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19 Incredible UK Pet Spending Statistics & Facts: Updated in 2024

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

UK Pet Spending Facts & Statitics

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

The UK is a nation of pet lovers, with dogs and cats being the preferred pets of choice, but also with a substantial number of birds, fish, rabbits, small mammals, and a growing number of exotic pets like snakes and lizards.

During Covid lockdowns, more households purchased pets, resulting in a total of 59% of all households in the country now owning at least one pet, and many owning two or more. This has resulted in annual expenditure in the region of £8 billion a year on pet products, which includes food and treats, as well as an additional £1 billion a year on pet insurance and £4 billion a year on vet and pet services.

Total expenditure on pets, including products and services, is more than £20 billion a year, and this figure is expected to increase, despite the cost-of-living crisis.

Below are 19 pet spending statistics for the UK, including those related to changes seen as a result of the Covid pandemic and specific figures by pet type and product type.

In this article, we’ll go through some incredible statistics and facts. We’ve separated these statistics into the following sections:

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Top 19 UK Pet Spending Statistics & Facts

  1. There are 11.1 million cats, 10.2 million dogs, and 1 million rabbits in the UK.
  2. 59% of UK households now own at least one pet.
  3. The UK spent £8 billion on pet products in 2020.
  4. Owners spent £9.3 billion on their pets in 2021.
  5. The UK spends £10 billion a year on their dogs.
  6. Brits spend £8 billion a year on their cats.
  7. The average pet owner spends more than £2,000 a year on their pet.
  8. Pet expenditure has increased 170% since 2005.
  9. 2021 saw a big 14% increase in pet expenditure, reaching £9.3 billion.
  10. Two-thirds of pet owners spend more on their dogs than on themselves.
  11. Brits spend £3.3 billion a year on pet food.
  12. 56% would rather spend less on their own diet than on food for their pet.
  13. 61% of owners prepare special Christmas meals for their pets.
  14. Owners spend approximately £500 million a year on dog treats alone.
  15. More than £1.1 billion a year is spent on pet insurance.
  16. UK pet owners spent approximately £4 billion on vet and pet services in 2020.
  17. The UK is expected to spend more than £2 billion a year on pet insurance by 2027.
  18. Dog owners spend an average of £130 a year on grooming.
  19. 68% of people buy Christmas gifts for their pets.
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Pets and Total Expenditure

1. There are 11.1 million cats, 10.2 million dogs, and 1 million rabbits in the UK.


Cats and dogs are the most popular pets, with the most common reason given for owning these types of pets as companionship. Rabbits are another popular type of pet, but rabbit owners trail cat and dog owners substantially. There are an estimated 11.1 million cats, 10.2 million dogs, and 1 million rabbits in the country.

woman holding a cat and a papillon dog
Image Credit: Reshetnikov_art, Shutterstock

2. 59% of UK households now own at least one pet.

(Braemar Finance)

Although there are more households that own dogs than those that own cats, cat owners are more likely to have two or more as opposed to dog owners that are more likely to have a single dog. Prior to the pandemic, approximately 45% of households owned one or more pets. However, that number rocketed to 59% following Covid lockdowns.

3. The UK spent £8 billion on pet products in 2020.


The pet product sector includes food and treats, as well as other items like beds, toys, and even clothing. In 2020, UK pet owners spent £8 billion on pet products. This was a slight increase from the roughly £7.8 billion a year in 2018 and 2019. The jump likely represented the fact that people bought or adopted new pets as lockdowns were extended and they wanted companionship.

dog ant cat together
Image Credit: Piqsels

4. Owners spent £9.3 billion on their pets in 2021.


With the substantial increase in pet ownership that occurred in late 2020 and early 2021, it is hardly surprising that the UK also saw a massive increase in the amount families spent on pets. Total expenditure on pet products rose 14% to reach £9.3 billion in 2021.

5. The UK spends £10 billion a year on their dogs.

(Groom Arts)

There is some disparity between the amount spent on dogs compared to cats, but considering there is a small percentage more dogs and that dogs tend to be larger and require bigger food and vet bills, the difference is minimal. Owners spend approximately £10 billion a year on dogs, which includes food and healthcare, as well as other expenses including grooming.

woman introducing cat to dog
Image Credit: Chendongshan, Shutterstock

6. Brits spend £8 billion a year on their cats.

(Groom Arts)

There are nearly 10% fewer cats than dogs, and the larger size and greater veterinary needs of dogs mean that owners do tend to spend more on their canine companions. The UK spends 20% less on its cats than on its dogs, with a total annual expenditure of £8 billion.

7. The average pet owner spends more than £2,000 a year on their pet.

(Groom Arts)

The total expenditure on pets is such that the average UK owner spends just over £2,000 a year on their pet. Again, this figure includes vet and food bills, and it means a monthly bill of around £170. Expenditure does vary according to the size of the pet and whether they have any serious health problems that need managing or treating.

cat and pug dog lying on a blanket on the floor
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

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Pet Spending Trends

8. Pet expenditure has increased 170% since 2005.

(Braemar Finance)

As expected, the significant increase in pet ownership especially over the past 2 years has seen expenditure on pets and pet-related products increase over the same period. Expenditure in 2005 was just under £3 billion, according to some figures, and rose to nearly £8 billion in 2020, which is a 170% increase in 16 years.

9. 2021 saw a big 14% increase in pet expenditure, reaching £9.3 billion.


In 2021, the figure rose even higher, increasing from around £8 billion to £9.3 billion a year. Looking at the figures since 2005, expenditure decreased between 2005 and 2009 and again between 2010 and 2012 but has risen every year since then—apart from a decrease in 2017 and a slight drop in 2019.

cat and dog lying on the floor
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

10. Two-thirds of pet owners spend more on their dogs than on themselves.

(Dogs Today Magazine)

Owners don’t just buy their pets the essentials, either, and surveys suggest that more and more people consider their pets to be one of the family. Testament to this is the fact that two-thirds of respondents in one survey said that they spend more on luxury items and treats for their dogs than they do on themselves.

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Pet Food Expenditure

11. Brits spend £3.3 billion a year on pet food.

(Food Manufacture)

For many owners, pet food is the single biggest expense when owning a pet. There is a greater range of premium foods that use natural ingredients and offer more benefits to pets and many owners are willing to spend big to enjoy these features. When it comes to pet food alone, Brits spent £3.3 billion on pet food in 2021.

Beagle dog and brown cat lying together on the footpath outdoor in the park
Image Credit: Kobkik, Shutterstock

12. 56% would rather spend less on their own diet than on food for their pet.

(Food Manufacture)

The cost-of-living crisis in the UK has come as the country attempts to recover from the Covid pandemic and its lockdowns. It has been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, which has seen energy prices skyrocket and some food items post similar increases.

Despite this, pet food is largely considered a recession-proof industry because owners will continue to buy the best food they can afford for their pets. When asked, 56% of owners said that they would reduce the amount they spend on their own food before they reduced their pet food spending.

13. 61% of owners prepare special Christmas meals for their pets.


When it comes to pet pampering, there is no greater time than Christmas, at least for a lot of owners. As well as buying gifts for their pets to unlock, more than six in 10 owners said that they prepare a special meal for their pets at Christmas.

pug dog lying with christmas decorations on bed
Image Credit: nuraam, Shutterstock

14. Owners spend approximately £500 million a year on dog treats alone.


However, treats and good food don’t have to be reserved for the festive period. Owners spend nearly £500 million a year on dog treats alone, which is more than 10% of their total dog food spend. Treats can include general treats, but increasingly popular are healthy treats and those that purport to offer certain health and wellness benefits to the dog.

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Other Pet Services

15. More than £1.1 billion a year is spent on pet insurance.

(Market Data Forecast)

Pet insurance can protect owners from the financial impact of unforeseen illnesses and accidents. Owners pay a monthly premium, and the insurance company will pay to cover the majority of the cost of veterinary treatment. Insurance is readily available for dogs and cats but can be more difficult to find for other types of pets. The UK spends more than £1.1 billion a year on insurance premiums.

pet insurance form on the laptop screen
Image Credit: Rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

16. UK pet owners spent approximately £4 billion on vet and pet services in 2020.

(Braemar Finance)

Not all owners have pet insurance. Some prefer to put money aside regularly for unexpected vet bills, and some choose not to take pet insurance because they do not believe it is worth the cost of the premiums. In total, the UK spent £4 billion on vet and pet services in 2020.

17. The UK is expected to spend more than £2 billion a year on pet insurance by 2027.

(Market Data Forecast)

Analysts expect the amount spent on pet insurance to keep increasing year on year, especially as it is viewed as a way of avoiding hefty one-off bills and because the country is facing a cost-of-living crisis. By 2027, the UK is expected to spend £2 billion a year on pet insurance, which is nearly double the £1.1 billion that is currently spent in this area.

representation of pet insurance
Image Credit: thodonal88, Shutterstock

18. Dog owners spend an average of £130 a year on grooming.

(Lifestyle Daily)

Grooming a dog helps keep them looking and even smelling good, but it also helps ensure comfort by removing dead hair and preventing matts. Professional grooming is more commonly used by dog owners than cat owners, and dog owners spend £130 a year, or just over £10 a month, on professional grooming.

19. 68% of people buy Christmas gifts for their pets.


Many experts have pointed to an increased humanisation of pets. This essentially means treating pets like humans and as though they are part of the family. One of the ways that this is commonly done is through the purchase and giving of gifts. When asked, more than two-thirds of owners said that they buy festive gifts for their pets at Christmas.

A small dog of the multipoo breed is sitting on the sofa near the Christmas tree
Image Credit: Voronaman, Shutterstock

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Frequently Asked Questions About UK Pet Spending

What percentage of the UK owns pets?

More than half, or approximately 57% of households in the UK, own at least one pet. This number rose significantly during Covid and as the country has come out of lockdown and got back to something resembling normalcy, charities, and shelters have reported higher surrender rates for dogs and cats.

How big is the UK pet insurance market?

The UK pet insurance market is currently worth around £1.1 billion a year, but this figure is expected to grow and reach £2 billion annually by 2027.

pet insurance website flashed on the tablet
Image Credit: Rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

Which country spends the most on its pets?

According to one study, in 2019, the US had the highest average spend on pets. The US population spent an average of around $160 per person. The UK came second but was some way behind at around $90. France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany were the next biggest pet spenders. (The Economist)

What is the most popular pet in the UK?

Perhaps surprisingly, considering its reputation as being a nation of dog lovers, cats are the most popular pet in the UK with 11.1 million cats compared to 10.2 million dogs. However, more households (34%) own dogs than those that own cats (28%) which means that while more people own dogs, a typical cat owner will have more cats in their home. (Statista 2)

hepper cat paw dividerConclusion

The UK really is a nation of pet lovers with 57% of households in the country owning at least one pet. While there are more cats in the UK, there are more households that own at least one dog, which means that cat owners have more cats, on average, than dog owners have dogs.

Following a surge in ownership figures during Covid, there has also been a considerable uptick in pet expenditure over the past 2 years, and while the cost-of-living crisis is biting, most pet owners are reluctant to reduce the amount they spend on their pets, with the majority saying that they will reduce expenditure on their own food before they cut pet food spend.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Reshetnikov_art, Shutterstock

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