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Kromfohrländer: Dog Breed Info, Pictures & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Kromfohrlander dog

Height: 15–18 inches
Weight: 20–35 pounds
Lifespan: 13–15 years
Colors: White, brown, black
Suitable for: Active families looking for a docile dog
Temperament: Loyal, affectionate, spirited, intelligent

The story of the Kromfohrlander is enough to pique your interest in this cute little pooch from Germany. They look like a terrier mix without the wanderlust potential and strong prey drive typical of this group of dogs. Instead, they are strictly companion dogs that are affectionate and very easygoing despite their ancestry. They are a definite homebody and will stay close to home.

The legacy of the Kromfohrlander begins in the 1940s in wartime Germany. Original Peter, as he was known, was a companion for US soldiers in the field. He was a mixed breed that endeared himself to the troops. After he went missing, a local woman named Ilse Shleifenbaum rescued him. The rest, as they say, is history. She went on to breed Peter and create what has become the Kromfohrlander standard.

While they may appear aloof and serious, the Kromfohrlander is something of a clown. They will entertain themselves—and your family—with their playing. That’s part of what makes them such a lovable pet. It also helps explain why there are so few pups in the United States. The Europeans know that they have a special dog in their midst.

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Kromfohrlander Puppies

Kromfohrlander puppy
Image Credit: Jne Valokuvaus, Shutterstock

The Kromfohrlander prefers a routine that doesn’t change. While they are affectionate with their family, this pooch tends to pick a favorite in the household to whom they are fiercely devoted. Separate anxiety is a common issue with this breed. They are also sensitive dogs that won’t respond well to harsh words. However, they are intelligent and keen to please.

This pup has the energy level you’d expect from a dog that has a terrier background. They are also very expressive. It’s easy to figure out what’s going on in their mind. If not, they will tell you since this pooch is sometimes vocal when they don’t get their way. The Kromfohrlander is a playful pup that will enjoy games of fetch and tug-of-war.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Kromfohrlander

1. The Name of the Kromfohrlander Is a Reference to Their Native Germany.

The champion of the breed, Ilse Shleifenbaum, named this pooch for the landscape from which they came. Krom fohr in German means crooked furrow.

2. The push to breed Kromfohrlander in the United States started up again in 2012.

The Kromfohrlanders first came to America in 1998. The breeding program didn’t take off until a couple more pups came to the country in 2012.

3. The Kromfohrlander earned his Foundation Stock Service status in 2012.

The Kromfohrlander is one of 81 breeds on the path to AKC recognition. From there, they will move onto the organization’s the Miscellaneous class after there are 150 dogs in three generations.

Kromfohrlander dog breed
Image Credit: FamilienbildungWedel, Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Kromfohrlander 🧠

The Kromfohrlander is an intelligent pup that you’ll find agreeable and laid-back as a family pet. The essential thing is to keep him occupied so that they won’t form bad habits like digging or barking. They are not pets to keep alone in the backyard without getting some attention. However, they usually don’t nip, so you’re good on that score.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Kromfohrlander makes an excellent family pet with many desirable qualities that you’ll appreciate. They are kid-friendly and will readily keep up with them. They tend to bond more closely with one person in the household, but they aren’t aggressive with others. On the other hand, this pooch is reserved when it comes to new people. Therefore, early socialization is a must.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Kromfohrlander does best in single-pet homes. They aren’t overly friendly with other dogs. A better description would be to say that they are reserved for any new encounter. Unfortunately, you shouldn’t take this pup to the doggie park, even if you have introduced them to other pets as a puppy. They might get possessive of their owner with other pets around them.

Breeders have selectively bred the Kromfohrlander to reduce their prey drive. However, they still have a bit of a terrier in them and may chase the family cat. The same precaution applies to other small animals in your household, such as guinea pigs or rabbits.

Image Credit: Teuvo Uusitalo, Pixabay

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Things to Know When Owning a Kromfohrlander:

The Kromfohrlander is relatively carefree when it comes to the basics. As long as you start training and socialization early, you’ll find that they are a welcome addition to your family. Many aspects of owning a dog like this one are true of any breed. The essential thing is to build a trusting relationship starting the day you bring them home.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

You should feed your Kromfohrlander a dog food formulated for medium-sized dogs. This breed matures relatively quickly when compared to a larger dog, such as a Golden Retriever. They will reach adulthood by 12 months. Then, you can switch them to the adult diet. As a puppy, plan on giving them two to three small meals spaced throughout the day. That will help keep their blood sugar levels stable.

You should also limit treats to 10% of your pup’s daily intake. We suggest using them as a training aid. They make a powerful motivator to get your pooch to obey. The Kromfohrlander has a moderate tendency to gain weight. Keep an eye on their body condition and adjust the amounts accordingly. Remember that obesity is easier to prevent than treat.

Exercise 🐕

The Kromfohrlander is fairly active. However, we suggest taking them on daily walks for mental stimulation to keep this smart pooch happy. It’s also an excellent way to bond with your pet. If your pup is less reserved, you can also use it as an opportunity to reinforce his socializing skills and leash manners.

Image Credit: tjuusitalo, Pixabay

Training 🦮

The key to training your Kromfohrlander is consistency. Remember that this pooch likes routines. Also, positive reinforcement will work better than stern reprimands for this sensitive pup. They are easy to train, especially if their favorite companion takes the lead in teaching them. They will pick up new tricks and commands quickly.

Grooming ✂️

There are two variants of the coat of a Kromfohrlander: either rough-haired with a beard or smooth-haired without one. Both shed frequently. You brush them at least once to three times a week to keep them under control. You should also check their ears periodically and pluck any excess hair so that air can circulate and help prevent infections.

We suggest starting him early with tasks such as nail trimming. Handle their paws occasionally so that they get used to it as a puppy. You’ll find that it’s infinitely easier to do if you make it a habit. It’s another appropriate time to give them a treat.

Health Conditions ❤️

The Kromfohrlander is a relatively healthy dog, thanks in part to their rarity. Nevertheless, there are some issues that they share in common with other breeds of their size. A reputable breeder will conduct testing for the more prevalent ones.

Minor Conditions
Serious Conditions
  • Von Willebrand’s disease
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis
  • Hip dysplasia

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Male vs Female

You’ll find that you have a delightful pet no matter which sex of dog you get. Both are just as affectionate and loyal. We recommend that you have your pet neutered or spayed when it is appropriate, based on your veterinarian’s advice. Breeding is a decision that you shouldn’t take lightly.

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Final Thoughts

While the Kromfohrlander is a relatively unknown breed outside of Europe, they are a pup worth seeking out if you’re looking for a steadfast companion that will give you few troubles. Granted that they aren’t a pooch for every household. However, in the right home, they will reward you and your family with a dog that will make you laugh and keep you entertained with their antics.


Featured Image Credit: tjuusitalo, Pixabay

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