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How Long Can Havanese Hold Their Bladder? Keep Your Dog Healthy!

Kathryn Copeland

By Kathryn Copeland

havanese dog standing in the grass

Many things go into taking care of a dog: We have to feed them, walk them, brush them, play with them, and love them. But a crucial aspect of owning a dog is training them, with housetraining typically being an essential lesson. The smaller the dog, the more frequently they will need to relieve themselves.

So, how long can the Havanese wait before a pee break? Depending on the dog and their age, an adult Havanese will need to go outside three to five times a day, but puppies and senior dogs will need to go more frequently. Typically, adult Havanese can hold their bladder 6 hours during the day and about 8 to 10 hours overnight.

In this article, we go into more detail on how long Havanese can hold their bladder and provide a few tips if your dog has trouble holding in their pee.

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How Long Can an Adult Havanese Hold Their Bladder?

Bear in mind that not every dog can hold their bladder for the same amount of time, so the numbers provided here are averages. The dog’s health, age, and temperament and the owner’s lifestyle and habits all impact how often the dog will need to relieve themselves.

Small dogs have small bladders, so they tend to relieve themselves more frequently than large breeds. The Havanese is in the Toy Group category, according to the American Kennel Club, and they aren’t known for their bladder-holding abilities.

It’s generally said that puppies become fully housetrained by about 4 to 6 months and fully trained with minimal or no accidents by 12 months.1 Adult Havanese can typically hold their bladder for about 6 hours during the day and about 8 to 10 hours overnight.

That said, don’t make your dog wait for long periods of time. An adult dog should be taken outside about three to five times a day. The moment you wake up in the morning, take them outside immediately.

How Long Can a Havanese Puppy Hold Their Bladder?

a sable havanese puppy in the park
Image Credit: Dorottya Mathe, Shutterstock

While small dogs have small bladders, tiny puppies have even tinier bladders. The general rule is that how old the puppy is in months is how long they can hold their pee. For example, if your puppy is 1 month old, they can only go 1 hour before they need to urinate.

There is another formula that some people go by wherein you add an extra hour to a puppy’s age, so if your puppy is 1 month old, they can hold it for 2 hours. But this rule might not apply to Havanese puppies due to their small size.


Regardless of how long your Havanese puppy can hold their bladder, you should build a routine in which you automatically take them out every 1 or 2 hours, depending on how old they are.

Also, make a point of taking them outside after they have finished eating and drinking water. This will help establish a routine and lessen the chance of your puppy peeing on the floor.

What Might Affect a Havanese’s Ability to Hold Their Bladder?

A small dog that drinks a large amount of water will definitely need more bathroom breaks and be more likely to have accidents inside.

Other factors that might play part in Havanese's ability to hold their bladder:

It’s essential to keep your Havanese well-hydrated, even if it means taking them outside more frequently for bathroom breaks. Urine that is dark in color is one sign of a dehydrated dog.

Speak to your vet if you feel that your dog is urinating too frequently or is having more accidents than usual in the house.

havanese dog check by vet
Image Credit: BearFotos, Shutterstock

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The 3 Things You Can Do If Your Dog Can’t Hold Their Bladder Long Enough

If you’re in a situation where you can’t give your Havanese enough bathroom breaks, there are a few steps that you can take.

1. Hire a Dog Walker

Having someone take your dog for a walk at lunch or halfway through your shift can make a big difference. This way, your dog gets exercise and the opportunity to have a pee break.

Look for a reputable dog walker, or ask a trusted friend or family member. This option can give you peace of mind and a much-needed break for your dog.

2. Put Them in Doggy Daycare

Another option could be taking your Havanese to a doggy daycare. This is a great option if your dog has issues with separation anxiety. A doggy daycare is more expensive than a dog walker, but it gives your dog company during a long day normally spent alone.

a staff member with several dogs at a doggy daycare kennel
Image Credit: Jayme Burrows, Shutterstock

3. Lay Down Pee Pads

This should be a last resort, as you don’t want your dog to develop a habit of urinating indoors. But if it’s your only option, always put the pads in the same place, such as a bathroom or laundry room.

This way, they will have permission to urinate when they can’t hold it any longer, and it won’t ruin your floors or carpets.Divider 3

Why It’s Important That You Don’t Make Your Dog Wait

If your dog is consistently holding their bladder for too long and too often, a few issues can occur.

Urinary Tract Infections

Dogs that don’t urinate when they should often develop UTIs, which can lead to urinary stones if left untreated.

A common sign of a UTI is your dog straining to urinate but only releasing tiny amounts. Other signs also include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Inappropriate urination (leaking urine or urinating in the house)
  • Blood in the urine
  • Increased thirst
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Fever

UTIs must be treated as soon as you notice a problem, or more serious complications, such as a kidney infection, can arise.

havanese dog lying on the grass
Image By: Dennis Bautista, Pexels


The bladder can become stretched and distended from holding too much urine too many times over the years. This damages the muscle and surrounding tissues, which can then lead to leaks. This kind of damage is usually irreversible.


This isn’t a common issue, but if there are carcinogens in the dog’s urine, they will spend a long time in the bladder, interreacting with the tissues and cells there. Recurring UTIs can be a sign, so bring your dog to the vet if they are having urinary issues.

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Final Thoughts

The Havanese is a small dog, so they can only hold their bladder for about 6 hours every day and 8 to 10 hours overnight. But remember that each dog is individual, and some can hold it a bit longer and others not as long.

When you can’t do so yourself, have someone take them out for a walk halfway through the day. When you get up in the morning, take them outside immediately.

Dogs that hold onto their urine for too long and too often can end up with serious health issues. You want what’s best for your dog, and that means not making them wait to pee.

Featured Image Credit: Dorottya Mathe, Shutterstock

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