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Do Jackal Dog Hybrids Exist? The Interesting Answer

Gregory Iacono

By Gregory Iacono

Jackal Dog

Millions of pet parents around the world own dogs as pets, but other canine species have never been domesticated. Jackals, for example, are a wild canine species with many of the same attributes, traits, and instincts as domesticated dogs. Indeed, jackals look like a cross between a dog and a wolf, just a bit thinner. In some countries, jackal puppies are raised as pets and behave like domesticated dogs. Considering all of these factors that make them similar begs two questions; can dogs and jackals mate, and if so, do jackal-dog hybrids exist? The answer to both questions is a definitive yes.

There are jackal dog hybrids, and they’ve been around for centuries. That’s because dogs and jackals can mate, just like dogs and wolves. If you’d like to know more about jackal dog hybrids, including what they’re like, how long they live, how big they get, and more, read on! We have all the jackal dog details for you below!

Divider 7What, Exactly, Is a Jackal Dog?

A jackal dog is a jackal and a dog that mated and formed a unique breed. Typically, the jackal is male, the dog is female, and their offspring combines the two. Occasionally, however, the dog can be male and the jackal female. Whichever coupling occurs, the result is a canine that takes after both species, which means that jackal dogs don’t always look alike. Some have short, thick hair, while others have longer, thinner hair depending on the breed mated with the jackal.

Interestingly, no matter the dog breed, the resulting jackal dogs all seem to be more or less the same size, which is about the size of a typical jackal. This is most likely because the breeds of dog mating with jackals are all more or less the same size as jackals are, which is medium to large. Very few tiny dogs mate with jackals due to the size disparity.

Jackal Dog
Image By: WildMedia, Shutterstock

Are Jackal Dog Hybrids Sterile?

Jackal dogs were believed to be sterile for a long time as they are a cross between two dog species. However, a 2015 study published by The Royal Society has shown that jackal dogs can be fertile. The researchers discovered that specific genetic markers were being passed down from female jackal dogs to puppy jackal dogs, proving that they can make babies.

The study also found that, in most cases, the direction taken by the hybridization was coming from female jackals mating with domesticated dogs. In short, jackal-dog females are fertile and can make jackal-dog babies.

Do Jackal Dogs Make Good Pets?

Veterinarians and animal experts don’t recommend breeding dogs and jackals as, even if they are part dogs, jackal dogs are still wild and often don’t make good pets. Yes, some people have bred the two species and raised the resulting jackal dog pups as their pets, but they tend to act a bit differently.

For example, while they may be affectionate with the person, or people, who raised them, the typical jackal dog will not be open to contact with strangers. They can also be aggressive but occasionally can be very sweet and affectionate.

Jackal Dog
Image Credit: Robert Henry Hurn, Shutterstock

Which Animals Can Mate with Dogs?

What’s fascinating about canines is that inter-species breeding can occur among all dog breeds (although some pups will be sterile). For example, dogs and wolves have been interbreeding for generations. It does not occur often and usually not by choice, but it does happen.

Dogs and Coyotes Mate Frequently

The coyote breeds with domestic dogs so often that their offspring now have two new breed names: dogote and coydog. The dogote is when a female dog and a male coyote breed, and the coydog is the opposite. The pups of both breedings are considered okay pets but usually only bond with one or two people, which can be problematic if the owner has many friends and family.

However, there are instances where coydogs and dogotes have been raised to be loving, gentle, and affectionate pets. It mainly depends on the specific animal and the environment in which it’s raised.

cayote walking in the wild
Image Credit: Pixabay

Dogs Can Mate With All Other Canines

Unsurprisingly, dogs can breed with wolves and coyotes, which are wild dogs. However, several dog species can mate successfully. That means your dog can mate with all the following canines if the opportunity presents itself:

  • African wild dogs
  • Bush dogs
  • Dhole
  • Red wolf
  • Dingo
  • Indian Wolf
  • Gray Wolf
  • Ethiopian Wolf

The First Report of a Hybrid Jackal Dog Was in the 1700s

Sometime in the 18th century, an American naturalist named John Hunter bred a jackal with a spaniel dog, writing about the breeding in his journals. The pair successfully had five puppies. In the 19th century, the famed naturalist Charles Darwin wrote notes in his journal detailing a mating he’d witnessed between a jackal and a domesticated dog. In other words, dogs and jackals have been breeding for a few hundred years.

In the early 1970s, there was a small-scale breeding program in Russia to create jackal dog hybrids. At the time, the Russians believed that jackal dogs were better-tracking dogs because they had a superior sense of smell. Also, because they bred their jackals with huskies, the resulting puppies could withstand the cold much better than a regular jackal from a warm, temperate climate. The resulting puppies were said to be great sniffer dogs that could handle Russia’s severe cold weather.

Divider 7Final Thoughts

Were you surprised that jackals and dogs can mate and that some people have raised jackal dogs as pets? It’s not a common practice, but it has happened because many canine species can interbreed with other canines, including dogs that breed with wolves and coyotes.

Because their genetic makeup and chromosome numbers are so similar, it’s pretty easy for dogs and jackals to make babies. However, unlike the mating of dogs and coyotes, which happens relatively frequently, few people are breeding dogs with jackals, and you won’t come across a jackal dog very often. If you do, take a long look because you probably won’t see one again, and they are truly a fascinating and stunning hybrid.

Featured Image Credit: Zuzana Gabrielova, Shutterstock

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