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International Blind Dog Day 2024: When It Is & How It Is Celebrated

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

blind pug dog

Just like humans, some dogs suffer from disabilities, including blindness and deafness. Some people fail to realize that blind dogs are generally healthy and capable of functioning as optimally as other dogs with the right training from an expert. International Blind Dog Day is an attempt to spread awareness about these unique animals.

International Blind Dog Day is on August 23 every year.1 In this article, we’ll talk about the history of this day and how to celebrate it.

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History of International Blind Dog Day

Blind dogs have existed for as long as regular dogs; however, the care of blind dogs has only recently become a priority, and International Blind Dog Day is meant to raise awareness on the issue. The first International Blind Dog Day was celebrated on Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 9 years after the first cornea implant on a dog was performed.

blind Shiba inu dog
Image Credit: David_Will, Pixabay

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Top 3 Ways to Celebrate International Blind Dog Day

You can do several activities on this day to create awareness and make the lives of blind dogs easier.

1. Adopt a Blind Dog

Adopting a blind dog might be a bit tricky, especially if you have never had a dog before, let alone a blind one, and it should not be done on a whim. However, if you are ready to commit, you can get a dog expert to help you navigate living and caring for a blind dog. Go to your local shelter and find out if any blind dogs need a new home.

2. Support Organizations That Rescue and Treat Blind Dogs

Some organizations, such as the Blind Dog Rescue Alliance, rescue blind dogs from unloving homes and the streets and care for them. You can celebrate International Blind Dog Day by making a donation which enables them to take in more blind dogs.

3. Spread Awareness on Social Media

Most people are unaware of the reality of blind dogs and how to live with them. The easiest way to spread awareness is by joining the conversation online. If you have a blind dog, post pictures of them under the hashtag #InternatonalBlindDogDay.

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The 7 Possible Causes of Blindness in Dogs?

There are several causes of blindness in dogs, including diabetes, glaucoma, old age, and cataracts. Some of these diseases and conditions can be discovered early by taking your dog to the vet regularly, which could save your dog from becoming blind. Some of the most common causes are:

1. Diabetes

Diabetes in dogs has become more common and is one of the leading causes of blindness in dogs. It can lead to cataracts within 6 months of the disease, leading to partial or total blindness. Older and obese dogs are more at risk of developing diabetes and blindness.

close up blind papillon dog
Image Credit: ivabalk, Pixabay

2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Progressive Retinol Atrophy is a genetic condition that causes the retina to deteriorate and can lead to blindness when it goes unchecked. It can develop early and appear in puppies or later in life. Although it can be slowed down with the right treatment, it has no cure. Some dog breeds are also more prone to Progressive Retinal Atrophy, including Rottweilers, Golden retrievers, Terriers, and Labradors.

3. Trauma

Extreme trauma to the head can lead to partial or complete blindness in dogs. It can occur when a dog is hit by a car or scratched in the face, which damages the brain nerves that impact the dog’s vision or eyes.

4. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a buildup of fluids in the eyes that causes the retina to become damaged and is quite painful. Some symptoms of advanced glaucoma include yellow/green discharge from the eyes, bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, and a blue tint in the eyes. Glaucoma can be treated with medication if caught early enough. However, if it goes untreated, it can lead to partial or complete blindness.

black dog with glaucoma
Image Credit: Nitiphonphat, Shutterstock

5. Suddenly Acquired Retinal Degeneration (SARDS)

SARDS is quite rare in dogs; however, it can sometimes lead to sudden onset of blindness since it causes the retina to deteriorate. Unlike Progressive Retinal Atrophy, it develops quickly and can cause blindness in as little as a couple of days. Unfortunately, there is no known cause of SARDS, and dogs that develop blindness this way have difficulty adjusting.

6. Tumors

Brain tumors or other tumors located around or behind the eye can cause blindness in dogs. It blocks vision and can damage the structure of the eye if it goes undetected for a long time. If a progressed tumor is found around or in the eye, the only way to remove it is by removing the eye itself, leading to blindness.

7. Age

Just like in humans, vision usually deteriorates with age. Older dogs are more likely to develop partial or complete blindness, most likely because of diabetes, glaucoma, and cataracts. It’s important to bring your dog to the vet more often so they can get their eyesight checked frequently.

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Top 5 Tips for Living With a Blind Dog

Hearing that your dog is going blind can be very unsettling. However, there are several ways you can help your blind dog live a happy and healthy life. Here are a few tips from vets and other blind dog owners.

1. Avoid Moving Furniture Around Your Home

Just like blind humans, blind dogs use their knowledge of the house and the arrangement of furniture to navigate. Blind dogs will quickly make a mind map of your furniture layout and can get confused and bump into things if you move furniture around. Try keeping your furniture minimal and your hallways clear so that your dog has more space for navigating.

havanese dog has cataracts
Image Credit: alfredhofer, Shutterstock

2. Look For Potential Hazards

Now that your dog can’t see, they are more likely to bump into hazards. You can check for any existing hazards by getting down on all fours and crawling around—this way, you are more likely to notice all the hazards at your dog’s level. If you have stairs, adding gates at the top is a great idea.

3. Carry a Falconry Bell on Walks

Just because your dog is blind doesn’t mean they have to miss out on walks. You can carry a falconry bell with you so that your dog always knows where you are. If you have other sighted dogs, you can attach the bell to their collar and have the blind dog follow them.

4. Noisy Toys

Your blind dog will still love to play; you can make this more accessible to them by using noisy toys and trying scent work.

5. Leave the Radio or TV On

When you go out, ensure you leave the radio or TV on so that your dog can use it to orientate himself. Since they can’t see, having the sound they are used to when alone makes them more comfortable and prevents them from panicking. You can also play a sound recording of yourself when you are out.

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Final Thoughts

A blind dog is a dog first—their disability does not define them. There are several myths surrounding what blind dogs cannot do. However, that’s exactly what they are, myths. Blind dogs can do everything that a regular dog can, including agility training. They can live healthy and happy lives just like other dogs if they get the support they need.

Like sighted dogs, they can live with you as your best friends and develop a strong bond.

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Featured Image Credit: Yekatseryna Netuk, Shutterstock

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