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Do Cats Poop Out of Spite? The Surprising Answer!

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

hand picking up cat poop

Cats can be low-maintenance pets. As long as you provide the essentials to keep them healthy and happy, they do not need to be walked or taken to the groomer. However, some cats have problems going to the bathroom in their litter boxes. Although it might feel like it sometimes, your cat is not pooping on the floor to spite you. It’s more likely that the litter box needs cleaning or something has prevented them from using it.

hepper cat paw divider

Inappropriate Elimination

Inappropriate elimination is the term given to cats peeing and pooping anywhere in the house that isn’t in the litter box. When it happens once, it may have been an accident, but if it happens more than once or regularly, it could be a sign of a bigger problem and certainly warrants attention.

red tabby pooping in garden
Image Credit: NeydtStock, Shutterstock

The 6 Potential Causes

There are several causes of inappropriate elimination, including:

1. Stress

Cats experience stress, and it does not take much to cause anxiety in our feline friends. Anything from a change in routine to the introduction of a new kitten or baby to the house can lead to anxiety.

Pooping outside the litter box enables the cat to mark their territory, which not only enables them to deter anything they perceive as a threat but also enables them to surround themselves with a recognizable smell. It isn’t pleasant for humans, but your cat may be defecating outside the litter box because it eases their stress.

2. Illness

Illnesses, including diarrhea and vomiting, can make it difficult for your cat to know when they are going to poop. They might not be able to get to the litter box in time. Physical conditions, such as arthritis, can make it uncomfortable to climb in and out of the box, which may cause them to poop near the litter box.

sick cat
Image Credit: Ro_ksy, Shutterstock

3. Dirty Litter Tray

Although it might seem cleaner to poop in the litter tray, if it’s already full of urine and feces, your cat won’t view it as a sanitary toileting area and won’t use it. They will look for somewhere cleaner to go.

4. Poor Litter Choice

There are many types of cat litter on the market, from traditional clay to modern crystal cat litter. You can even get a walnut shell or corn husk cat litter. While some cats are happy to poop in any type of litter, some materials are too sharp and can irritate a cat’s paws, causing them to go somewhere else.

5. Not Enough Litter Trays

It is generally advised that cats need one litter tray per cat, plus an extra one and that the trays must be placed in different areas of the home. This enables the cats to choose the one that they want to poop in, and it also means if one tray is dirty or your cat is prevented from getting to it, they can use another.

cat litter box on a wooden floor
Image Credit: Grzegorz Petrykowski, Shutterstock

6. Litter Competition

If you have multiple cats, you might find that one does not like using a litter box after the other cat has already used it. This is one reason why every cat household should have multiple litter boxes.

Whatever the cause of the inappropriate littering, your cat is not doing it to spite you. Cats don’t recognize that their pooping stresses you out or causes you any problems.



The 5 Ways to Stop Your Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Box

There are some steps you can take to reduce inappropriate elimination.

1. Add Another Tray

Make sure you have one tray per cat, plus one extra. If you have the room, you can always consider adding another one to be safe. Even if you have multiple trays and one or more of them is rarely or never used, removing one can cause stress and lead to increased instances of inappropriate littering.

White and ginger cat and black and white cat sitting on a litter tray
Image Credit: Leoniek-van-der-Vliet_Shutterstock

2. Empty Trays More Often

Litter boxes need to be clean and ready for your cat to use. While you don’t need to run and clean it every time you hear your cat scratching in the box, you should remove solids and scoop clumped litter a couple of times daily to provide a pleasant environment.

Messes and smells are part of living with a cat, but you don't want to spend your whole day cleaning!

Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Cat Litter Deodorizer Powder
  • Bio Enzymatic Cat Litter Freshener - Smart formulation uses natural ingredients eliminating cat...
  • Save Money - Stuff for cats isn’t the cheapest. With this litter box odor eliminator, you’ll...

Our Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Cat Litter Deodorizer can help keep your litter box smelling fresh for longer. This natural litter additive uses bio-enzymes to "eat away" the odors, saving you time and money. It's fragrance-free, safe for cats of all ages, effective on all types of litter, and fully biodegradable.

3. Change Litter

If you have cat litter that is uncomfortable for your cats to stand on, they will likely look elsewhere. You can switch from sharp walnut shells or clay to something softer and see if it has the desired outcome.

4. Visit The Vet

Inappropriate elimination can be a sign of illness. If you see other signs, such as dehydration or increased elimination, visit a vet to have your cat checked over.

vet assessing birman cat
Image Credit: Stock Asso, Shutterstock

5. Reduce Stressors

Eliminating or removing anything that might be causing your cat stress is essential. Ensure that your cat can access the litter box easily, and watch to make sure that your other cats don’t hover or get aggressive when your cat uses the tray.

hepper cat paw divider


Cats do not poop on the floor out of spite, but there are various causes of this unwanted behavior. One of the most common reasons for inappropriate elimination is that the litter box is full. Physical illness and anxiety are two other common causes of this behavior.

You can remove whatever causes the stress, ensure you have enough trays, and clean the litter once or twice daily. If you believe your cat is ill, and it’s causing them to poop outside the tray, visit a vet and have them checked out.

Featured Image Credit: Kristi Blokhin, Shutterstock

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