Category: Dogs

5 Lhasa Apso Haircuts (With Grooming Tips)

One of the things that first attracted you to your Lhasa Apso was likely their long, lustrous coat. It’s one of the things that makes the breed so unique and special. No matter what your reason is for adoring this exceptional dog, coat care is a must. If you own a Lhasa Apso or are […]

7 Lhasa Apso Behavior Problems to Watch Out For

Lhasa Apsos originated in Tibet as a companion and guard dog. They’re now kept as pets, but they retain many of their selective breeding traits, like protectiveness and vigilance. Without proper training and socialization, the Lhasa Apso can develop significant behavioral problems. Here are seven Lhasa Apso behavior problems to watch out for. Like anything […]

14 Lhasa Apso Colors & Patterns (With Pictures)

If you’re thinking about getting a Lhasa Apso, there are quite a few color options to choose from. We’ve highlighted 14 colors and patterns for you below, most of which are formally recognized by the American Kennel Club. It’s possible to get a Lhasa Apso with a color not on the list, but there’s a […]

Why Do Dogs Like Peanut Butter? Nutrition Facts & Considerations

Our dogs would scoop several dishes out of our hands with no provocation. One of their top favorites across the board is peanut butter. Like us, dogs are omnivorous. However, nuts don’t seem to be something that would be on the traditional menu. So, why do dogs like peanut butter so much? What is it […]

160+ Dog Names Starting with J for Your Pup

When it’s time for you to choose one for your dog buddy, there are about as many different reasons for choosing as there are names. Some folks like to name their dog after a friend or loved one, or a famous human they’re fond of. Sometimes a name based on your dog’s appearance or behavior […]

Why Do Dogs Scratch the Carpet? 5 Possible Reasons

Scratching and digging are natural behaviors for dogs. However, when it happens on your expensive carpets and rugs, it can be annoying and stressful. There are several reasons dogs may scratch the carpet, ranging from instinct or boredom to separation anxiety. Here are the reasons your dog may scratch the carpet and what you can […]

How Much Does an Irish Doodle Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Irish Doodles, a hybrid mixing Irish Setters with Poodles, combines the winning combination of traits from each side. This results in a unique and enjoyable breed that’s highly active, smart, and loads of fun to have around. They are also extremely affectionate and love to be around their human families, making them terrific family dogs. […]

Will My Dog Protect Me? Truth vs Myth Explained

It’s a scenario we’ve seen hundreds of times on TV and in movies. Our hero is being threatened by a big/scary/well-armed dude, and it looks like it’s all over, when suddenly, their previously lovable and chill doggie leaps into action and goes nuts on the villain, saving the day and earning a good solid scratch […]

11 Cairn Terrier Pros & Cons: What to Consider Before Bringing One Home

Terriers. Who doesn’t love them? Beautiful and extremely intelligent, with lots of engaging characteristics, it’s no big mystery why they’re so popular the world over with dog lovers. Cairn Terriers might not be the most popular breed of terrier, but they’re of special interest to lots of potential owners. They’re a perfect choice for those […]

Why Do Dogs Like Butt Scratches? 3 Main Reasons

If there’s one thing that makes many pooches melt, it’s a good scratch on the rump. Some love it so much that they frequently request scratches by enthusiastically presenting their butt to their human companions—Ah, the joys of dog parenting! Now, every dog is different, and they like to be petted in different ways, so […]

Why Does My Dog Act Like a Cat? 5 Common Reasons

Pet dogs are commonly viewed as loyal and affectionate companion pets. They’re perceived to be playful and social and have a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life. However, not all dogs fit into this image, and it’s perfectly normal for some dogs to have more introverted or independent personalities. Some dogs may even seem to have more […]

Why Do Dogs Tuck Their Tails? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons

No matter the breed, dogs utilize their ears, eyes, mouths, and even their tails to communicate what they are feeling. Some dog breeds have what is referred to as a “gay tail,” in which their tails stay upright and often curl toward the back, typically when they are alert or engaged. But dogs can also […]

Why Do Dogs Beg for Food? 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons & How to Prevent It

If you’re a dog parent, you’re probably no stranger to those puppy dog eyes gazing up longingly when you tuck into something. This is sometimes accompanied by whimpering sounds or pawing at you, and it’s your dog’s way of trying to get a freebie off your plate. Begging for food is normal for many dogs […]

Are Irish Setters Good Apartment Dogs? What You Need to Know

Elegant looks and a temperament as sweet as their face can make anyone fall in love with the Irish Setter. However, before adopting, assessing your situation will make the difference between an incredible experience and an overwhelming challenge. With their non-stop energy, living in an apartment with limited space is rarely a wise idea. If […]

How Big Do Irish Doodles Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart

Irish Doodles are an intentionally bred hybrid of Irish Setters and Poodles, from both of which they inherit high spirits and equally high energy. They’re a perfect companion for families who love to take their canine buddy along on all their adventures. Read on below to find out how big you can expect your Doodle […]