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How Big Do Goldendoodles Get? Average Size & Growth Charts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

a miniature goldendoodle dog sitting near park fountain

The Goldendoodle is a hybrid dog that is a cross between the Golden Retriever and Poodle. Because there are different sizes of Poodle, this also means there are different sizes of Goldendoodle with the average adult measuring anywhere from 16 to 25 inches.

As well as the common size of the Goldendoodle, the biggest factor that influences size is the age of the dog, while weight is heavily determined by the diet and condition of the dog. It can also depend on whether a Goldendoodle is an F1, which is 50/50 Poodle and Golden Retriever, or an F1B, which is 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. However, it can be beneficial to get a rough idea of typical size so you can ensure that your dog is growing to an appropriate size and even to help determine whether this is the right choice of breed for your home and family.

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Goldendoodle Breed Overview

Goldendoodles have likely been around since the 1960s and may have come about as a result of an accidental breeding between the two parent breeds. However, their recent popularity started in the 1990s and was led by Australian breeder Wally Conron. Conron wanted to create a guide dog that was suitable for an owner that was allergic to dogs. He combined the Golden Retriever for its obedience and intelligence, with a Poodle, which is known for having a hypoallergenic coat.

The breed is a popular pet breed because it is intelligent and obedient, its coat is easy to manage and doesn’t require too much maintenance and care, and it is good with kids as well as with adults, strangers, and with other animals.

The Goldendoodle does require a decent amount of exercise daily, however, and if it doesn’t receive good training, it may develop its own traits and habits.

It is also worth noting that because the Goldendoodle is a hybrid or crossbreed, it is not purebred which, in turn, means that it is not formally recognized by kennel clubs and cannot be registered.

Image Credit: Josh Fields, Pexels

Goldendoodle Size and Growth Chart

Goldendoodles do come in three standard sizes, which means that the size of your Doodle will depend on which standard it meets.

Miniature Goldendoodle Age Height Weight
2 months 4–5 inches 5–8 pounds
3 months 5–6 inches 6–9 pounds
4 months 6–8 inches 8–15 pounds
6 months 8–10 inches 10–22 pounds
9 months 9–12 inches 15–28 pounds
12 months 13–15 inches 15–30 pounds

Medium Goldendoodle Age Height Weight
2 months 5–8 inches 9–14 pounds
3 months 7–10 inches 12–18 pounds
4 months 9–12 inches 15–25 pounds
6 months 12–15 inches 20–34 pounds
9 months 16–18 inches 25–40 pounds
12 months 15–20 inches 30–45 pounds

Standard Goldendoodle Age Height Weight
2 months 6–9 inches 13–27 pounds
3 months 8–11 inches 18–37 pounds
4 months 10–14 inches 24–48 pounds
6 months 14–17 inches 30–65 pounds
9 months 18–22 inches 40–80 pounds
12 months 20–24 inches 45–90 pounds

When Does a Goldendoodle Stop Growing?

Generally, a Goldendoodle will stop growing when it reaches full maturity, which occurs at around 12 months of age. Larger Doodles may take a little longer to stop growing but should still reach full size by the age of 15 months. Smaller dogs may reach full size by the age of 9 or 10 months.

Factors Affecting the Size of Goldendoodles

  • Standard – While Golden Retrievers do tend to be of a similar size to one another, Poodles come in various sizes. This means that the size of a Goldendoodle will depend on which Poodle standard it was bred from. This is the single factor that will affect size the most.
  • Gender – Males typically grow a little taller and heavier than females, although this isn’t always the case and some females may end up slightly larger than some males, according to the other factors in this list.
  • Diet – Poor diet can cause dogs to grow more slowly and may prevent them from reaching their full potential size. Diet is also important because it determines the overall health of the dog, and this too can affect its size.
  • Neutering – Neutering can lead to orthopedic problems if the dog has not reached puberty by the time it is neutered. This means that dogs that are neutered too early may grow less than those that are unneutered or are neutered at a later stage. However, neutering does prevent certain diseases and is generally shown to increase the life expectancy of dogs.
  • General Health – Some illnesses can stunt growth either temporarily or permanently. Ensuring a puppy has regular health checkups, and is seen by a vet when it does get ill, can help ensure that it will reach its full potential size.
  • Genetics – There is very little that can be done about genetics but some dogs will naturally grow larger or smaller simply because of their DNA.

a mini goldendoodle puppy in a basket
Image Credit: SoySendra, Shutterstock

Ideal Diet for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Generally, as long as you stick to a good diet and feed at appropriate levels according to the size of the dog, the type of food, whether wet or dry, shouldn’t affect a dog’s ultimate size. Whatever type of food you feed, you will need to weigh your dog and feed it according to its size and the guidelines on the food packet. Avoid food that contains too many calories or carbs and, when feeding a dry kibble, aim for a protein ratio of around 25% for an active breed like a Goldendoodle.

While diet won’t affect the height of a dog, it certainly affects its weight. Obesity and excess weight can be as dangerous for dogs as for humans, and an overweight dog is more susceptible to certain illnesses like diabetes as well as heart problems and respiratory problems.

How to Measure Your Goldendoodle

You can have your Goldendoodle measured and weighed when you visit the vet. Most vets will weigh the dog regularly to determine its progress and to help ensure that it is healthy. Some groomers may also be able to measure and weigh your dog for you. You can also measure easily at home.

To measure the height of a dog, use a measure and measure from the floor to the withers. The withers is the point at the top of the shoulder blade, and this determines height, not the top of the head.

If you can convince your Goldendoodle to sit still, you may be able to weigh it on your scales at home. Alternatively, weigh yourself and then weigh yourself holding your dog. The difference between these two measurements is equal to the weight of your dog.

goldendoodle walking
Image Credit: Jennifer McCallum, Shutterstock

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The Goldendoodle is a hybrid dog breed that is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Because Poodles come in various sizes, so too does the Goldendoodle crossbreed. Above, you can find typical measurements for different sizes of Goldendoodle.

If your dog is seriously above or below these measurements, you should speak to a vet if you are worried, but it is a lot more difficult to determine an ideal size than it is for a purebred dog.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Kathy images, Shutterstock

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