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Foldex Cat (Exotic Fold): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Jessica Kim

By Jessica Kim

Foldex Cat (Exotic Fold)

Height 8–12 inches
Weight 5–14 pounds
Lifespan 12–15 years
Colors Black, gray, white, tabby, calico
Suitable for Families with young children, multi-pet homes, apartment dwellers, first-time cat owners
Temperament Friendly, curious, intelligent, cuddler

The Foldex cat may be most known for its uniquely shaped ears, but this cat breed has so much more to offer than its adorable appearance. It’s a cross between the Scottish Fold and Exotic Longhairs and Exotic Shorthairs and recently became acknowledged as a Championship breed by the Canadian Cat Association in 2010.

Foldexes make wonderful companions. They’re very sociable and love receiving pets, but they don’t tend to be needy. These cats typically enjoy their alone time roaming around cat trees and playing with toys. At the same time, they love receiving some attention and cuddling with their owners.

Overall, Foldexes are great for first-time cat owners because they’re generally healthy and have easygoing temperaments. If you’re interested in bringing home a Foldex, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this wonderful cat breed.

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Foldex Kittens


Since this breed is still relatively new, it’s difficult to find breeders in the US, and most breeders are in Canada.

Foldex cats with folded ears are also rare because not all kittens in a litter develop folded ears. Therefore, it can be challenging to find this rare mix of features.

Some pet adoption centers and rescues may have Foldexes and other folded-ear cats. So, it’s always worth checking out your local animal shelter to see if you can find one of these special cats.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Foldex Cat

1. The Foldex was bred to look like a teddy bear.

Along with the folded ears, Foldexes were bred to have round faces and short legs. Because the ears fold over, they look rounded, so the overall appearance of this breed mimics a teddy bear.

2. There are four accepted breed combinations to produce Foldexes.

As we’ve mentioned before, Foldexes are crossbred with Scottish Folds, Exotic Shorthairs, and Exotic Longhairs. Currently, only cats bred with the following combinations are officially recognized as Foldexes:

  • Foldex and Foldex
  • Foldex and Exotic Shorthair/Longhair
  • Scottish Fold and Exotic Shorthair/Longhair
  • Foldex and Scottish Fold

3. Not all Foldex kittens will have folded ears.

The folded ears appear due to a genetic mutation. All Foldex kittens are also born with straight ears. Only the kittens that possess the genetic mutation will develop folded ears within 4 to 6 weeks after birth.

foldex cat
Image Credit: Tossatis chongjiragal, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Foldex Cat

Foldexes have affectionate and non-temperamental personalities, so they can live in different kinds of homes with owners of various lifestyles. Although they’re not picky, it’s still important to know their preferences to keep them happy and healthy.

Are These Cats Good for Families?👪

Foldexes generally do very well living with large families or families with young children. They’re not known to be shy towards strangers, so they don’t feel too much stress living in homes that have heavy foot traffic.

Early socialization is beneficial for all cats, including the Foldex. So, it’s best to introduce your Foldex to young children when it’s a kitten. Make sure to supervise all early interactions with Foldexes and children and teach children how to properly handle and touch kittens. Since Foldexes are small to medium-sized cats, they can easily get hurt from improper handling.

Cats This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

Foldexes have a higher chance of success living with other pets, including dogs and cats. They aren’t too territorial compared to other cats. However, early socialization is key to teaching a Foldex to live with other animals. Make sure to gradually introduce cats to new animals. Incremental introductions can help avoid any potential scuffles and negative associations.

This cat breed also doesn’t tend to have a strong prey drive because they weren’t bred to hunt mice and other pests. Therefore, a Foldex probably won’t try to hunt any small pets and fish. However, they’re rather inquisitive, so their curiosity might get the better of them as they try to investigate smaller pets. Therefore, it’s best to supervise a Foldex whenever it’s around a small pet until it gets bored or disinterested and moves on to observing something new.

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Things to Know When Owning a Foldex Cat

Foldexes have relatively easy care needs compared to other cats. These low-maintenance cats don’t really require too much extra attention. However, they’re rather intelligent and will benefit from being introduced to many mentally stimulating games and toys.

Food & Diet Requirements 🐡

As a general rule of thumb, Foldexes will benefit from a high-protein diet since cats are obligate carnivores. Kittens may need diets containing at least 30% protein for growth and development, while adults need a diet containing a minimum of 25% protein for daily maintenance.

Since Foldexes are rather easygoing and have short legs, they’re prone to becoming overweight and obese. So, it’s important to keep snacks at a minimum and to avoid feeding them foods rich in carbohydrates.

Foldexes also have flat faces, so they will benefit from elevated cat bowls so that they have an easier time eating. If your Foldex doesn’t seem to drink a lot of water from a stationary water bowl, it might prefer to drink from a raised cat fountain.


Foldexes tend to have an active streak a couple of times throughout the day, and then they prefer to nap or cuddle with their humans. Since they’re rather intelligent cats, they may enjoy treat-dispensing toys and puzzles that engage their minds. If you’re using treats, make sure to use low-carb treats because Foldexes can easily grow overweight.

Since Foldexes are rather curious and confident, they might even enjoy spending some time outdoors. If you have a backyard, you can install some safeguards to ensure that your cat can’t escape, or you can set up an outdoor enclosure for the Foldex to enjoy.

Training 🧶

Foldexes are smart cats that can end up training their owners. However, you can also train some Foldexes to learn some tricks because these cats like to explore and learn. Mixed with their easygoing temperaments, these cats may also have an easier time learning to wear a harness compared to other cats.


Grooming will depend on the length of the Foldex’s coat. If a Foldex has an Exotic Longhair parent, its long coat will require more brushing than its Exotic Shorthair counterpart. In general, Foldexes tend to shed a lot, so they’ll benefit from getting brushed at least once a week with a slicker brush.

Foldexes with long hair will require multiple brushings throughout the week because their fur will get tangled and matted. Along with using a slicker brush, they may benefit from a deshedding tool and comb.

Since Foldexes have folded ears, it’s also important to regularly check their ears for any dirt buildup or infections. These cats may benefit more significantly from routine ear cleaning with an ear cleanser.

Health and Conditions🏥

A properly bred Foldex is generally healthy with low risks of developing hereditary health conditions. However, they may also inherit some diseases from their Scottish Fold and Exotic Shorthair and Longhair parents.

Minor Conditions
  • Obesity
  • Eye issues
Serious Conditions

Male vs Female

There aren’t any notable differences between male and female Foldexes. Some males may be slightly larger than females.

More than the sex of the cat, neutering and spaying can make more of an impact on a cat’s behavior and temperament. Cats that are neutered or spayed tend to be more relaxed, less vocal, and display less urine marking. However, they’re more prone to becoming overweight and obese because their activity level decreases.

Intact cats are often more territorial and vocal, especially female cats that are ready to mate. They also tend to be more active because they have the energy to expend in searching for a mate.

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Foldexes are laidback and gentle cat breeds that can form strong bonds with their favorite humans. However, they can be rather independent, so they won’t mind being alone as long as they receive proper attention when people are home.

This cat breed is still rather rare, but with ethical breeding practices, we’re hopeful that we’ll see more Foldexes around in the future. For now, Foldex owners and people who personally know a Foldex are extremely lucky to have this sweet and fun-loving cat in their lives.

Featured Image Credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock

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