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51 Dog Shaming Memes: Excessive Eaters, Chewers, Poopers & Humpers

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

laughing dog

Even the best-trained, best-behaved dogs have their moments of madness. And while some pet parents are willing to forgive and forget, others prefer to name and shame their pets for their misdeeds. From excessive eating to cat litter picking and inappropriate humping, there are dog shaming memes that sum up the odd, almost indescribable experiences that can come with owning dogs.

Below are more than 50 dog-shaming memes that we hope will make you feel a little better about your pet pooch’s antics.

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Excessive Eaters

Most dogs love to eat. They love to eat their own food, and beg for human food, and if they don’t believe they’re getting all of the good stuff, they will take it upon themselves to find extra food around the house. We might know that eating a whole stick of butter is bad for dogs, or that caffeine can make dogs quite ill, but you try telling the dogs that. They don’t listen.

1. Not sure that butter eating is the worst offense

Not sure that butter eating is the worst offense
Image Credit: Instagram jessheffron

2. Garbage cans are just large food bowls

Garbage cans are just large food bowls
Image Credit: Instagram finn__cockapoo

3. A sentiment most dieters can appreciate

A sentiment most dieters can appreciate
Image Credit: Instagram monelleus

4. Who ate all the pies?

Who ate all the pies?
Image Credit: Instagram dogshaming

5. Once you pop…

Once you pop…
Image Credit: Instagram gamashedpotatoes

6. One serious case of the zoomies coming up

One serious case of the zoomies coming up
Image Credit: river.thecardicorgi_4evrsophie

7. Silence isn’t always golden

Silence isn’t always golden
Image Credit: Instagram bruno.b.pomchi

8. Litter picking duties

Litter picking duties
Image Credit: Instagram theodoregroodle



And then there are the dogs that just love to chew. Not so they can eat whatever they tear to shreds but seemingly just for the sake of destruction and to make a mess. Some dog owners have found nothing is sacred with laptops and cell phones even being the target of some mischievous mutts.

9. Nothing is off limits to some dogs

Nothing is off limits to some dogs
Image Credit: Instagram karlthebeagle

10. Jimmy Chews

Jimmy Chews
Image Credit: Instagram pokahawtazz

11. At least it’ll be soft coming out

At least it’ll be soft coming out
Image Credit: Instagram teddyinthecity

12. Honestly, the dog ate my homework

Honestly, the dog ate my homework
Image Credit: Instagram angieschemas

13. “I wanna be pretty too”

“I wanna be pretty too”
Image Credit: Instagram kschwagga94

14. The buck stops with Apollo

The buck stops with Apollo
Image Credit: Instagram hd_919

15. The teddy bear graveyard

The teddy bear graveyard
Image Credit: Instagram kimorab_lib

16. At least she looks like she’s sorry

At least she looks like she’s sorry
Image Credit: Instagram bella_the_amstaff

17. Ganging Up

Ganging Up
Image Credit: Instagram samsclemons

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Poopers and Sprinklers

Pooping: it’s perfectly natural, and all dogs do it. But, while some are fastidiously clean and will only poop in certain places at certain times, others adopt a more carefree attitude to their toileting habits. But, if a dog’s gotta go, a dog’s gotta go.

18. I bet mommy soon stopped

I bet mommy soon stopped
Image Credit: Instagram titusandhailey

19. House training can be tricky

House training can be tricky
Image Credit: Instagram ramona_luvs_brutus

20. It’s just a shower

It’s just a shower
Image Credit: Instagram honeybadger93

21. Two inappropriate toilet habits

Two inappropriate toilet habits
Image Credit: Instagram _lovelyj_

22. Sometimes, it’s just too much effort to get up

Sometimes, it’s just too much effort to get up
Image Credit: Instagram megs1221

23. That’s just plain rude

That’s just plain rude
Image Credit: Instagram dannyfrann

24. Must be something about the smell

Must be something about the smell
Image Credit: Instagram whitamc

25. Maybe it was a nervous reaction

Maybe it was a nervous reaction
Image Credit: Instagram visitingvetofny

26. Tinsel tinkle

Tinsel tinkle
Image Credit: Instagram jenifajen85

27. The joys of bringing the outdoors indoors

The joys of bringing the outdoors indoors
Image Credit: Instagram ranebowbright

28. There’s no accounting for taste

There’s no accounting for taste
Image Credit: Instagram vinnytheofficial

29. Hats can be scary

Hats can be scary
Image Credit: Instagram amy_dash

30. Sibling love

Sibling love
Image Credit: Instagram como.ig

31. More sibling love

More sibling love
Image Credit: Instagram teddy.longlegs

32. Even more sibling love?

Even more sibling love?
Image Credit: Instagram _dogcandy_

33. That’s what brothers are for

That’s what brothers are for
Image Credit: Instagram frankieandrocco_thebuggs

34. You’ll definitely want to move out of the way of that

You’ll definitely want to move out of the way of that
Image Credit: Instagram inki_talvi_finnish_lapphunds

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Humping is probably one of the most awkward behaviors, at least in the eyes of their owners. It is a release for the dog, and while it can be sexual in nature, it isn’t always. Dogs hump when they get excited. Some dogs hump when they get anxious. Some seem to hump for seemingly no reason at all.

35. It isn’t just male dogs that hump

It isn’t just male dogs that hump
Image Credit: Instagram nanithedachshund

36. Some puppies just can’t help it

Some puppies just can’t help it
Image Credit: Instagram jake_kelsey_deklerk

37. Ankle biting can be a humping accompaniment

Ankle biting can be a humping accompaniment
Image Credit: Instagram monicaruiz08

38. Best friends put up with a lot

Best friends put up with a lot
Image Credit: Instagram hala_alaiwat

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Cat Poop Lovers

Cat poop holds a certain fascination for our pet dogs. If you have cat litter in your home, you probably know the noise of your cat covering up its business, and if you have a dog, too, you almost certainly know the noise of your dog picking cat litter out of the tray. And, apparently, it doesn’t have to be cat poop. Dogs are seemingly fascinated with the poop of other animals, too.

39. Ember loves cat poop

Ember loves cat poop
Image Credit: Instagram ember_crisis_response

40. Ember REALLY loves cat poop

Ember REALLY loves cat poop
Image Credit: Instagram ember_crisis_response

41. It isn’t cat poop dogs seem to love

It isn’t cat poop dogs seem to love
Image Credit: Instagram dexter_da_doggy

42. There are consequences

There are consequences
Image Credit: Instagram tayleigh828

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Home Wreckers

As well as unwanted chewing, there is a surprisingly wide range of ways that a dog can make short work of any room in the house. You can give them toys, exercise them before you go out, and even leave the radio on, but some dogs just wait for the coast to be clear before they have a good rummage for mischief.

43. An expensive burst of excitement

An expensive burst of excitement
Image Credit: Instagram thelifeofschultz

44. Sounds like he disapproves of the new couch

Sounds like he disapproves of the new couch
Image Credit: Instagram englishbulldogspanky

45. Ember just likes making a mess

Ember just likes making a mess
Image Credit: Instagram ember_crisis_response

46. The carpet wrecker

The carpet wrecker
Image Credit: Instagram krissy.ann

47. So much destruction

So much destruction
Image Credit: Instagram _nonozozo_

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Some behaviors and memes don’t fit into any category, but that doesn’t make them any less funny or worthy of inclusion. From ant-snorting pups to unwanted alarm clocks, dogs really are everything to their owners.

48. We’re not sure of the consequences

We’re not sure of the consequences
Image Credit: Instagram staymacadelic

49. Some dogs are night owls

Some dogs are night owls
Image Credit: Instagram messrsbradpitt

50. Seriously, who needs an alarm clock?

Seriously, who needs an alarm clock?
Image Credit: Instagram pawsitivepointers

51. Some dogs are biters

Some dogs are biters
Image Credit: Instagram pnw.pug

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Dogs are our faithful companions. They are part of the family. They can also be difficult to live with, have annoying and seemingly inexplicable habits, and routinely gross us out. But, most owners wouldn’t have it any other way!

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Annette Shaff, Shutterstock

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