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ASPCA Pet Insurance Review 2024 – Pros, Cons, & Verdict

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

product comparison HEPPER

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance is instantly recognizable as the company licenses its name from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. However, they’re not affiliated with the ASPCA in any way. United States Fire Insurance Company underwrites ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Moreover, their plans are administered by the Crum & Forster Pet Insurance Group. One factor that sets the company apart is that ASPCA sells horse insurance. Besides that, they are similar to most other big-name pet insurance companies.

Our Verdict

We give ASPCA Pet Insurance a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

ASPCA Pet Insurance Review

  • Up to 90% reimbursement of covered charges
  • Coverage for horses
  • No age limits for coverage
  • Covers pet behavioral issues
  • Affordable prices
  • Customizable plans
  • 10% multi-pet discount
  • Exam fees are covered
  • Claims can take up to 30 days
  • There’s no standalone wellness plan available
  • Slow customer service
  • No deductible over $500

Other Top-Rated Pet Insurance Companies

Most Affordable
Our rating: 4.3 / 5
Most Customizable
Our rating: 4.5 / 5
Best for Direct Payments
Our rating: 4.0 / 5

About ASPCA Pet Insurance

ASPCA Pet Insurance appeals to the average pet owner looking to cover their pet for many of the typical health problems. They offer several options, including complete coverage, an accident-only insurance plan, and a preventative care plan that you can add to their base plans. The complete and accident-only plans have several deductible options if you’re trying to keep costs down.

One of the company’s best selling points is that, even if your pet has a pre-existing condition, that may still be covered after they heal. Coverage will apply if your pet shows no signs of illness or disease for 180 days (except for knee and ligament issues).

Another big plus about ASPCA is that they don’t have age limits for coverage. Even if your pet is considered a senior dog, cat, or horse, you can still enroll them for coverage. And, as we’ve mentioned, ASPCA covers horses, which few others will do. Also, if you have more than one pet, ASPCA provides a 10% discount.

One drawback with ASPCA Pet Insurance is that their deductibles only go as high as $500. Several other providers allow you to go higher and save on your monthly premiums. Also, from the customer reviews, ASPCA’s response time to customer service and claims is slower than most. They still get high marks for helping customers when they finally get through.

ASPCA Pet Insurance is available for dog, cat, and horse owners in all 50 states. To enroll with ASPCA, your pet must be at least 8 weeks of age. You can file everything online, which is convenient and a big time saver. The company also has an app that makes filing a claim even more accessible.

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Pricing & Plans

Pet Insurance Cost Comparison

Company Sample Monthly Cost For Dogs Sample Monthly Cost For Cats Learn More
ASPCA $36.54 $16.51 Get Quote
Lemonade $19.44 $11.00 Get Quote
Spot $36.54 $16.51 Get Quote
Trupanion $70.12 $30.88 Get Quote

Base Policy

The ASPCA base policy will vary significantly based on your pet, the plan you choose, your pet’s age, and several other factors. For example, an adult, mixed-breed dog in good health with no issues will have a premium of $36.54 per month. That includes a $500 deductible which you must pay first, and 90% reimbursement after that.

The benefit limit is $5,000, which means you won’t be reimbursed higher than $5,000 in a given year. The plan, deductible, and benefit limit are reset at the end of every year (based on when you signed up for your pet’s insurance plan). The same coverage for an adult cat in good health would cost $16.51 per month with the same deductible and benefit limit.


You can easily customize all ASPCA Pet Insurance’s plans by adding annual deductibles, wellness plans, and higher or lower annual limits. You can also choose the percentage covered when you make a claim: 70%, 80%, or 90%. Lastly, you can add preventative care plans to any of ASPCA’s existing base plans.

Accident Only Coverage

As the name suggests, this coverage option only covers your pet in case of an accidental injury, such as when another dog bites your dog, swallows something toxic, gets hit by a car, or breaks a bone during a fall. Most of the costs incurred from an accident such as these will be covered, including diagnostics to determine the course of treatment, surgical procedures, drug treatments, and related exams.

Preventative Care Basic

If you cover your pet for preventative care, ASPCA’s basic plan is best and costs an extra $9.95 per month. The annual coverage is $250, and it covers deworming, exams, some vaccinations, and dental cleanings, among others.

Preventative Care Prime

For $24.95 extra per month, you can get ASPCA’s Prime preventative care, which covers everything under the basic coverage and several more, like blood tests, health certificates, and additional vaccines. The annual coverage is also increased to $450.

Annual Deductibles

ASPCA offers several deductibles that will lower our monthly pet insurance costs. There are three: $100, $250, and $500. All three are annual and renewed every year.

Annual Coverage Limits

Annual coverage limits are the maximum amount you will be reimbursed in any given year by ASPCA for bills covered by your plan. They include $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000 and $10,000. Note that the higher the annual maximum coverage, the higher your monthly premiums will be.

Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement rates are similar to deductibles in that they lower your monthly cost. They do this by reducing the percentage of covered vet bill costs. For example, instead of getting back 100% (after your deductible has been paid), you can choose to get 70%, 80%, or 90% paid back to you.

ASPCA Pet Insurance Price Comparison for Dogs

Labrador Retriever Miniature Poodle
Male or Female Male Female
Age 4 Years 8 Years
Location Atlanta, GA Dallas, TX
Reimbursement Level 90% 80%
Annual Deductible $500 $100
Annual Max $3000 $5000
Price per month $58.18 $89.09

ASPCA Pet Insurance Monthly Premium Comparison for Dogs

Breed Name Under 1 Year 4 Years 6 Years 9 Years
Border Collie $30.30 $34.51 $43.14 $69.02
German Shephard $36.54 $39.15 $44.38 $73.09
Labrador Retriever $47.49 $54.28 $67.85 $108.56
French Bulldog $59.02 $63.24 $71.67 $118.04
Miniature Poodle $34.17 $39.05 $48.81 $78.10
Mixed Breed $35.47 $38.72 $42.86 $62.65

Deductibles & Claims

Deductibles and the percentage of coverage you choose to be reimbursed will affect your monthly premiums, lowering or increasing them depending on the plan you select. The higher the deductible, the lower the cost will be. However, the higher the maximum coverage per year, the higher the price will be.

% of Medical Expenses Annual Deductible Maximum Coverage Monthly Premium
70% $100 $3,000 $26.41
70% $250 $5,000 $38.57
70% $500 $10,000 $41.04
80% $100 $3,000 $47.36
80% $250 $5,000 $45.97
80% $500 $10,000 $60.69
90% $100 $3,000 $55.72
90% $250 $5,000 $54.09
90% $500 $10,000 $53.73

As you can see, by changing the three criteria above, your monthly premium will change, sometimes substantially. The most significant difference comes from changing the deductible. For example, $10,000 worth of coverage at 90% reimbursement with a $100 deductible costs $86.59 per month, but the same coverage with a $500 deductible costs $53.73 per month, a savings of $32.86. Switching to 70% reimbursement reduces your cost even further to $41.04 but only saves you $12.69 more. In our opinion, taking the highest deductible with the highest reimbursement level makes the most financial sense.

What Does ASPCA Pet Insurance Cover?

Coverage Item Annual Limit
Wellness Exam $50
Heartworm test $20
Fecal Test $20
Rabies or Lyme vaccine $20
Dental Cleaning $100
Deworming $20
DHLPP vaccine $25
Health certificate $25
Urinalysis $25
Bordetella vaccine $25
Spay/neuter $150
  • Wellness exam
  • Heartworm test
  • Fecal test
  • Rabies or Lyme disease vaccine
  • Dental cleaning
  • Deworming
  • DHLPP vaccine
  • Health certificate
  • Urinalysis
  • Bordetella vaccine
  • Spay/neuter
Not Covered
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Boarding
  • Funeral costs
  • Alternative medicine
  • Supplements
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Breeding costs
  • Experimental treatments
  • Organ transplants
  • House-calls
  • Non-medical supplies

Pre-Existing Conditions

As with all pet insurance providers, pre-existing conditions aren’t covered by ASPCA’s insurance plans. ASPCA Pet Insurance defines a pre-existing condition as “Illness, disease, injury or change to your pets health that first occurs or shows symptoms before coverage is effective or during a waiting period. This includes conditions that are related to, secondary or resultant from a pre-existing condition.”

Anything that happens to your pet during ASPCA’s 14-day waiting period won’t be covered, along with services like boarding, grooming, alternative medicine, and funeral services. If you’d like to learn about all of ASPCA’s exclusions and policy limitations, click here.

Waiting Periods

ASPCA pet Insurance has a 14-day waiting period. That means you won’t be covered for 14 days after the day you sign up for coverage while they review your file. Unlike some pet insurance companies, ASPCA does not have a waiting period for accidents or orthopedic conditions.

Reviews from Customers

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance has excellent reviews from thousands of consumers around the United States. On the Consumer Affairs website, for example, ASPCA has 766 reviews with a 4.25 average, which is very good.

Ashley from Darien, CT, noted that ASPCA responded very quickly to claims.  On Trust Pilot, ASPCA also has stellar reviews. Out of 3,802 reviews, they have a 4.6 rating.

Kate Dibble says that ASPCA is “amazing,” and Caren Armstrong raves that ASPCA was “fast and easy, and I received my 90% as promised.” The vast majority of ASPCA’s online reviews are 5-stars.


How do you submit a claim with ASPCA?

You can submit a claim online via email, send via fax, or snail mail.

How long does it take ASPCA to process a claim?

Claims are typically processed within 30 days.

When does pet insurance coverage take effect?

Coverage begins after the 14-day waiting period ends or on the 15th day after the policy takes effect.

What is the limit to claims that can be submitted?

There is no limit, although there are coverage limits.

How long do I have to submit a claim?

Up to 270 days after your visit to your local veterinarian.

What is the ASPCA mobile app called?

The ASPCA app is called My Pet Insurance.

Where is ASPCA Pet Insurance accepted?

Any licensed vet clinic in the United States or Canada.

How can I reduce the cost of my monthly pet insurance premiums?

You can reduce your monthly premiums via a higher deductible, a lower reimbursement, or a lower maximum annual coverage amount.

Will my pet be covered by insurance immediately?

No, there is a 14-day waiting period on all ASPCA pet insurance plans.

Does ASPCA Pet Insurance have an age limit on its policies?

No. Your dog, cat, or horse can be any age and still get coverage.

What pets does ASPCA cover?

Dogs, cats, and horses?

What is the highest annual coverage ASPCA offers?


Is pregnancy covered by ASPCA?

No, pregnancy and pregnancy-related healthcare are not covered.

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Our Verdict

From our research, we believe that ASPCA Pet Health Insurance is one of the top pet insurance companies in North America. They have excellent plans and policies and provide several options for deductibles, coverage percentages, and annual maximum coverage amounts.

From the reviews we’ve read, they also have responsive and caring customer service, although some consumers mentioned that they were a bit slow responding to claims and queries. The company also offers add-on plans for wellness care and an accident-only plan. Overall, we believe ASPCA Pet Insurance is a top-notch pet insurance company with plans and services that will fit the needs of most consumers.


  • Hepper acknowledges that it is not licensed as an insurance agent, and therefore will not offer any advice regarding insurance, nor recommend a particular coverage, policy, or insurance company.

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