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How Much Does a Miniature American Shepherd Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Miniature American Shepherd puppy

The bold and beautiful Miniature American Shepherd is a brilliant purebred dog that excels on the agility course. As a truly unique-looking pup, the Miniature American Shepherd has a distinctive coat pattern and comes in either black-and-white or brown-and-white color combinations.

Owning a Miniature American Shepherd isn’t just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. Your pet will depend on you for food, shelter, entertainment, and plenty of affection and love. Caring for any canine is a huge commitment. Before you bring a Miniature American Shepherd into your home, it’s wise to educate yourself on the costs of dog ownership.

Here is everything you need to know about the costs of caring for a Miniature American Shepherd.

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Miniature American Shepherd Price: One-Time Costs

A Miniature American Shepherd puppy from a reputable breeding facility costs between $450 and $1,500. On top of the puppy’s price, you must pay for initial puppy supplies and healthcare services.

First-year expenses for a Miniature American Shepherd will fall between $185 and $790, with an average total of $410. After that, plan to spend far less. These costs will cover food, routine vet visits, toys, grooming, and other necessities.

miniature american shepherd puppy

Free Miniature American Shepherds

Although getting a free Miniature American Shepherd is unlikely, it’s possible. You can ask friends and family or check social media for posts about free dogs. However, you have to ensure the owner is ethical and is not trying to get rid of unhealthy puppies. Besides getting a puppy for free, you may know someone who can give you equipment and puppy supplies.

Gently-used carriers and crates can be found on internet classifieds or by asking a close family member or friend. Animal shelters and low-cost animal clinics also offer free vaccinations, microchipping, and spaying/neutering services for qualified pet owners.

Miniature American Shepherd Adoption

  • $50-$300

One great (and affordable) way to bring a Miniature American Shepherd into your home is to adopt one from your local animal shelter. Shelter dogs deserve a new lease on life and will be thrilled to find their new forever home with your family. Depending on the age of the Miniature American Shepherd, the adoption fee will fall between $50 and $300. For a young puppy, expect to pay more.

Miniature American Shepherd Breeders

  • $450-$1,500

If you’d rather purchase a Miniature American Shepherd puppy from a reputable breeder, you’re looking to pay between $450 and $1,500, with an average cost of $800.

For a show-quality Miniature American Shepherd with the proper documentation, you will pay as much as $3,500. Always purchase a dog from a responsible and ethical breeder. You can find one by visiting the American Kennel Club’s (AKA) online registry or asking a vet, groomer, or dog trainer for their recommendations.

Miniature American Shepherd Price: Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $185-$790

Your Miniature American Shepherd’s first year is also the most expensive. This is especially true if you’ve never owned a dog before and don’t own any of the doggy essentials.

Blue Merle Miniature American Shepherd
Blue Merle Miniature American Shepherd (Image Credit: Lextergrace, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 4.0 International)

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List of Miniature American Shepherd Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $15–$30
Spay/Neuter $50–$300
X-Ray Cost $100–$350
Ultrasound Cost $250–$500
Microchip $45–$50
Teeth Cleaning $150–$300
Bed $50– 70
Nail Clipper (optional) $7
Brush (optional) $8
Litter Box N/A
Litter Scoop N/A
Toys $30–$100
Carrier $80
Food and Water Bowls $20–$30

How Much Does a Miniature American Shepherd Cost Per Month?

  • $30-$200 per month

The Miniature American Shepherd is a medium-sized dog that requires the proper food, medical attention, toys, and bedding to accommodate their size, age, and activity level.

While the average monthly cost of owning a Miniature American Shepherd will fluctuate between $30 and $200, you may pay more or less, depending on your pet’s condition. Factors such as medical emergencies, grooming needs, and boarding fees will determine the monthly price.

miniature american shepherd
Image Credit: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

Miniature American Shepherd Health Care Costs

  • $50-$300 per month

Your Miniature American Shepherd will need monthly flea and tick preventative treatments, which cost about $25 per month. Additionally, they’ll also need monthly heartworm medication, which averages out to be around $25 per month.

After the first year of puppyhood, your dog will need to see the vet annually. This yearly vet visit can cost between $125 and $250.

Miniature American Shepherd Food Costs

  • $10-$30 per month

A Miniature American Shepherd needs a high-quality, protein-packed kibble that caters to their size, energy level, and age. Commercial dog food will cost between $10 and $30 per month. If your dog is on a prescription diet for obesity or allergies, expect to pay more.

Miniature American Shepherd Grooming Costs

  • $0-$60 per month

While it is possible to save money and groom your dog regularly at home, it is still recommended to take your Miniature American Shepherd to a professional groomer three to four times per year.

The average price of a grooming session costs between $40 and $65. A professional groom includes a bath, hair removal, brushing and styling, teeth brushing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning.

miniature american shepherd puppy one leg up
Image Credit: LNbjors, Shutterstock

Miniature American Shepherd Medications and Vet Visits

  • $20-$250 per month

The most money you’ll spend on your dog’s veterinary needs in a month is for an annual wellness visit, which can cost as much as $250. Set aside about $20 each month for emergencies.

Miniature American Shepherd Environment Maintenance Costs

  • $0-$30 per month

To keep your home fresh and clean, you might need to shell out up to $30 per month on doggy deodorizers. If your Miniature American Shepherd chews on your carpet, furniture, or favorite pair of shoes, you may need to budget for repair expenses.

Miniature American Shepherd Entertainment Costs

  • $5-$50 per month

The Miniature American Shepherd is an incredibly intelligent dog that needs sufficient mental stimulation every day. Chew toys, interactive puppy puzzles, and weekly agility courses can all keep them entertained. Entertainment costs will run you no more than $50 a month.

Miniature American shepherd
Image Credit: LNbjors, Shutterstock

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Total Monthly Cost of a Miniature American Shepherd

  • $30-$200 per month

The average cost of owning a Miniature American Shepherd per month falls between $30 and $200. This accounts for food, entertainment, medication, preventative care, and grooming.

Additional Costs to Factor In

Additional costs to consider when owning a Miniature American Shepherd include dog walking and boarding. If you work long hours, you might want to hire a dog walker, which will cost between $15 and $25 per walk. To board your Miniature American Shepherd runs between $25 and $85 per day.

Having a Miniature American Shepherd On a Budget

You don’t have to break the bank to groom or entertain your Miniature American Shepherd. You can brush your dog at home to skip professional grooming expenses and ask a friend or relative to watch your pup if you’re traveling. You can also make DIY toys instead of buying ones from the store.

miniature american shepherd running outdoor
Image Credit: LNbjors, Shutterstock

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Conclusion: Miniature American Shepherd Cost

The initial expenses of buying a Miniature American Shepherd range between $185–$790. After that, plan to pay between $30 and $200 per month. Owning any dog is a considerable investment. You should never leap blindly into dog ownership. By knowing the expenses of owning a dog and having a budget in place, you can comfortably care for a Miniature American Shepherd without going broke.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: otsphoto, Shutterstock

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