Can Dogs Eat Enchiladas? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & FAQ
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If your dog has mastered the perfect “begging face,” it can be hard to resist sharing your dinner with your pet. However, before you give in to your dog’s mournful expression, you must be sure the food you’re sharing is safe for your pet to eat. For example, enchiladas are delicious comfort food, but your dog can’t eat them.
Keep reading to learn why enchiladas are an unhealthy and potentially toxic food for your dog. We’ll also suggest some human foods that are okay to feed your dog and how these treats fit into a healthy diet for your pet.
The Trouble with Enchiladas
As you’ll learn later in this article, dogs can safely enjoy some human foods as treats in moderation. However, enchiladas present several health concerns for your pet.
Enchilada recipes may vary, but like many Mexican dishes, they are often quite spicy. Eating spicy foods may upset your dog’s stomach, causing such signs as vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive thirst.
Fat and Calories
This dish may also contain more fat and calories than your dog should be eating, leading them to gain too much weight. Some dogs are more sensitive to high-fat foods and may develop a painful medical condition called pancreatitis.
Toxic Ingredients
The biggest concern with your dog eating enchiladas is that they may contain dangerous ingredients. Onions and garlic, commonly found in many enchilada recipes, are toxic to dogs. They have a compound that damages the dog’s red blood cells.
These damaged cells can burst easily, leading to anemia or low red blood cells. Dogs that have consumed onions or garlic may show signs of trouble breathing, collapse, increased heart rate, and pale gums.
Is It Okay for Dogs to Eat Human Foods?
Although dogs and humans are both considered omnivores, our canine companions don’t have the same nutritional requirements that we do. Because of that, human foods alone won’t provide the essential nutrients your dog needs to stay healthy.
Commercial dog diets are formulated to meet your pet’s basic nutritional needs. Most of your dog’s daily calories should come from dog food. Any human foods your dog eats must be subtracted from this recommended amount.
All treats, including human food, should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. Calorie recommendations vary based on a dog’s size, age, and activity level. Your vet can help you calculate what your dog should be eating.
What Human Foods Can Dogs Eat?
If you want to offer human foods to your dog as treats, here are some safe options to consider:
Human Foods That Are Bad for Dogs to Eat
In addition to onions and garlic, here are some other foods your dog should never eat:
- Raw meat, fish, or eggs
- Grapes or raisins
- Chocolate
- Raw yeast dough
- Salty or sugary foods
Enchiladas are a delicious meal for humans but shouldn’t be shared with your dog. Dogs shouldn’t eat enchiladas because they often contain toxic ingredients and may be high in fat and calories. Instead, feed your dog a nutritionally balanced commercial diet with occasional safe human foods as treats. If you aren’t sure whether a food is safe for your dog to eat, check with your veterinarian first.