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Do Dachshunds Bark a Lot? Facts & Training Tips

Brooke Bundy

By Brooke Bundy

Miniature dachshund howling on the beach

If you’ve ever owned a Dachshund, you already know that they like to bark at everything. A fluffy squirrel in a tree, a neighborhood kid playing in the street, or even your lack of attention can be sufficient cause for barking. Their excessive barking is partially due to their history. As a hunting dog, they were praised for this behavior because the noise alerted the hunters and drove the prey out of the den. However, if you live in a crowded area, you might not want your Dachshund to offer their opinion on every vehicle that passes by. While the breed as a whole is more prone to barking than some others, fortunately, there are ways to train your Dachshund to bark less.

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Why Do Dachshunds Bark a Lot?

Germany began developing a breed standard for the Dachshund in the 17th century out of a desire to hunt badgers. Hunters needed a dog who could crawl into badger holes and bark to alert the hunters and disturb the prey, which would result in them fleeing into the open where they could be killed.

For hundreds of years, the Dachshund—which translates as the “badger hound” in German—aided hunters and was eventually bred to fit the smaller requirements of rabbit hunting. In the past twenty years, designer dogs have boomed in popularity, especially in the United States, the U.K., Japan, and South Korea, and there has been an influx of teacup Dachshunds to accommodate some people’s smaller tastes in dogs.

In every stage of their development in their native country, the Dachshund was praised as a barking dog. That is, until now, when they’ve lost their status as a hunter’s companion and have adopted the role of the family pet.

Big brown Dachshund howling in the field
Image Credit: Anilsharma26, Pixabay

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How to Train Your Dachshund to Bark Less

You’re probably not going to ever train your Dachshund to stop barking. And you probably wouldn’t want to. Barking is one of the ways your dog can communicate with you, and they take great pride in knowing they can potentially protect you from danger. The only thing is sometimes the “danger” is an overturned trash can. Here are some ways you can help your Dachshund calm down and bark less often:

1. Give Them Plenty of Exercise

Despite their relatively small size, Dachshunds need plenty of exercise to thrive. Let them relive their days hunting rabbits and badgers by letting them romp in your yard. This will give them a job and tire them out, making them less likely to follow you around the house barking.

dachshund in training
Image Credit: 825545, Pixabay

2. Keep Them Engaged

In the same manner, give your Dachshund something to do around the house. Humans aren’t the only creatures to engage in idle chatter, so your Dachshund is less likely to have time to notice things or raise a ruckus out of boredom if they have something to do. Treat puzzles and chew toys are great things to keep your Dachshund’s mind busy.

3. Train Them with Quiet Time

One method of training your Dachshund to bark less frequently is to teach them the meaning of the word “quiet.” To do this, take your dog to a silent room in your home. Say the word, “quiet” in a firm but kind voice and give them a treat with praise. Repeat this over a few days. When your Dachshund inevitably starts barking at something outside of the room, say the word “quiet.” Give them a treat if they stop barking. If they don’t, repeat the command until they do, or you might need to temporarily remove them from the situation if they start howling out of control.

Teacup Dachshund
Image Credit: Carissa Weiser, Unsplash

4. Find Out What’s Wrong

You know your Dachshund best. If your dog suddenly barks more than usual, chances are they’re letting you know something isn’t right. They could be sick, or someone could be trying to enter your home unawares. Sometimes it pays to trust your dog’s instinct and pay attention if they sound the alarm.

5. Hire a Trainer

Alternatively, if you don’t have much time to train your Dachshund, you could hire a dog trainer who has a history of working with the breed.

dachshund on a leash walking
Image By: Sabrinakoeln, Pixabay

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Something to Keep in Mind

When working with your Dachshund, remember not to yell at them for barking. The goal is not to intimidate your dog, and Dachshunds are naturally a little anxious, so negative methods such as bark collars aren’t recommended. You might try acknowledging why they are barking before you tell them “Quiet” so that your dog knows you’re taking them seriously. Otherwise, they might bark all the more since they’re trying to get your attention. Conversely, never praise your Dachshund while they’re continually barking because that’ll give the wrong message. Wait until they’ve stopped barking to bring out the praise and treats.

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While the Dachshund has a reputation for being a barker, you can train them to recognize and obey the word “quiet” if you have a little time and patience. The Dachshund isn’t the breed for you if you prefer a silent dog, but you shouldn’t let their barking nature discourage you from adopting them as long as you don’t mind a little bit of noise every once in a while. Remember, your Dachshund believes they are helping you when they bark, so it might help to acknowledge why they’re barking before you give them the command to be quiet. And always, never be harsh with your Dachshund because they respect you and will grow fearful if you habitually raise your voice at them.

Featured Image Credit: David Pecheux, Shutterstock

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