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How Much Does a Dogue de Bordeaux Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Kathryn Copeland

By Kathryn Copeland

pregnant Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux (which translates to “Mastiff of Bordeaux”) is a handsome dog that hails from France and is the oldest of all of the French breeds. Some might find the size of this breed to be intimidating, but the Dogue de Bordeaux is an affectionate and loyal dog that will make a great protector for you and your family.

However, given the size of these dogs, you might be a little worried about how much it will cost to take care of one. The monthly cost will be between $150–$650. We walk you through how much you might pay for the first-time costs and break down what you can expect to pay every month.

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Dogue de Bordeaux Price: One-Time Costs

The one-time costs for any dog will include the price of the dog themselves as well as any items that you will need to have in place when you bring them home.

The price of the Dogue de Bordeaux will depend on whether you locate one through a breeder or if you manage to find one available for adoption. We went over the possible costs for both of these possibilities.

We also included a list of most of the supplies that you should invest in before your dog sets foot into their new home. This includes food bowls, grooming supplies, collars, and leashes, etc.

dogue de bordeaux
Image Credit: vlaaitje, Pixabay

Free Dogue de Bordeauxs

It’s quite unlikely you’ll find a Dogue de Bordeaux for free, unless you’re lucky enough to be related to or are close friends with a breeder or if you’re given one as a gift.

But otherwise, don’t expect to find a purebred puppy or dog that’s free without there being something potentially wrong with them. Breeders spend a great deal of money breeding and taking care of their dogs and puppies, so they just can’t afford to give away any free dogs.

Dogue de Bordeaux Adoption

  • $0–$1,000

The Dogue de Bordeaux might be hard to find through most rescue groups or animal shelters, but it’s a possibility if you keep your eyes open. Just remember that adopting a rescue dog usually means you’ll be bringing an adult dog home rather than a puppy, particularly if you’re only interested in adopting a specific purebred dog.

You can also look at breed-specific rescues, like the Dogue de Bordeaux Rescue, which is nationwide across the United States.

Dogue de Bordeaux Breeders

  • $1,000–$3,500

The price of purebred dogs does seem excessive, but a good and reputable breeder does not profit much from the sale of their puppies. They spend an excessive amount of money on their dogs and puppies to ensure that they are in the best health and are well-adjusted and socialized by the time they are ready to go home with their new owners.

If there aren’t any Dogue de Bordeaux close to your location, you might have to pay additional shipping costs if the breeder is open to shipping your new puppy to your house.

Dogue de Bordeaux
Image Credit: Waza_67, Pixabay

Dogue de Bordeaux Cost: Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $150–$1,000+

You probably won’t have to worry about some of these costs, as any dogs or puppies adopted from a rescue group or coming from a breeder should already have been spayed or neutered and have had their health checked by a vet.

However, you will need to look at microchipping and purchasing food bowls, a collar, and other items necessary for your new pup.

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List of Dogue de Bordeaux Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $15–$30+
Spay/Neuter $150–$800
X-ray Cost $100–$250
Ultrasound Cost $300–$600
Microchip $45–$55
Teeth Cleaning $250–$750
Bed $30–$150+
Nail Clippers $15–$30+
Brush $10–$30+
Dog Shampoo $10–$20
Crate (optional) $100–$300+
Leash $6–$20+
Toys $11–100+
Food and Water Bowls $15–45+

How Much Does a Dogue de Bordeaux Cost Per Month?

  • $150–$650 per month

Your monthly costs will be higher for the Dogue de Bordeaux, given their size, than if you had a small dog. These monthly expenses will also depend on how healthy your dog is and the purchases that you decide to make, such as the type of food and toys.

There are also other costs that we’ve included that are optional, such as pet insurance and grooming.

Dogue de Bordeaux outdoors
Image Credit: Jan Steiner, Pixabay

Dogue de Bordeaux Health Care Costs

  • $0–$500+ per month

All purebreds are susceptible to health problems, so it’s a good idea to be aware of the potential health conditions of your particular breed. The Dogue de Bordeaux is susceptible to heart diseaseepilepsygastric torsionelbow dysplasia, and hip dysplasia.

Your breeder will let you know if your new puppy has any of these conditions, and your vet will check for them. Your health care costs might just end up being annual veterinarian checkups.

Dogue de Bordeaux Food Costs

  • $70–$150+ per month

Of course, with such a large dog, you should expect to pay more for food. You’ll want your Dogue de Bordeaux to have a nutritiously balanced diet, so you shouldn’t skimp on their food.

You’ll also need to consider investing in good dog bowls that come with an elevated stand. Feeding large dogs can potentially lead to issues with gastric torsion, so giving your dog smaller portions more frequently and bringing their food up higher should help prevent this.

Dogue de Bordeaux Grooming Costs

  • $0–$200 per month

Here is where you can save a bit of money. Grooming your Dogue de Bordeaux should be relatively easy because they have short, smooth coats. You can use a bristle brush and just brush them once a week, as well as give them a bath no more than once a month to help reduce any shedding. Regularly brush their teeth, clean their ears, and trim their nails too.

If you decide to take your dog to a groomer, you will need to pay extra, given the size of your dog.

Dogue de Bordeaux Medications and Vet Visits

  • $0–$300 per month

Vet visits don’t typically occur every month unless your dog has a health condition that needs to be monitored or for emergencies. Annual vet visits might run about $150 or more for a physical exam, in addition to vaccines and other tests.

You can expect additional yearly costs for treatments against heartworms, ticks, and fleas, which could average another $100 to $150.

Lastly are your dog’s teeth. If you don’t brush their teeth every week, it could lead to other medical complications. Annual teeth cleaning by a vet can run about $300 and up to $1,000, depending on your pup’s teeth.

Dogue De Bordeaux
Image Credit: Waza_67, Pixabay

Pet Insurance Costs

  • $50–$100+ per month

How much you pay for pet insurance will depend on your location and the age and health of your Dogue de Bordeaux. It is optional but pays for itself if your dog ends up with medical issues or in any emergency situations.

Environment Maintenance Costs

  • $5–$10 per month

Environment maintenance with dogs is primarily about keeping yourself well-stocked in poop bags and a good pooper scooper for your backyard and walks, particularly with a large dog!

Poop Bags $5–$10/month
Pooper Scooper $11–$30+

Dogue de Bordeaux Entertainment Costs

  • $15–$50+ per month

Large dogs are more likely to tear through many of the toys that you buy for them, so this monthly expense could add up, depending on your pup. High-quality and solid toys are vital because you don’t want your dog to choke on anything.

The most important thing is to spend plenty of time playing with your dog, which doesn’t need to cost that much. Take them for walks and hikes and throw a ball around.

There are also subscription boxes full of dog toys that you can look into. They can range from $25 to $50 a month.

two Dogue de Bordeaux dogs with tongue out
Image Credit: Jan Steiner, Pixabay

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Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux

  • $150–$650 per month

The monthly cost of your Dogue de Bordeaux depends on a few of your choices. Do you groom your own dog or take them to the groomers every month? Are you going to regularly clean their teeth or have the vet take care of those every year? Your monthly expenses for this large dog are guaranteed to be higher than if you had a small or toy dog, so you will be paying more for food, among other things.

The monthly expenses that we have calculated, however, don’t include emergency situations. When you’re budgeting for a new dog, you need to be sure that you have enough in your budget for unexpected expenses.

Additional Costs to Factor In

Other costs to consider include the damage that dogs sometimes do. Whether it’s chewing on your new shoes or knocking over that expensive lamp, you’ll need to be prepared for these kinds of costs too.

What if you need to go on vacation but can’t bring your dog? You might need to pay for boarding or a pet sitter. Plus, if you work outside of your home frequently, you might want to hire a dog walker or perhaps drop off your pup at a doggy daycare.

Then there’s training, which is particularly important with the Dogue de Bordeaux. Unless you’re experienced at dog training, you’ll need to take your puppy to obedience classes, which could cost $200 to $600 every week. These classes typically run for 6 to 8 weeks.

Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux On a Budget

If you do most of the work yourself, you can save a great deal of money. But the outlying costs of owning a purebred dog will still be quite high, and regardless of how much your budget is, you’ll still need to be prepared for emergencies.

This is where getting your dog from a good breeder can help, as you’re practically guaranteed a healthy dog from the start. As long as you take good care of your dog and don’t compromise on their health, owning a Dogue de Bordeaux on a budget should work out.

Dogue de Bordeaux face close up
Image Credit: Jan Steiner, Pixabay

Saving Money on Dogue de Bordeaux Care

Grooming the Dogue de Bordeaux is quite easy, and that is one way that you can save money. As long as you always clean their ears and teeth and trim their nails, it will save money and keep your dog from developing health problems later.

You need to ensure that your dog is eating high-quality food, so look for deals online or speak to your local pet store about buying in bulk, as this can help reduce the price in the long run.

You can also ask your friends and/or relatives for help taking care of your Dogue de Bordeaux during the day while you’re at work.

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Conclusion: Dogue de Bordeaux Price

Your Dogue de Bordeaux might be expensive initially, but if you take good care of your dog, your monthly costs won’t be too high. You’re looking at spending about $150 to $650 every month, depending on your choices, but that price could go much higher if unexpected situations occur.

Regardless of the costs of owning a dog, aren’t they worth it? The companionship and love that a Dogue de Bordeaux will bring to you are worth every cent that you spend on them.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Jan-Dix, Shutterstock

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