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How Much Does a Siberian Husky Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Kristin Hitchcock

By Kristin Hitchcock

Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are surprisingly inexpensive to adopt. Most puppies fall in the $400 to $1,200 range, which is much cheaper than most large dogs. This is generally due to the popularity of the breed. There are many breeders that specialize in them, which leads to many dogs out there waiting to be adopted. Unlike some rare breeds, the supply/demand ratio does not push the price up.

However, Siberian Huskies are quite expensive to upkeep. As large dogs, they eat a great deal of food and have high medical bills. They will need higher dosages of medications than small dogs, which makes any health problems more expensive to treat.

They are also quite active, which means you’ll need to invest in more toys and perhaps even a dog walker.

While these dogs are inexpensive to purchase upfront, the backend cost can be high. It is important to budget appropriately for these costs, which requires looking beyond the price tag of the puppy. That’s exactly what we help you do in this article. We look at the overall costs of owning a Husky, including one-time supplies and reoccurring costs.

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Siberian Husky Price: One-Time Costs

Due to their larger size, Siberian Huskies require multiple upfront costs. Their equipment is generally more expensive than it is for other breeds. You’ll need to invest in a larger bed and kennel, for instance. Plus, these dogs are also a bit harder on their things, so it is in your best interest to purchase the most durable items that you possibly can.

Of course, you also have to consider the overall cost of the puppy, which can vary depending on where you get them from.

siberian husky lying on grass
Image Credit: Rob Wee, Pixabay

Free Siberian Huskies

Because of their popularity, Huskies can be found for free. These pets are usually the result of accidental litters (these are typically not purebred), or they are dogs that their owners can no longer care for. These dogs tend to be more of a handful than most first-time owners realize, which often leads to them being given away early in their adulthood.

There are issues with free dogs, though. They usually haven’t had much money put into them. If they did, they wouldn’t be free. Most of these Huskies have not been trained, seen by a vet, or properly socialized.

They can cost you more in the long run for this reason.

Siberian Husky Adoption

  • $50-$300

Due to their popularity and “cuteness” factor, these dogs are often at animal shelters and rescues. They are as puppies, but they can be handfuls when they get older. Therefore, it isn’t uncommon to find them in animal shelters.

It is impossible to know where a shelter dog came from. They may have been taken care of as puppies, or they could be from a puppy mill. However, rescues are typically good about giving their dogs appropriate care. Many will see a vet while at the shelter and receive treatment for any underlying conditions.

Siberian Husky Breeders

  • $500-$1200

Breeders are the most expensive option for adopting a Siberian Husky, where they can cost between $500 and $1,200. However, there is a reason for this.

Most breeders put a great deal of money into their dogs. Their puppies are properly socialized and receive proper vet care. Many health tests their breeding dogs before they produce a litter, which enables them to prevent certain health conditions from being passed onto the puppies. Many even begin their litter’s training before the puppies are adopted.

You may spend more up front for these dogs, but they typically require fewer expenses over their lifetime.

Siberian Husky Price: Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $295-$505

Most of your initial supply cost will come from purchasing large pieces of equipment for your dog. For instance, you’ll need to invest in a large dog bed and crate. These will be more expensive than they might be for a smaller dog.

You’ll also need to invest quite a bit in your puppy’s toys. Huskies are fairly playful, but they are also rough on their toys. Many will go through many toys each month. You’ll need a decent number to start with, but you should plan on refilling your supply regularly.

Of course, you’ll also need to invest in lower-cost items, like a collar and ID tags.

Siberian Husky Dog
Image Credit: jpgordijn, Pixabay

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List of Siberian Husky Care Supplies and Costs

Food and Water Bowls $15
Dog Collars $10
Leash $40
ID Tag $5-$15
Dog Bed $50-$85
Dog Crate $55-$120
Stain Removal Spray $10
Toys $60-$100
Brush (x2) $15-$45
Shampoo $10-$20
Toothbrushing Supplies $10-$15
Toenail Clippers $15-$30

How Much Does a Siberian Husky Cost Per Month?

  • $111-$683

Siberian Huskies are one of the more expensive dogs to take care of. Much of your monthly expenses will go toward meeting their exercise needs. Those who work for much of the day will need to invest in a dog walker, which can add hundreds to your overall costs. Even if you’re home to take your dog on walks, you’ll need to regularly purchase new toys.

On top of this, you’ll also need to pay for your dog’s food. Huskies do eat more than most dogs, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be paying that much a month. Food is generally cheap compared to other expenses.

Medications and other vet bills tend to be high because your dog will need higher doses of medications.

Siberian Husky
Image Credit: PublickDOmainPictures, Pixabay

Siberian Husky Health Care Costs

  • $71-$183 per month

Health care will be one of the more substantial monthly expenses that you’ll end up paying. Huskies are big dogs. This means any sort of health care is generally more expensive. If your dog needs medication, you’ll be paying more for a higher dosage. Surgery costs more because higher amounts of anesthesia are required. Typically, the vet needs an extra person to lift the dog as well.

Siberian Husky Food Costs

  • $17-$33 per month

While every dog needs to eat, food won’t end up being a major expense. Even if you purchase a more premium dog food, you shouldn’t expect to pay more than $33 a month. Huskies eat more than small dogs but they don’t eat that much.

Puppies will be cheaper to feed than adults, as they are smaller. You’ll likely start at around $17 a month but then find yourself paying more as your dog gets older. These prices are assuming that you’re choosing a high-quality dog food and buying in bulk.

Prescription dog food is required for some dogs. This will be more expensive, as much as $50 a month.

Siberian Husky Grooming Costs

  • $9-$30 per month

Huskies do not need trimming or anything of that sort. However, they have thick coats and shed heavily about twice a year. During these periods, you’ll likely need to invest in a visit to the groomer. You may even need to invest in two visits to the groomer per shedding period, which means about four visits a year.

Each visit may cost anywhere from $50 to $90, depending on where you go and the services that you receive. Huskies are expensive dogs to groom due to the sheer amount of time that it takes to brush them.

This special grooming is on top of regular brushing at home.

Siberian Husky Medications and Vet Visits

  • $30-$70 per month

For basic preventative vet care, you can expect to pay around $55 for your Husky. Puppies are typically more expensive because they need more vet visits and vaccinations. Usually, a puppy will need to be taken to the vet about three times in their first year. These visits will include vaccinations and physical exams.

Adults will only need one visit, so they may cost a bit less. However, it depends on what this visit includes. Some Huskies need X-rays to check for hip dysplasia and similar issues, which will increase your costs.

You’ll also need to pay for heartworm prevention and flea medication. Since your Husky is decently large, these medications will cost more.

siberian husky happily lying on grass
Image Credit: Maria Ortega, Pixabay

Siberian Husky Pet Insurance Costs

  • $15-$50 per month

Huskies are generally healthy dogs. However, the problems that they are prone to can be extremely expensive. Hip dysplasia can cost $6,000 per hip for surgery, while cataracts can cost as much as $4,000 per eye. For this reason, we recommend pet insurance.

The cost of pet insurance varies widely depending on what it covers. While $15 will likely cover an accident-only plan, most pet owners will want more coverage. You should ensure that the plan covers hip dysplasia. Many insurance companies leave this out, though it is one of the most frequent and expensive problems that Huskies can have.

Siberian Husky Environmental Maintenance Costs

  • $0-$400 per month

Huskies are active dogs. They require a great deal of activity spread throughout the day. They don’t have much endurance, which means that they will often act tired after a short walk. However, they bounce back quickly. For this reason, they often need multiple short walks throughout the day.

Many owners find this difficult to do, especially if they work. However, a hyper Husky is often a destructive Husky. If you like your couch, you’ll need to find a way to exercise your dog. Some people may be able to come home during lunch and walk them. Others may be able to work something out with a neighbor or friend. Many will need to invest in a dog walker.

This can be expensive. A walk can cost anywhere from $10 to $20. If you’re paying for a walk five days a week, that adds up.

Dog Walker $100-$400

Siberian Husky Entertainment Costs

  • $40-$100

Siberian Huskies are hard on their toys. However, their high activity needs mean that they need toys of all sorts. Otherwise, they will find their own entertainment (destroying the couch, for example).

You will need to refill their toy bin regularly as they break things. Due to their size and exuberance, this will happen frequently. Your best bet is to invest in more expensive, durable toys. Your dog will break them, but they will last longer than cheap toys. A Husky can destroy a cheap stuffed toy in 5 minutes. A durable toy should last a month.

You’ll also need to invest in puzzle toys of all sorts.

siberian husky on leash
Image Credit: Orna Wachman, Pixabay

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Siberian Husky

  • $111-$683

Your dog’s health care needs will determine a large portion of your budget. Dogs with health problems will likely cost more, as they’ll need medications and more care at their preventative vet visits. If you need a dog walker, that can add to your monthly costs as well. This may be necessary to keep your couch intact, but it will cost you quite a bit of money.

Toys, food, and grooming also factor into your monthly costs, albeit to a lower extent. These things are necessary but cost less.

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Additional Costs to Factor In

There are plenty of other costs that you’ll need to factor in as well. For instance, you’ll likely need to board your dog at some point. This can cost about $50 a day, depending on your geographical location. You may also need to license your dog in your area, though this varies from location to location. These fees typically aren’t that expensive.

If you choose to skip pet insurance, the cost of emergency vet bills can be quite high. Some surgeries can cost thousands of dollars. As you might imagine, this is difficult to budget for. We recommend an emergency fund to pay for these potential vet bills. Emergency funds are important even if you have pet insurance because you can’t always bet on it paying for everything. Many insurers have exclusions.

Owning a Siberian Husky on a Budget

While owning a Siberian Husky can be expensive, it is possible to own them on a budget. If you know that you only have a limited amount of money to spend on your dog, you should first carefully ensure that you can afford a Siberian Husky to begin with. Not all dogs have the same monthly costs, so adopting a specific breed isn’t a matter of choosing whichever one you like.

When you’re on a budget, you should be careful about adopting a breed that you can afford.

Luckily, there are quite a few ways that you can save money when owning a Husky. Most of these involve spending more of your own time with your dog, which will lower the need for services that you need to pay for.

white siberian husky at the beach
Image Credit: laikora Pixabay

Saving Money on Siberian Husky Care

One of the easiest ways to save money on your Husky’s care is to do all the walking yourself. If you don’t need a dog walker, you can save hundreds a month. This is an easy expense to eliminate for some people. For others, it can be more complicated. Check your schedule, and see if there is a way that you can take your dog on all their necessary walks.

Buy food in bulk. Your Husky will eat it all before it goes stale, so there is no reason to avoid larger bags of food.

You may be able to eliminate some of your grooming costs by doing it yourself. Taking good care of your dog’s coat may eliminate the need for professional grooming completely. This will require more of your time during the heavy shedding periods, though.

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Conclusion: How Much Does a Husky Cost

Huskies are more expensive to own than most dogs, though they are quite cheap to adopt. A Husky puppy will only cost about $500 to $1,200 when you purchase them from a professional breeder. However, the yearly costs of your dog can be quite high. Be sure to plan for the monthly costs of owning a Husky, which may be a bit more than you’d imagine.

Many of your costs will come from things like toys, dog walkers, and vet bills. Some can be minimized, but most will be required for high-quality care of your dog.

Featured Image Credit: BARBARA808, Pixabay

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