180 Batman-Inspired Dog Names for Your Awesome Pup

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Comics, TV shows, and movies are perfect places to find inspiration for a new dog’s name. The Batman franchise, with its assortment of love interests, villains, supporting characters, and the hero himself, is one of the most popular options.
Maybe your dog’s massive ears remind you of bats, or perhaps they have a mischievous streak that’s almost villainy. Maybe Batman is a hero whom you’ve loved since you were a kid, and you want to honor that nostalgia.
There are many intriguing characters in the Batman series, so here’s a list of our favorites to inspire you.
How to Name Your Dog
Finding the perfect name for your dog is a fun but challenging experience. You want something that matches their personality and your own preferences. It also needs to be a name that you don’t mind shouting in public if your dog ever decides to wander off!
The characters and actors in Batman all make great sources of inspiration, and you should note all your favorites before you start. Discuss these with your family and make a list of everyone’s top choices. Then, spend a few days learning about your dog so you can be fully sure if a name will suit them.
Batman-Inspired Male Dog Names
“Batman” isn’t the only name that you can give your dog if you love this character. There’s a wide variety of villains and supporting characters who are essential to Batman’s success. The actors are important to remember too! Maybe your male dog reminds you of the loyal Alfred, Bruce Wayne himself, or even Ace the Bat-hound. Here are other male dog names for your pup.
- Ace
- Adam West
- Affleck
- Alfred
- Azrael
- Bale
- Bane
- Basil
- Batman
- Bennett
- Bob
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Bullock
- Burgess
- Burt (Ward)
- Burton
- Caine
- Caspian
- Cesar
- Christopher
- Clayface
- Clooney
- Cobblepot
- Colonel Blimp
- Conroy
- Damien
- Darius
- Dark Knight
- Dick
- Drake
- Duke
- Edward
- Ethan
- Evart
- Floyd
- Frank
- Gavin
- Gordon
- Gorshin
- Grayson
- Hamill
- Harvey (Dent)
- Heath
- Hugo
- Jace
- Jarro
- Jason
- Jeremiah
- Jim (Gordon)
- Joe (Chill)
- Joker
- Judson
- Kane
- Karlo
- Keaton
- Kilmer
- Kyle
- Ledger
- Lorenzo
- Lucius
- Man-Bat
- Mannheim
- Matches Malone
- Meriwether
- Freeze
- Nolan
- Nygma
- Olan
- Orpheus
- Oswald
- Pattinson
- Pierce
- Quinn
- Rojas
- Romero
- Silas
- Terry (McGinnis)
- Thaddeus
- Thompson
- Tim (Drake)
- Titus
- Todd
- Val
- Victor
- Wayne
- Westie
Batman-Inspired Female Dog Names
Many female characters prove their mettle against the villains in this series. Here are the character and actress names for your fearless female puppy.
- Ankh
- Arlene
- Barbara
- Batgirl
- Betty
- Bluebird
- Carmine
- Carrie
- Cassie
- Cassandra
- Catwoman
- Charise
- Diana
- Dinah
- Duela
- Eartha
- Frances
- Gail
- Halle (Berry)
- Harley
- Harper
- Harriet
- Hathaway
- Helena
- Holly
- Huntress
- Irena
- Isley
- Jaina
- Julie
- Karen
- Kate
- Lady Shiva
- Leslie
- Lillian
- Madison
- Marguerite
- Martha
- Matron
- Michelle
- Montoya
- Pamela
- Pfeiffer
- Rachel
- Renee
- Sasha
- Selina
- Shauna
- Simone
- Sofia
- Stephanie
- Talia
- Vale
- Vesper
- Vicki
- Yvonne
- Zatanna
- Zoë
Batman-Inspired Unisex Dog Names
Maybe neither male nor female names quite match your dog. Luckily, Batman is a great source for unisex names too. Here are a few dog names that will honor your love for this series.
- Anarky
- Arkham
- Arrow
- Baby Bat
- Bat
- Bat-Hound
- Bat-Mite
- Batarang
- Black Bat
- Cloud
- Crane
- DC
- Falcone
- Fox
- Ghost
- Gotham
- Hush
- Jojo
- Justice
- Kitt
- Knight
- Knox
- Nightwing
- Oracle
- Orphan
- Penguin
- Pennyworth
- Phantasm
- Poison Ivy
- Red Hood
- Riddler
- Robin
- Ryder
- Scarecrow
- Silver
- Talon
- Two-Face
Whether you prefer the original comic books or the newer movies, Batman is filled with all sorts of characters to inspire your naming choices. If you have a dog with bat-like ears or you think that their sense of mischief would make them a perfect villain, naming them after your favorite character is a great way to share your love of the Dark Knight.
Featured Image Credit: Kateryna Orlova, Shutterstock