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Labrador Corso (Cane Corso & Lab Mix): Pictures, Info & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Labrador Corso (Cane Corso & Lab Mix)

Height: 22–28 inches
Weight: 55–110 pounds
Lifespan: 10–12 years
Colors: Black, grey, brown, brindle
Suitable for: Families of any size, owners willing to train and socialize, those who live in rural areas
Temperament: Intelligent, loving, loyal, protective, social, sometimes aggressive

The Labrador Corso is a beautiful, loyal, and rugged breed. These dogs are mixes of a Labrador Retriever and a Cane Corso Italiano, a guard dog breed that originated in Italy. Classified as a large dog, their temperament can vary depending on which parent breed the pup gets their personality from most.

This breed has a high level of intelligence, as both parent breeds are smart. While intelligence in dogs usually means they train well, this breed can sometimes use their intelligence against you. Smart dogs know when to put on the puppy dog eyes and throw little fits to get what they want. This breed is recommended for owners who will be willing to put in the time and effort to train them from puppyhood.

From their Cane Corso parent breed, these dogs often grow to significant size, muscularity, and some physical traits like a wide chest and broad cheekbones that can be intimidating to some. While Labrador Corsos can sometimes be aggressive toward strangers and other dogs, they usually make wonderful family pets and are particularly good with children. Since their temperament can vary quite a bit, we’ll talk about it much more in-depth below.

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Labrador Corso Puppies


Labrador Corso puppies are unbearably adorable, so you should first be aware that it’s difficult to stop yourself at just one! They are an amazing breed that makes a great addition to families of all sizes and ages, but there are some things you should know before picking up your Cane Corso Lab Mix puppy.

Because this breed can inherit the personality of the Cane Corso parent breed, which can be aggressive and strong-willed, you’ll want to be prepared to train and socialize your puppy very early on. Proper socialization can make the difference between a Labrador Corso that is overly protective around strangers and other dogs, and one who welcomes their company. If you don’t have experience with training dogs, you should consider learning about proper dog training techniques and practices before getting a Labrador Corso.

Cane Corso Lab Mix puppies also have a moderate-to-high energy level which means they need exercise every single day. While a vigorous walk for 1–2 hours a day will likely be enough for them, running off-leash is best if it’s safe and possible. This amount of exercise will help keep your pup healthy and will reduce the likelihood that their energy will be put into chewing or other destructive behavior.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Labrador Corso

1. Labrador Corsos Can Vary Quite a Bit in Temperament

As is the case with many crossbred dogs, Cane Corso Lab Mixes inherit traits from both parent breeds: Labrador Retrievers and Cane Corsos. Since the temperaments and personalities of these two parent breeds are drastically different, the cross between them can resemble one parent breed over the other or can be a mix of both.

Labradors are highly social and easy-going dogs that generally take well to strangers and other pets. Cane Corsos can range in temperament themselves but can be aggressive and overly protective when it comes to other people and their pets. While you won’t know exactly which personality your Labrador Corso will embody, early socialization and training will help your dog develop into a sociable and all-around loving animal.

2. Labrador Corsos Are Intelligent and Energetic

Many people worry about puppies being destructive, and breeds like the Labrador Corsos are the reason why! These dogs are intelligent, and if they lack mental stimulation, their boredom often manifests itself in some destructive behavior. Be prepared to occupy their minds with toys or games that require thought and focus.

These pups also have a fairly high energy level. Energetic play likely won’t be enough for them, and they’ll need brisk walks or running time to get their energy out. Bottled-up energy can lead to chewing and other destructive behavior, so put your walking shoes to work if you want to keep them from being chewed to pieces.

3. Labrador Corsos Are Great with Kids

Many people know that Labrador Retrievers are great family dogs and are excellent around children, but they wonder about Cane Corsos. If you’re considering getting a Labrador Corso, but you know about their ability to be aggressive and are concerned that this aggression might come out around your kids—don’t worry too much.

Although Cane Corsos sometimes get a bad reputation due to their aggression toward strangers, they’re actually great with kids and have shown a high amount of patience for them even at a very young age.

The parent breeds of Labrador Corso
The parent breeds of Labrador Corso: Left – Labrador Retriever (Henry Ravenscroft, Unsplash) | Right – Cane Corso (Didkovska Ilona, Shutterstock)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Labrador Corso 🧠

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡 

This breed is highly loyal and protective, and part of that urge to protect includes being loving and understanding of your family. It’s very rare for this breed to be aggressive toward the people he or she lives and interacts with on a daily basis, so Labrador Corsos make excellent family pets.

If you do have young children, these dogs will very likely be understanding, patient, and gentle with them. Your concern if you do have children should be having enough time to stimulate your pup mentally and physically. For this reason, Labrador Corsos are perfect for families with several members who can dedicate time to playing and exercising with them.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽 

As you’ll likely have guessed by now, the answer to this question isn’t so black and white. Labrador Corsos, like many mixed breeds, take personality traits and behavioral tendencies from both parent breeds, so their willingness to co-exist with other pets or simply meet other dogs on the street in a friendly manner is a bit up in the air.

If your Labrador Corso tends to take after their Labrador parent, then you can expect them to welcome the company of other pets. You should know, however, that your pup might be aggressive toward other dogs and cats if he or she more resembles their Cane Corso parent. Your dog may fall somewhere in the middle as well and be largely uninterested or ambivalent when it comes to meeting other pets.

The key to a happy and sociable Cane Corso Lab Mix is proper socialization and training early on. If your puppy meets new people and unfamiliar dogs regularly at a young age, he or she will likely be willing to interact calmly and positively with strangers and other dogs later in life, provided they aren’t perceived as a threat to you. Establishing good and desirable behavior early on will go a long way in making your Labrador Corso as sociable as possible.

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Things to Know When Owning a Labrador Corso:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴 

Labrador Corsos don’t require any special diet, but they will need a high-protein diet like all dogs and one that includes healthy fats and carbohydrates. These dogs are classified as a large breed, so you should choose a commercial dog food that is made with high-quality ingredients and is formulated specifically for large dogs with a moderately high energy level. This will ensure that your furry friend gets all of the nutrients and energy he or she needs to stay happy and healthy.

Expect to feed your Labrador Corso around 3 to 4 cups of food each day, and spread this out over the day into a few meals.

Exercise 🐕 

Labrador Corsos are a breed with a fairly high energy level, so the proper amount of exercise is an absolute must. You should expect to dedicate 1–2 hours every single day to exercise your dog. This can include vigorous walks, hikes, or off-leash running. As we mentioned earlier, neglecting your Cane Corso Lab Mix’s exercise needs is not only extremely unhealthy, but it will also likely lead to some destructive behavior.

We’ll talk about health concerns more a bit later, but one issue with many large dog breeds is bloat, which is a stomach issue often caused by gas buildup. While feeding your pup a high-quality dog food is one good way to help prevent bloat, another is never exercising your Labrador Corso right after a meal. If you were told growing up not to swim for at least an hour after you eat…now you can take that advice and apply it to your dog’s exercise routine!

Training 🦮 

The parent breeds of Labrador Corsos are both highly intelligent, and this usually means that training will go pretty smoothly. This is true for the most part, as this breed does take well to training provided it’s started early and remains consistent.

However, Labrador Corsos sometimes use their intelligence to get the better of you. They’re smart dogs, and this means they know how to get what they want when they want it. They’re often a bit strong-willed and persistent, so training can be somewhat difficult with this breed. For this reason, it’s highly recommended you have some training or experience with proper dog training.

As long as you start early and are consistent and persistent with your training, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue training your Labrador Corso. You need to be firm and use reward-based training at the right level and frequency to ensure your dog doesn’t use their smarts to get the better of you. It also doesn’t help that they’re unbearably cute, so stay strong!

Grooming ✂️

Labrador Corsos have short, straight fur, and this means that grooming is easy and straightforward. Just like with either of the parent breeds, weekly brushing and occasional bathing will be plenty to keep your dog healthy and clean.

You can certainly bring your pooch to the groomer for some nail trimming, washing, and brushing, but in between groomer visits, you should plan for regular brushing about once a week and standard ear cleaning once a month to prevent ear infections.

It’s also important to mention that you should get your Labrador Corso well acquainted with grooming early on. Many dogs don’t take well to grooming if they start later in life, and this breed is no exception. Getting your pup used to nail cutting, brushing, bathing, and ear cleaning as a puppy will make them much more tolerant of it as they get older.

Health Conditions ❤️

Many mixed-breed dogs have fewer health issues than purebreds, but of course, no breed is without their medical problems. Cane Corso Lab Mixes do have some issues you need to be aware of and look out for.

Minor Conditions
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Cataracts
  • Eyelid issues (entropion/ectropion)
Serious Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloat
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Male vs Female

Gender does play at least a small role in personality and behavioral tendencies in Labrador Corsos. Male Labrador Corsos tend to be a bit more aggressive, protective, and territorial than females. Female Labrador Corsos can be a bit less energetic and playful but more affectionate.

It’s important to note that the parent breed from which your Cane Corso Lab Mix gets his or her behavior and temperament can play a bigger role than sex, so don’t expect every male of this breed to exhibit the same tendencies and behaviors. If you have a preference for one sex of Labrador Corso over the other, rest assured that it may not make too much of a difference in your dog’s temperament.

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Labrador Corsos are an interesting and a bit of an eclectic breed. Their parent breeds have very different temperaments and behavioral tendencies, and this means that your pup could embody strong personality traits from one or a mix of both. Regardless of which parent they inherit their personality from, you can trust that they will be loyal, protective, and loving.

This is a large dog breed that can be very muscular with a thick chest and broad cheekbones. While this appearance may be intimidating to some, the Cane Corso Lab Mix tends to be very family-oriented and exhibits patience and understanding when it comes to children.

If you have the time, space, and energy to exercise your pup, and the ability and knowledge to train and socialize them from an early age, a Labrador Corso may be the perfect breed for you. They’re lively, loving, affectionate, protective, loyal, and intelligent dogs that can be a great addition to any family.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Chris Nimmo Photography, Shutterstock

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