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Black & White Australian Shepherd: Facts, Pictures, Origin & History

Kristin Hitchcock

By Kristin Hitchcock

Black & White Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are rarely entirely black and white. Often, they have brown fur on their face or legs. However, some dogs lack the brown spots and have bicolor coats.

Breed Overview

Height 18–23 inches
Weight 35–70 pounds
Lifespan 13–15 years
Colors Black, red, merle, red merle, blue merle, tricolor
Suitable for Homes with yards, families with and without kids
Temperament Friendly, loyal, affectionate, playful, intelligent, trainable

These dogs are not inherently very different from other Australian Shepherds. Their temperament and work ethic will be similar. The only major difference is their coloration.

Australian Shepherds Characteristics


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The Earliest Records of Black & White Australian Shepherds in History

Australian Shepherds aren’t actually from Australia, despite the name. Instead, they are descended from herding dogs transported to take care of herds in North America by the Spaniards. Back then, live animals were utilized to feed troops and settlers. Therefore, the herding dogs, which kept the flocks together and safe, were also brought with armies and settlers.

Although we don’t have exact dates when Australian Shepherds were first introduced into the Americas, it could be as early as the 1500s. We also don’t know exactly which dogs were utilized. It is thought that they included Carea Leones bloodlines due to the Aussie’s eye color and merle coat1 (which isn’t found in too many dogs).

The Pyrenean Sheepdog and the Basque Shepherd Dog may have been used, but that hasn’t been confirmed with DNA studies. The breed slowly developed as all the dogs imported were bred together. Since they were separated from the primary breeding stock in Europe, they developed differently.

The Australian Shepherd we know today didn’t develop until the 19th century in California. On top of the herding dogs brought over by the Spaniards, herding dogs were imported with sheep from Australia and New Zealand. For that reason, the term “Australian Shepherd” was used to identify the dogs.

How the Black & White Australian Shepherd Gained Popularity

The Australian Shepherd was not popular outside of herding circles for much of their history. The breed was very popular with farmers because of their ability to work well with sheep, as well as handle cattle. However, they were working dogs for many years.

The average American was introduced to Australian Shepherds when rodeos became popular. They were utilized to perform tricks at the rodeos, eventually leading to fans adopting them with the intent of keeping them as companion animals.


Formal Recognition of the Black & White Australian Shepherd

Shortly after they began appearing in rodeos, the Australian Shepherd Club of America was founded to promote the breed. Eventually, this led to the breed being recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1979. However, the American Kennel Club didn’t recognize the Aussie until the 1990s.

In the 20th century, the Australian Shepherd was increasingly used in conformation demonstrations. Furthermore, they became beloved companion animals. Now, the Australian Shepherd is the 12th most popular dog breed in the United States.

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Top 4 Unique Facts About Black & White Australian Shepherds

1. These Dogs Are Mostly a Working breed.

Althouogh the Australian Shepherd has become a very popular companion animal, they were originally bred for working. Today, they still have many of their herding instincts, which can lead to problems with children and smaller animals.

Therefore, you should be careful when deciding to adopt an Australian Shepherd. If you can’t handle an active dog with herding instincts, they probably are not the best option for you. Many dog owners don’t realize how difficult they are to handle and train.

2. They Aren’t From Australia.

Despite the name, Aussies aren’t from Australia. Some of their ancestral canines are from Australia, but Aussies are a mix of several herding breeds brought over by several European settlers. For instance, the Spaniards brought over dogs to herd sheep.

3. Some Have Bobbed Tails.

Australian Shepherd
Image Credit: Marrisu, Pixabay

Although it isn’t common, Australian Shepherds are genetically predisposed to have bobbed tails. About one in five dogs will have no tail naturally. Of course, because this is genetic, not every dog has a chance of having a short tail. Typically, you have to find a litter that was bred for this trait.

Herders prefer dogs with short tails because they are less likely to get injured while herding.

4. They Shed a lot.

It’s best to brush your Aussie daily. If you keep on top of their brushing needs at home, you won’t have to take them to the groomer very often. Furthermore, you cannot shave these dogs. They have a double coat, so shaving can interfere with their ability to regulate their body temperature.

Grooming them is a time-consuming task that should be considered before you adopt an Australian Shepherd.

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Do Australian Shepherds Make a Good Pet?

Aussies can make excellent pets if you can handle their hyperactivity. They are incredibly active since they were bred to work all day. Furthermore, they have strong herding instincts and may try to herd small children, animals, and cars. If you don’t have herd animals, these instincts can be troublesome.

They cannot be trained out of the dog, either. Therefore, you’ll simply need to manage your dog’s instincts by keeping them on a leash and watching them around children. However, Aussies are extremely smart and ideal for dog owners who want to compete in canine sports or have a very active relationship with their dogs.

However, they can get bored quickly and do best with owners who prioritize training and socialization.

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Black and white Australian Shepherds are an extremely common breed. They are becoming popular as more people learn about them. However, they were initially only utilized for herding. It took a while for them to become popular companion animals.

Today, it isn’t odd to see them as companion animals. However, many first-time owners have trouble controlling their Aussies. It is vital to understand how active and high-maintenance Aussies are before you adopt one.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Jennie Book, Shutterstock

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