi Basset 🧠

The Corgi Basset is a very affectionate, emotionally needy pup. They adore human interaction, and they will do just about anything to get your attention. They have big personalities despite their medium size, and their desire for attention and occasional goofiness will bring laughter and entertainment to you and your family.

They get along well with children, they love to play, and they’re usually positive and happy dogs as long as they get the affection they desire and need.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Corgi Bassets make excellent family dogs. They have an abundance of love and affection to give, they love getting attention from their owners, and they adore snuggling and relaxing with their family members. The more people that are around, the happier they will be.

These dogs are also loyal, alert, and eager to please. This means that, while their size may not intimidate an intruder or a threat of danger, they will always let you know if there is potential harm around you or your home. Corgi Bassets also get along with owners of all ages, including older humans as well as children. Their relatively low energy and exercise needs make them great for retirees.

These pups also love being included in family activities, so if you’re looking for a dog who is always willing to go for a ride or on a trip with your family, the Corgi Basset may be the perfect breed for you.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Corgi Bassets normally get along with other dogs without any issues. They’re very often friendly and even loving toward dogs they live with, as well as other unfamiliar dogs they meet on walks or at dog parks.

The same cannot be said for cats or other pets you might have. The Corgi Basset inherits a high prey drive from the Basset Hound, which was bred for hunting small game. Because of this, your Corgi Basset will very likely view a cat, rabbit, or other small animals, as something to chase and hunt. Early socialization with smaller pets may help limit this eagerness, but these dogs are recommended for owners without cats or rodents as pets.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Corgi Basset

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Although the Corgi Basset is a medium-sized dog with low to moderate energy, they are dense and muscular, so they’ll eat about three cups of dry dog food every day. The cost of your pup’s diet can add up quickly, especially given their size, so make sure you’re prepared before committing to this breed.

Along with this volume of feeding comes an appetite for even more—your pooch will very happily eat more than their recommended three cups per day if you let them. Because of this, they are prone to weight gain. You should be careful not to overfeed your Corgi Basset and consult your vet if you notice unusual weight gain after they’re fully grown.

Exercise 🐕

For many owners, the Corgi Basset’s lower energy level is one of its best qualities. Corgi Bassets need only about thirty to forty minutes of dedicated exercise each day. They’re happiest getting this exercise on walks or hikes where they can follow scents and let their exploratory nature take over a bit.

Since the Corgi Basset has such a high prey drive, you’ll need to be extra careful during outdoor exercise so that your pooch doesn’t escape to hunt down a squirrel or rabbit. You should invest in a sturdy harness that your dog can’t easily back out of to make sure you don’t lose control of your pooch.

As tempting as it may be to give your dog some off-leash time, it’s highly recommended that Corgi Bassets remain leashed at all times unless they are in a fully secured area. Your dog will love to investigate smells and will happily track them for long periods of time. This leads to a tendency to wander off in search of prey, which you’ll, of course, want to avoid!

Training 🦮

Another appealing trait of the Corgi Basset is how easy it is to train. These pups are intelligent, loyal, and eager to please, and these factors lead to an easily trainable dog, especially if you begin your training schedule early on.

Corgi Bassets seem to have a special affinity for obedience training, so you’re likely to get a dog who willingly and excitedly learns new commands, tricks, and rules.

There will be some additional things you’ll need to train these dogs for beyond normal obedience and housebreaking. As we mentioned earlier, this breed has a high tendency to dig, so you’ll need to use gentle correction and positive reinforcement to get them to drop their digging habit. You’ll also need to take some time to socialize them with strangers and other dogs so that they become comfortable around those they aren’t familiar with.

Grooming ✂️

The Corgi Basset has a very dense coat, so you’ll need to engage in brushing with a wire brush once or twice a week. This will help spread out your pup’s natural skin oils to keep their skin and fur hydrated and healthy. While regular brushing will cut down on shedding, don’t expect to avoid it altogether! With a thick coat like the Corgi Basset’s, you’ll want a good vacuum to clean up loose fur regularly.

Bathing doesn’t need to be done very often and should be done about once every other month, or if your pup gets particularly dirty. Bathing too frequently can lead to dry and irritated skin, so avoid bathing more often than once every two months if possible.

The Corgi Basset can have drop ears like their Basset Hound parents or more perky ears like their Corgi parents. If they have droopy ears that have the tendency to pick up dirt and debris easily, you’ll need to wipe them clean every other day or so. Less droopy ears can be wiped clean about once a week to prevent infection.

You should plan to brush your dog’s teeth about once a week to prevent tooth and gum issues, and you also need to keep their nails properly trimmed to avoid having them crack or break during exercise, playtime, or digging if they do indulge from time to time!

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Corgi Basset is a very hearty dog breed that doesn’t have many health issues. However, there are a few common ailments you’ll need to watch out for. Despite their general health, you should still schedule routine checkups with your vet to ensure your dog remains as healthy as possible throughout their lifetime.

Minor Conditions
  • Entropion
Serious Conditions
  • Intervertebral disc disease

Divider 5Male vs Female

Male and female Corgi Bassets will be very similar in temperament and behavior for the most part. You may find that males have a higher prey drive, but beyond this, their personality will depend more on which parent breed the individual dog resembles than it will on gender.

You’ll even find that the height and weight won’t vary much with sex, with male dogs having the potential to be just a touch larger.

Divider 3Final Thoughts

The Corgi Basset is a wonderful medium-sized dog with a big personality and a whole lot of love to give. They are extremely affectionate pups who will constantly desire and seek your attention and affection. They love few things more than cuddling with you and being pet.

These dogs are alert, intelligent, and loyal, and their general wariness around strangers can make them good guard dogs as well. They will happily warm up to most people with time, and they are never aggressive, even toward those they don’t know.

Corgi Basset Hound mixes are excellent family dogs that don’t need a lot of exercise but do need a lot of attention. If you and your family can shower your pup with affection and you are willing to put in some time for proper training, this might just be the perfect breed to bring into your home.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: yuliyast, Shutterstock

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