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Can Pomeranians Be Left Alone at Home? Time Limits & Considerations

Jordyn Alger

By Jordyn Alger

pomeranian dog lying on the floor

Bringing a new dog home is a time of excitement and wonder. As incredible as it is to welcome a new dog into the family, it also requires time and effort. New dogs must be monitored, trained, and gradually acclimated to unfamiliar surroundings. During this time, it is best to be with your dog as much as possible, but of course, you can’t be with your dog at all times.

Some dogs handle isolation better than others. When it comes to Pomeranians, they are social creatures that do not enjoy being left alone for prolonged periods. However, they are capable of spending several hours alone in the right environment.

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How Long Can Pomeranians Be Left Alone?

How long your Pomeranian can be left alone depends mainly on his needs and age. The average adult Pomeranian can be left alone for the span of a regular workday, but if he has separation anxiety or potty problems, that time may be significantly cut down.

While adults can be left alone for long periods, puppies are a different story. The younger your puppy is, the less time he can handle being alone. He may become agitated or have a potty accident if left alone for longer than his maximum threshold. Below is a chart to help you determine how long your Pomeranian puppy can be left alone.

Age Maximum Time
8–10 weeks 1 hour alone
2–3 months 2 hours alone
6–12 months 4 hours alone
12–18+ months 6–8 hours alone

Source: https://pomeranian.org/can-pomeranians-be-left-alone/

Although Pomeranians can handle 8 hours alone when they are fully mature adults, they should not be left alone for much longer. The Pomeranian needs social interactions even if he can hold his bladder that long. Being isolated for 8 hours or more is detrimental to his social needs.

tan pomeranian in the bed
Image Credit: Nick Stafford, Pixabay

What To Know Before Leaving Your Pomeranian Alone

Before leaving your Pomeranian home alone, there are a few things to consider. First, you will want to set a consistent schedule so your dog knows how long he can expect to be alone. It is easier for your dog to handle isolation or hold his bladder if he knows when you will return. Potty pads can be helpful for accidents, but relying on them too much may accidentally train your dog into thinking that he is supposed to go indoors rather than outdoors.

If your Pomeranian is a puppy, you must puppy-proof the home. Any cables should be hidden so he cannot chew them, and fragile items should be stored safely. Human foods or drinks that are toxic to canines should be kept out of reach.

Be sure to leave plenty of toys out for your Pomeranian so he can entertain himself. If he can keep busy, he may not be as agitated by the isolation.

Pomeranians Are High-Energy

Although Pomeranians are small, they are not lazy lapdogs. They are eager to race around and participate in games. While alone, it is difficult for Pomeranians to release their pent-up energy. This may result in your Pomeranian displaying destructive behaviors, such as tearing up furniture. Leaving toys out for him can help burn off energy, but it may not be enough for some Pomeranians.

Before leaving your dog for a long time, it may be helpful to exercise him. Going on a brisk walk or playing tug-of-war are great ways to get your Pomeranian moving.

a white pomeranian dog happily standing outside
Image By: Tam and Trace Photography, Shutterstock

Pomeranians May Suffer from Separation Anxiety

Since Pomeranians are social creatures, they are prone to separation anxiety. If you notice that your dog seems exceptionally clingy or agitated when you return home from a long day out, there is a chance that your Pomeranian suffers from the condition.

Some signs of separation anxiety include:
  • Urinating
  • Defecating
  • Destructive behaviors (such as chewing or clawing)
  • Barking or howling
  • Pacing and restlessness
  • Attempting to escape

Depending on the severity of the separation anxiety, managing it will vary. Mild cases of separation anxiety are more straightforward and easier to treat, whereas moderate to severe cases are more complex. In more extreme cases, desensitization and counterconditioning may be necessary. These are powerful methods of changing a dog’s behavior, and the application may look different for each dog.

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Final Thoughts

Pomeranians can be left home alone, but they are social dogs and don’t prefer to be on their own. While adults can be left alone for 8 hours, puppies must be checked on several times throughout the day. If your Pomeranian suffers from separation anxiety, there are ways to manage it, though it will require extensive time and effort. The most important thing is that you can provide a comfortable, safe place for your Pomeranian while you are away so that he can rest easy and await your return.

Featured Image Credit: EugeneEdge, Shutterstock

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