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Valley Bulldog (Boxer & English Bulldog Mix): Info, Pictures, Traits, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Valley Bulldog (Boxer & English Bulldog Mix

Height: 14-18 inches
Weight: 40-80 pounds
Lifespan: 9-14 years
Colors: Red, tan, brindle, white, and fawn
Suitable for: Families with older children; apartments
Temperament: Rambunctious, active, loyal

The Valley Bulldog is not a purebred dog. Instead, it is a mixed breed that results from mixing a Boxer with an English Bulldog. These dogs are typically medium in size. They can be quite active and are known for bonding closely with their family members.

As a mixed breed, they inherit qualities from both of their parents. For this reason, you can never be sure what you’re going to get. They also go by the name “Bull Boxer,” but Valley Bulldog is much more common. These dogs are quite popular in some areas, so you can find them in shelters as well as at breeders.

The best part about these dogs is that they are very adaptable. They do well in apartments when appropriately exercised, but they can also do good in larger families.

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Valley Bulldog Puppies


These dogs are incredibly affectionate. They like attention from just about everyone – whether they know you are not. They are incredibly social and friendly. They are also good with older children, though they may be a bit excitable for younger children. Playtime should be supervised, as they will accidentally knock people over.

As a mixed breed, these dogs are pretty healthy. They are not prone to many health problems and usually live long healthy lives.

While they are trainable, they tend to be a bit hyper. In the moment, these dogs may not listen to you as well as you thought they would. They are decently intelligent, though, so they don’t find it challenging to learn new things.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Valley Bulldog

1. These dogs can be quite energetic.

They may look like laidback canines, but they are quite energetic. They are prone to knocking smaller children over in their excitement. This is something to consider when deciding to adopt one.

2. They are not allergy-friendly.

They have very short coats, but they are typically not considered to be very allergy-friendly. They do shed quite a bit. Their coats are easy to groom, though.

3. Valley Bulldogs are usually multi-colored.

These dogs having solid coats are scarce. They are usually multiple different colors.

The parent breeds of the Valley Bulldog
Photo Credit: Left – Chris Shafer, Pexels | Right – AndreiTobosaru, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Valley Bulldog🧠

The best word to describe these dogs is “silly.” They are quite active, especially as puppies. While they aren’t quite as active as a purebred Boxer, they require a substantial amount of exercise and will be very excitable.

Because these dogs are mixed breed, their temperament is affected by a wide variety of factors. Genetics plays a huge role, and you never know what one puppy will inherit from either parent. For this reason, this breed has a lot of variety to them. This is something essential to keep in mind when adopting. You may not get exactly what you expect.

These dogs are amiable. They are usually quickly trusting of just about anyone. They get excited around visitors, and anytime they see a person while walking. They are not aggressive in the least.

With the proper socialization, these canines can grow up to be well-rounded, outgoing canines.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡 

Yes. Their ease of bonding with just about everyone makes them perfect for families. However, they do best in families with older children. They don’t always know their size or strength. They can easily knock small children down in their excitement.

It isn’t that they are aggressive by any means. They are just a bit too excitable to be well-behaved and careful around children.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?🐶 😽 

Usually, this dog is okay with canines and cats. They are typically not territorial or aggressive towards other dogs. They are incredibly laidback in most cases. They do fine with all dogs, even with minimal socialization. They are an excellent candidate for a household with multiple dogs.

They do not have a solid prey drive, though they still will chase things that run away. However, there are better breeds to have in a house with cats and similar animals.

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Things to Know When Owning a Valley Bulldog:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Valley Bulldogs do not have any specific dietary requirements. In general, they are quite food-driven and will eat just about anything. They are not usually very picky in the least.

Ideally, you should feed your canine dog food that is suitable for medium-sized dogs. They will be quite active, so plan on feeding them a diet formulated for active dogs as well. They will overeat because they are so food-driven. You will need to monitor their food intake for this reason. You should not leave food out for these dogs. They will overeat.

Overall, these dogs are incredibly healthy, so they do not usually require a particular diet. Of course, if your dog develops a particular health issue, we recommend switching them to an appropriate diet.

Exercise 🐕

As active dogs, these canines will need a substantial amount of exercise. They are not a breed that is going to lay around on the couch all day. They will move whenever they get the opportunity. Appropriate exercise can keep them from being too excitable.

You should plan on taking them on at least two walks a day. While these dogs are very active, they don’t have that much endurance. They tend to get tired decently fast. You don’t have to take them on super long walks for this reason. A quick jog twice a day should be plenty for most canines.

Of course, because these dogs are a mixed breed, some will require more exercise than others. If your dog gets over-excited multiple times throughout the day, they likely need more exercise.

valley bulldog
Photo Credit: Deude Mann, Shutterstock

Training 🦮 

As moderately intelligent dogs, the Valley Bulldog usually picks up on commands quickly. They are people-pleasers and very food-driven – two traits that make them very easy to train. They will do what you say because you said it and can also be encouraged with food quickly.

We highly recommend puppy training classes and other obedience classes as early as possible. Because of their larger size and hyperactive nature, they need training before they get out of hand. These classes are the easiest way to accomplish this. It also lets them socialize with other dogs, which is essential for any breed.

While these dogs are easy to train, they tend to get caught up in the moment and don’t always listen to commands. When visitors come in the door, they tend to get excited and may completely ignore your commands. Attention training is essential.

Grooming ✂️

These dogs have a short coat. They do shed, but they do not require much grooming in the least. A quick brushing once a week will remove excess hair and help keep them clean. Plus, these dogs tend to be so affection-loving that they usually happily sit for grooming.

These dogs don’t need a bath unless they get dirty – which they will. Brushing them regularly helps remove dirt from their coat, which should be plenty to keep them clean. If they roll in the mud, though, you will need to bathe them.

Like all dogs, they will need their nails clipped regularly. They are active canines, so they may not need them clipped as often as other canines. However, they still will need them clipped at some point. You can do this at a groomer’s or accomplish it at home.

Health and Conditions ❤️

These dogs are usually extremely healthy. They are not particularly prone to many health problems. Those that they are prone to are not particularly serious in most cases. They are not substantially prone to these problems either.

Technically, they can be prone to any of the conditions their parent breeds are prone to. In reality, though, they usually don’t develop any of these conditions. This is because they have a larger gene pool, which means that the odds of them inheriting problematic genes is very low.

Minor Conditions
  • Skin infections
Serious Conditions
  • Breathing problems

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Male vs Female

Males are typically a bit bigger than females. Of course, because they are a mixed breed, their size can vary substantially. Generally, the biggest Valley Bulldogs will be male, though, while the smallest ones will be female.

Besides this, there are no other differences between the two sexes. They have very similar personalities, and one does not seem to be more aggressive than the other.

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Final Thoughts

The Valley Bulldog is a mixed breed. Typically, this breed is amiable and makes friends with just about everyone. They are quite energetic, so they do best in active families. They tend to knock smaller children over as well, which can be a problem. These canines do great with older children, though, especially if they get playtime out of the arrangement.

In the end, these dogs are pure companion animals. If you can exercise them appropriately, they can be a great addition to your family.

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Featured Image Credit: David McManus, Shutterstock

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