Category: Uncategorized

My Rabbit Is Running Around Really Fast, What Does It Mean? 8 Reasons & What To Do

You know what’s typical behavior for your rabbit, so if they’re running around more than usual, it’s something you’ll want to take notice of. But what does it mean, and is there anything you need to do about it? The truth is that it depends, so to help you figure out what’s going on and […]

Do Frogs Have Opposable Thumbs? Vet-Verified Facts & Anatomy

Having opposable thumbs means you can touch the tips of all your fingertips with your thumb by flexing and rotating them. Can you imagine trying to write, type, open a jar, or simply hold an object without opposable thumbs? Humans are lucky enough to have this anatomical feature, but humans are not the only species […]

Does Cedarwood Oil Kill Fleas? Vet-Reviewed Safety & Effectiveness

Dealing with a flea infestation can be frustrating for pet owners. In addition, some pet owners may worry about using pesticides to kill fleas on their pets and wonder what alternatives, such as cedarwood oil, are available. Available research suggests that cedarwood oil may kill or repel fleas, but veterinarians do not recommend using essential […]

Does Chlorine Kill Fleas? Vet-Reviewed Safety & Effectiveness

Fleas are tiny, blood-sucking insects that can infest our homes and cause annoyance and discomfort for both humans and pets. When faced with a flea infestation, it’s natural to seek effective solutions. One question that often arises is whether chlorine can be used to eliminate fleas. Does chlorine kill fleas? Yes, chlorine can kill fleas […]

Does UV Light Kill Fleas? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Effectiveness

Ultraviolet (UV) light has many purposes, including sterilizing biological safety hoods and inducing mutations in lab experiments, but can it kill fleas? Yes, but it may not be the most practical option. Because UV light mutates the genetic code, it’s effective at killing many organisms directly or indirectly with radiation. But as far as home […]

Does Lavender Oil Kill Fleas? Tips on Safety & Effectiveness

Fleas are a problem year after year for pet owners. We’re always scrambling for new tips and tricks on how to keep these pesky parasites at bay. Many people try to use natural remedies instead of harsh chemicals due to their perceived safety and effectiveness. However natural does not always mean safer. So in all […]

Can Turtles Eat Spinach? Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Spinach is a leafy green superfood that nutritionists can’t get enough of. We know the bountiful benefits it has for human creatures. But what about turtles? If you thought about adding spinach to your turtle’s daily diet, you did the right thing to check before following through. So what is the deal? Spinach is suitable […]

8 Swedish Vallhund Facts: Fascinating Breed Information Revealed

The Swedish Vallhund is a charming breed of spitz dog with a thick double coat that makes them ideal for colder environments. These puppies originate from Scandinavia and are thought to be as much as 1,000 years old. While still used for herding, the Vallhund is very family-oriented and will protect their family members no […]

Do Frogs Have Teeth? Fascinating Facts & FAQs

Frogs are one of nature’s strangest, quirkiest residents, and their teeth are just as weird. Yes, frogs do have teeth – a feature which helps distinguish some of them from toads. Their teeth evolved much differently from other creatures’ chompers, and they use them in very different ways too! A few frogs lack teeth altogether, […]

Do Frogs Play Dead? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Should you be skeptical if you come across a wild frog that appears dead? If your pet frog is still and unmoving in their habitat, should you start planning a funeral? Well, it turns out that frogs can play dead, so don’t rush to conclusions, even if the situation seems dramatic. In this article, you’ll […]

Why Is Vet Care for Exotic Pets So Expensive? Vet-Reviewed Reasons & Facts

Have you ever watched a TV show or movie that includes an exotic pet in the script? Marcel, the capuchin monkey, was a favorite companion of Ross on the sitcom Friends. Exotic Pet Expos are also popular attractions that display and promote the ownership of these unusual pets. There are many times when individuals will acquire […]

Where Did Axolotls Come From? Origin, History & Vet Approved Facts

Axolotls have some impressive gills on either side of their head. These help them breathe underwater, though they also have lungs that enable them to breathe air. A lengthy dorsal fin keeps them steady while underwater. Axolotls are impressive—they’re truly one-of-a-kind creatures. Sadly, these endangered water dwellers can only be encountered in one spot on […]

How Much Do UK Pet Passports Cost In 2024? Requirements & FAQ

Strictly speaking, since Brexit, the UK has not had an official pet passport scheme in place, but the government does require that pets have specific documents in place before they travel to or from the UK, and these can be considered a pet passport of sorts. Exactly what documents are required depends on where the […]

Does Sevin Dust Kill Fleas? Vet-Reviewed Safety & Effectiveness Facts

Sevin Dust is a well-known insecticide containing the active ingredient carbaryl, often combined with bifenthrin and zeta-cypermethrin, that many folks use for their garden spaces and home environments.  Sevin Dust has been on the market for quite some time, and it can kill up to hundreds of different insects. Even though fleas are among them, […]

Do Embassy Suites Allow Dogs? (2024 Update)

We’re living in a world where the hospitality industry has finally realized that consumers enjoy services being provided to them more if they are allowed to bring their dogs along—because dogs are not just animals, but family. That’s why most Embassy Suites in the country have no problem catering to your needs, as well as […]