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Eurasier Dog: Breed Info, Pictures Care Guide & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Eurasier Dog

Height: 19-24 inches
Weight: 40-70 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Colors: Any color except white or liver, but usually red, black, wolf gray, or black and tan
Suitable for: Active families, dog-experienced owners, those able to give considerable attention and training to a dog
Temperament: Alert, Self-confident, Loyal, Calm, Devoted, Even-tempered, Dignified, Affectionate with family but reserved with strangers

Do you prefer a dog that is more selective, and less eager to please every person that crosses its path? Does the idea of a dog who needs time, attention, and training to win its devotion appeal to you? Are you seeking a more dignified canine that forms a strong link with its family?

If so, take a closer look at the Eurasier. These highly family-oriented pups may take their time getting to know you, but once they do you will have one of the most devoted and loving companions in the dog world.

The Eurasier, or Eurasian, is a modern hybrid breed that was created in the 1960s in Germany by Julius Wipfel. With the help of a small group of dog enthusiasts, Julius mixed the Chow Chow, Wolfspitz, and Samoyed to bring out the best qualities of each. The breed was officially registered in 1973.

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Eurasier Puppies

eurasier puppy
Image Credit: Karen Appleby, Shutterstock

The Eurasier is a majestic dog. It has a medium build, fluffy fur, a sweetly curled tail, smiling eyes, and some even have the striking blue or black tongue of the Chow Chow. They are composed, alert, and mellow companions and can be both a protective watchdog and a gentle family dog.

All prospective Eurasier owners should be prepared to care for this attentive canine, in good times and bad, for well over a decade. These dogs usually live to be at least 12, so welcoming one into your family should not be done on a whim.

It may be advisable to go to a breeder for a Eurasier dog, as they are easy to mistake for a Chow Chow and Wolfspitz mix. A true Eurasier dog has both of those breeds in its lineage but must also have Samoyed mixed in as well.

It is a somewhat rare breed, and less likely to be found or properly identified in shelters. Some disreputable breeders even try to pass off Keeshound and Chow Chow mixes as Eurasier dogs, so do your homework when searching for this breed!

Temperament & Intelligence of the Eurasier 🧠

The confident, composed Eurasier loves nothing better than spending time with their family. They want to be involved in everything and will relish the chance to participate in activities with you.

Though affectionate with those close to them, they are not the type to enjoy meeting new people. This breed is reserved and watchful around strangers, and it may take some time before they warm up to someone.

Watchful and reserved, these dogs are rarely aggressive which makes them exceptional watchdogs and family dogs.

They are also very social dogs and do best in a family where someone is always home during the day. Single, 9-5 working owners will not serve the Eurasian well because loneliness can quickly lead to boredom, depression, and poor behavior.

A bright dog, if you must leave them alone for an extended period, try giving them toys that require a little thinking. Treat dispensing toys and puzzle toys are great for keeping your pup engaged while you are away!

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Eurasier is incredibly devoted to its family. They are naturally gentle and calm with children they know, and early socialization and some training will facilitate good relationships.

Don’t forget to socialize your kids with your dogs too! The Eurasier is a very tolerant and patient dog with their family and teaching your children how to respect their canine friends will make it that much easier for a deep bond to form.

These dogs are so social, in fact, that we recommend them specifically to families as opposed to individuals. They love being included in activities and can easily become depressed and pine for companionship if left alone during the day.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Eurasier breed is obliging and courteous with other animals but does not always make friends easily. They are protective, people-centric dogs and should have lots of socialization at an early age, in addition to some training to make sure they can get along with other pets.

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Things to Know When Owning a Eurasier

Getting a dog is a big responsibility. To better gauge whether you are prepared to care for a Eurasier dog, here is a more in-depth look at their necessary day-to-day care.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

To fuel your Eurasier’s active life and help it grow strong and healthy, you should feed your dog high-quality kibble. Like humans, dogs are omnivores that require a diverse diet of whole foods to get their nutrients. A well-balanced kibble is a convenient way to provide all the necessary nutrients.

Dog food brands chock full of corn, wheat, and byproduct ingredients should be avoided at all costs. Stick to dog foods with an array of whole foods on the ingredient list: veggies, lean proteins, fruits, and grains like brown rice.

This breed can be a bit of a picky eater, so finding the right brand may take some trial and error. They actually enjoy a wide variety of foods, and you can spruce up their usual meals with things like sweet potatoes, carrots, fish, and all kinds of other fruits and veggies to keep them from getting bored. Be sure to touch base with your vet about this first, though.

Exercise 🐕

Moderate levels of energy mean that this breed can happily live in the city, suburbs, or countryside. And though the Eurasier can adapt to smaller living situations and apartments, access to a fenced-in yard is preferred.

One long walk a day is a good minimum of outdoor exercise, but your pup will benefit from multiple exercise opportunities per day.

One of the reasons we recommend this breed to active dog owners is that these pups are most excited to get their exercise when it is with you! Take your Eurasier on plenty of bike rides, runs, long walks, hikes, and play outdoor games. They love to be included and engaged with their family.

Eurasier Adult and Young
Image by: Pixabay

Training 🦮

To help your Eurasier fully develop their strong family bonds, and learn how to interact with strangers, they will need lots of contact with the family combined with consistent training. Every family member should participate in some amount of training with this breed to foster healthy mutual respect.

As a sensitive dog, your Eurasier will benefit most from gentle words and positive reinforcement. They are also quite smart, so avoid overly repetitive training or they may lose focus due to boredom.

And, since they enjoy working closely with their family, this bright dog can also excel at many dog sports like agility training and obedience or rally competitions.

Grooming ✂️

Though the gorgeous, fluffy coat of the Eurasier does not shed much, you will need to groom your dog multiple times a week to keep it mat free. Their fur easily picks up sticks, burrs, and ticks so a good brushing is essential.

Brushing is preferred to baths (except in cases of extreme dirt) because their fur is incredibly thick and takes forever to dry. So, if you do have to give them a bath, have a hairdryer at the ready.

It is inadvisable to shave your Eurasier, as this can permanently damage their coat. Instead, trim any overly long hair around the eyes, feet, and tail once every few months. If your dog appears to overheat easily you should not take them outside to exercise during the hottest parts of the day.

Inspect your dog’s nails every week or two, and trim when necessary to prevent painful cracking. You’ll usually be able to tell that their nails need to be cut by the tell-tale “clickity-clack” over hardwood floors!

Your dog’s ears and teeth also need regular cleaning. Gently wipe their ears of any excess wax and dirt every couple of weeks. And brush those teeth at least once a week to promote strong teeth and healthy gums.

Eurasier Dog Breed
Image by: Pxfuel

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Eurasier dog is a hardy and healthy breed overall. However, there are still a few health concerns to be aware of when caring for your fluffy friend.

Minor Conditions
  • Eye disease
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Luxating patellas
Serious Conditions
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis

Male vs Female

While you cannot predict most of a dog’s personality based on sex, there are several distinctions between male and female Eurasier dogs.

Male Eurasiers are larger, and much more likely to exhibit sexually aggressive behavior like mounting or humping and territory marking. Females are smaller and tend to be more aloof and cautious.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Eurasier

1. They Are a Favorite Breed of a Nobel Laureate

Konrad Lorenz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine and noted zoologist, got a Eurasier in the 1970s and they quickly became his favorite breed. He thought his Eurasier, Babett, had the best character of any dog he had ever known.

2. The Eurasier Is Bred Specifically as a Family Dog

The creator of the breed, Julius Wipfel, was specifically trying to improve upon one of his old, Spitz-type dogs. He wanted a dog with the independence, intelligence, and adaptability of its wolf ancestors that would also be a wonderful family pet.

The puppies of the first litter were called “Wolf-Chow” puppies, named from a Chow Chow and a Wolfspitz. Soon, the Samoyed was introduced to lend its friendly nature to the breed, and it was dubbed the “Eurasier” or “Eurasian.” The name reflects the European and Asian heritage of the dog.

3. The Eurasier Has Only Recently Been Allowed to Compete in American Shows

Though the breed was acknowledged shortly after their creation by the Federation Cynologique International and the German Kennel Club in 1974, the American Kennel Club did not allow the Eurasier to compete in its events until 2010.

eurasier puppy
Image by: we.are.headed.north, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

So, is the Eurasier right for you?

If you do not find the idea of a constant companion attractive, then perhaps not.

But, for those willing to give an Eurasier pup the time, attention, and training they need, maybe so! The Eurasier is perfect for someone seeking a loyal family dog that loves being included.

Featured Image by: Karen Appleby, Shutterstock

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