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Dobie Schnauzer (Dobermann Pinscher & Standard Schnauzer Mix) Info & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Dobie Schnauzer (Dobermann Pinscher & Standard Schnauzer Mix)

Height: 18–28 inches
Weight: 35–75 pounds
Lifespan: 10–12 years
Colors: Black, blue, red, silver
Suitable for: Active families looking for a friendly and easy-to-train dog
Temperament: Outgoing, alert, independent, intelligent

The Dobie-Schnauzer combines two of the most well-known and popular German breeds in one delightful mix. The two dogs share many similarities but also have traits specific to the hybrid. It’s an interesting mix, to be sure. Both parents are fearless because of their respective roles. The Doberman Pinscher was a working dog in the city, whereas the Schnauzer called the country home.

The Dobie served as a protector, presumably against people avoiding the dreaded taxman. The Schnauzer was a hunter that protected the home front against rodents and other pests. They also served several other duties to make them more of the Swiss Army Knife of farm dogs. These various backgrounds provide many clues about the hybrid’s temperament.


Divider 1Dobie-Schnauzer Puppies


Both parent breeds have some naughty habits you must know about upfront. That’s a necessary part of researching any dog. The Doberman is sensitive, which may seem surprising. They’re eager to please and do not respond well to harsh reprimands. On the other hand, the Schnauzer has the independent streak you’d expect to find in Terriers.

Both parent breeds are playful and always ready for a game of fetch. You may find that surprising, given the roles of the two dogs. The Schnauzer is the more rustic of the two and performed several jobs in the past, which explains their independence.

The Schnauzer brings the most negatives to this mix and has a greater propensity for mouthiness and barking. Both are habits that you must control early. Schnauzers also have a strong prey drive. That instinct runs deep, which you must consider if you have other pets.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Dobie-Schnauzer

1. Some Special Dobermans Were World War II Heroes.

The Dobermans, later nicknamed the Devil Dogs, fought alongside US Marines in the Battle of Guam. Many soldiers owe their lives to these brave canines.

2. Louis Dobermann of Apolda Was Instrumental to the Breed’s Development.

The word around the campfire is that a taxman, Louis Dobermann, needed a formidable companion to accompany him on his rounds. Enter the Doberman Pinscher that provided the necessary protection.

3. The Schnauzer and Doberman Pinscher Are Related.

The two breeds share a common native land. However, they are also related because of their similar jobs and timelines.

Parent Breeds of the Dobie Schnauzer
Image Credit: (L) Jumpstory | (R) Olga Cranga, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Dobie-Schnauzer 🧠

Both parents of the Dobie-Schnauzer are intelligent. That makes mental stimulation as important as physical activity to keep the Dobie-Schnauzer healthy on both scores. These pups are naturally curious about their environment. That is what made them so successful in their respective jobs. It helps the Doberman recognize threats and the Schnauzer find prey.

It’s also a message to the owner to provide enough mental stimulation to prevent the formation of bad habits like digging, chewing, and barking. Anyone who decides to get an intelligent dog must understand this.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Both parent breeds love their families. They share their affection freely with those they adore, which fuels their loyalty and watchdog abilities. You can feel safe with a Dobie-Schnauzer in your home. Their instinct will protect your family with fearless courage. Although they’re protective, they’re affectionate with children.

However, they’re more suitable for homes with older children because their energetic nature can be too much for young kids.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Dobie-Schnauzer is only moderately tolerant of other dogs, which makes early socialization vital. It’s also crucial for getting them used to other people. We suggest starting it early to make them friendly to guests and strangers. The Dobie-Schnauzer will get along with other pets they grow up with, but they will likely raise the alarm if introduced to a new pet as an adult.

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Things to Know When Owning a Dobie-Schnauzer

Every dog has quirks. The Dobie-Schnauzer is no exception, and some can be more loving and loyal than others. A lot depends on the parent’s breed and training. That’s why we talk about your role in training so often. After all, you are the leader and must take on that role, especially when dealing with such an intelligent dog.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

When feeding your dog, remember to provide a formula appropriate for their life stage and breed size. An adult’s and puppy’s requirements for calories and nutrients vary, and when your Dobie-Schnauzer grows into an adult and senior, you’ll need to switch to another formula.

You should feed a puppy three to four times a day to keep them supplied with enough energy. When they reach adulthood, you can reduce it to two meals. That will stabilize their blood sugar levels and reduce their bloat risk. A high-quality diet is imperative to ensure good health. Think of it as an investment in keeping them fit.

Exercise 🐕

The Dobie-Schnauzer has a moderate tendency toward weight gain. That makes regular exercise imperative, whether you run him at the doggie park or take him on daily walks. The essential thing is that this pup stays active no matter how he gets it. The most important thing is that you get him outside to reinforce his social skills and practice those leash manners.

Training 🦮

Early training is vital, whether you have an easy-going breed or one more challenging like the Dobie-Schnauzer. However, the Dobie-Schnauzer is more suitable for experienced dog owners.

Although they’re smart, their stubborn nature requires a patient trainer that can keep them focused. Early obedience classes will help them develop into well-behaved pups, but continuous training is vital to keep them on track throughout their lives.

dobie schnauzer
Featured Image Credit: 1, 2.

Grooming ✂️

The ease of grooming will depend on the parent breed. The Doberman Pinscher is easy with regular sessions with a curry brush.  The Schnauzer requires more frequent brushing to keep his coat looking its best. Take the time to examine their skin for parasites and possible infections. That’s especially crucial during times when ticks are active in your area.

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Dobie-Schnauzer is relatively healthy when reputable breeders screen for health issues.  Most of the problems involve disorders that any large breed can experience.

Minor Conditions
Serious Conditions
  • Bloat
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Heart issues
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease

Divider 5Male vs Female

Both female and male Dobie-Schnauzers make wonderful pets. There aren’t many personality differences between the two. It depends on your preference and the cost of altering the size of your pup. It costs more to fix a female than a male, but the difference in cost isn’t enough to prevent most from adopting a female.

Divider 3In Conclusion

A Dobie-Schnauzer is a joy to own. They are sweet canines with a strong sense of loyalty, but they require thorough training. They are loving and protective, making them a good choice for families who want a reliable watchdog.  While some Dobie-Schnauzers can develop bad habits, an experienced owner can overcome them with training and patience.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: 1, 2.

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