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Mauxie (Dachshund & Maltese Mix) Info, Pictures, Facts, Traits

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Mauxie (Dachshund & Maltese Mix)

Height: 7–8 inches
Weight: 4–32 pounds
Lifespan: 12–16 years
Colors: White, black, tan, chocolate, fawn, cream, lemon
Suitable for: Families with older children looking for a small yet active dog breed
Temperament: Loyal and playful, but not keen on being left alone for long periods

If you’ve been dreaming of a small dog with the softest coat ever, then get ready to meet the Mauxie. These pups were created by crossing the brave yet small Dachshund with the sweet and tiny Maltese. The resulting pups are adorable little balls of fluff, with plenty of personality.

You might be tempted by their eye-catching appearance alone, but it pays to do more research before taking the plunge and bringing a Mauxie puppy home. This breed can suffer from separation anxiety, so they won’t enjoy being left home alone every day. They’re also better suited to families with older children, as the Mauxie isn’t the most patient. They won’t cope well with being handled more roughly by younger children.

Mauxies aren’t that common, so you might not know as much about this hybrid breed. That’s about to change! Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about these small dogs with big personalities.

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Mauxie Puppies


There’s no denying that Mauxie puppies are incredibly cute. But as we all know, that’s not a good basis for deciding on a new puppy. It pays to do your research and make sure that you and your family can provide what these little dogs need in terms of training, exercise, and home life before you go rushing off to reserve a puppy.

Mauxies do not like being left alone all day. So, if you work away from home regularly, these little guys will find that tough. They may start engaging in destructive behavior, like excessive barking, deciding to get their teeth into your favorite couch, and so on.

They also don’t have the biggest reserves of patience. This means they are far better suited to families either with no kids or older kids. Small children love to get down at eye level with dogs to pet, brush, and otherwise fuss them. If a Mauxie thinks this attention is a bit much, they won’t hesitate to give a warning nip.

If you can give a Mauxie what they need, great!

3 Little-Known Facts About the Mauxie

1. Mauxie size and temperament can be a mixed bag.

As with any hybrid breed, you never quite know how each puppy is going to turn out. Unlike purebred dogs, where the size, temperament, and color of each pup are fairly predictable, hybrid puppies are a little more variable. You might end up with a Mauxie who looks more like their Maltese parent, while their brother or sister ends up resembling a Dachshund. Most puppies will combine a variety of both parent breeds, so make sure you love all aspects of both breeds before setting your heart on a Mauxie!

2. They’re a registered breed.

Mauxies are registered with the Designer Breed Registry, the International Designer Canine Registry, the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, the American Canine Hybrid Club, and the Dog Registry of America.

The one place you won’t see them registered is the American Kennel Club, and that’s because they only accept purebred dogs, not hybrids.

3. The Mauxie’s parent breeds are both ancient.

It’s thought that the Maltese have been around for up to 8,000 years! Archaeological digs have found evidence of this breed across Greece, Italy, and Egypt, as well as in Malta, where they originated. After the fall of the Roman Empire, it was Chinese breeders who took on the task of protecting the Maltese breed from becoming extinct. The Maltese was one of the breeds exhibited at the first Westminster show held in 1877 in New York. In 1888, the Maltese became the 42nd breed to be accepted into the American Kennel Club.

While the Dachshund’s history doesn’t go quite so far back as the Maltese, it’s still been around for a long time! The Dachshund was originally bred in Germany over 600 years ago. Their primary purpose was to hunt badgers. For this, the dogs needed to have a small size and an incredibly brave temperament. The Dachshund’s bark is incredibly loud for their size, designed to be heard from underground so their handler could mark where the dog was. The Dachshund’s different coat types were designed to cope with the types of terrain they were expected to work in.

So, long-haired Dachshunds were perfect for the colder temperatures of winter, while wire coats deflected thorns. In 1885, Dachshunds were accepted into the American Kennel Club.

The Parents of Mauxie
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Dachshund Maltese Mix 🧠

Your Mauxie pup may take on the characteristics of one of the parent breeds more than the other. Or, they might be a mix of both! By familiarizing yourself with the traits of both the Maltese and the Dachshund, you’ll be prepared for whatever sort of temperament your pup ends up with!

As a breed, the Maltese have been sitting on human laps for generations. While they might seem like sweet little lap dogs, they’re extremely intelligent. This can translate to knowing exactly how to manipulate their owners! Because of their tiny size, it can be easy to decide that your Mauxie pup doesn’t need too much training, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Establishing basic ground rules with a Mauxie puppy is a great idea, to make everyone’s lives easier.

Dachshunds are extremely intelligent but have a strong independent streak. Generations of these dogs have been bred to think for themselves while out hunting, and that character trait is most definitely still present. That does mean they can come across as a little stubborn. If they don’t agree with the command you’re giving them, they might just ignore you!

One almost certain thing is that your Mauxie won’t like being left alone for long periods. They love companionship, so they will find it difficult to adapt if their owners are out all day at work. Bored Mauxies can potentially cause plenty of trouble, including excessive barking and destructive behavior.

Are Mauxies Good for Families? 🏡

Mauxies can be a good choice for some families but with a few caveats. First, you need to make sure that someone is going to be at the house most of the time. Mauxies can suffer from separation anxiety, so they won’t enjoy being home alone. Using a dog walker or doggy daycare can be a possible solution.

It’s also important to note that Mauxies are probably best suited to families with older children. They haven’t got the greatest levels of patience, so if a younger child is unintentionally bothering them by coming over to their bed or disturbing them when they’d rather be left alone, one of their first lines of defense can be to snap.

Do Mauxies Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Mauxies generally get along well with other dogs and cats, as long as introductions are carried out carefully and under close supervision. Make sure that the initial meetings between pets are short and in a controlled environment where both pets feel comfortable.

The Dachshund’s higher prey drive could be something that your Mauxie inherits. If you’re not careful, this can result in them developing an unhealthy obsession with smaller pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters. While not all Mauxies will develop this trait, it’s certainly something to consider if you do have smaller pets.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Mauxie

Deciding to bring a new puppy into your family is a decision that will change your life for the better! But it’s also one that requires both money and time, among other things.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Your Mauxie will do well on high-quality dog food. Selecting one that’s suitable for smaller breeds is a good idea, as the kibble will be an easier size for them to eat.

Your pup might be prone to eating too much food, which can lead to them becoming overweight. This puts extra stress on their joints and can cause spinal problems if your Mauxie ends up long-backed like their Dachshund parent. You might also consider adding a joint supplement from a young age, to help protect their joints as much as possible.

You’ll need to be careful not to overfeed your Mauxie, and remember that if you use food treats in training, you’ll need to reduce their dinner rations accordingly. Free feeding these little dogs is not a good idea, so make sure to feed them one or two meals a day, rather than leaving their food bowls out.

Exercise 🐕

Mauxies might be small, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need regular walks. Two medium walks a day will help your pup feel well-exercised, and they’re far more likely to enjoy curling up for a nap afterwards! You can also mix up regular walks with training sessions to keep that sharp Mauxie brain occupied.

Your Mauxie’s exercise must take into account the fact that they have long backs that are prone to injury. You shouldn’t allow your Mauxie to jump on and off furniture, as this can place excessive stress on their vertebrae. You can buy dog ramps that allow them to walk up onto furniture (or beds!). The same applies to stairs, as these are easy for your pup to hurt themselves on, especially if they’re going up and down them multiple times a day. It’s best to either carry your pup or install a baby gate so they can’t follow you up or climb the stairs when you’re not home.

Training 🦮

Your training regime with a Mauxie puppy will depend in part on which traits they inherit from their parent dogs. Maltese dogs are intelligent but seem to be able to use their small stature to get away with things that we wouldn’t dream of allowing with a larger dog! This can result in the danger of them becoming a little spoiled and stubborn.

Dachshunds are independent dogs, so while they enjoy training sessions, if they’re bored, you’ll find that they soon switch off from what you’re trying to accomplish. Once they find something interesting to focus on, they’ll give it their full attention. Unfortunately for their owners, that’s sometimes just as likely to be an irresistible new scent.

Signing up for puppy training classes as soon as you can is a great way to establish a training system that works for you and your puppy, as well as having someone experienced on hand when you have questions or run into problems.

Grooming ✂️

The amount of grooming you’ll need to do will depend on whether your puppy inherits the long-haired coat of the Maltese or has more of a Dachshund coat. Remember that Dachshunds can have long, short, or wiry coats.

Most Mauxie puppies tend to end up with a long, slightly wiry textured coat! Their coats can end up matting quite easily, so you’ll need to make sure you give them a light groom once a day, to tease out any tangles. Then once a week, you can spend a bit more time giving them a good groom.

Many Mauxie owners end up booking regular trips to the grooming parlor, as this is a great idea to help keep your puppy’s coat looking in the best possible condition. You may decide to get your Mauxie’s coat trimmed for the summer months.

When grooming, it’s a good idea to start checking your pup’s teeth, ears, and nails at the same time.

Health and Conditions ❤️

As a general rule, hybrid puppies like the Mauxie are healthier than purebred dog breeds and tend to have fewer health conditions to look out for. There are still serious and minor conditions that you should be aware of before you decide to buy your pup. Any reputable breeder will be more than happy to talk over these with you in detail.

Minor Conditions
  • Shaker dog syndrome
  • Cataracts
  • Deafness
Serious Conditions
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Mitral valve dysplasia
  • Glaucoma
  • Patent ductus arteriosus


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Male vs. Female

At this point, you might have already decided that the Mauxie is going to be the perfect addition to your family. Now comes the decision about whether you’re going to choose a male or female puppy.

We recommend flipping that question on its head and letting your puppy pick you! If at all possible, it’s a great idea to meet the litter of puppies you’re interested in. By simply spending time with them, it’s almost impossible not to develop a preference for a particular puppy!

If you’re concerned about the hormonal behavior of a puppy causing problems, then remember that most of the behaviors triggered by hormones will be canceled out when you have your pup spayed or neutered.

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Final Thoughts: Mauxie

While the Mauxie may be a small dog in size, they’ve certainly got a huge personality. Prepare to be charmed by these brave and intelligent little dogs.

Mauxies do need a moderate amount of exercise, so you need to make sure you can fit at least one long walk a day into your routine. Consistent training also helps develop a bond with your new dog and keep their sharp brains ticking over. Mauxies won’t like being left alone and much prefer to live in a household where family members are at home most of the time.

While Mauxies will usually get along with other dogs, as well as cats and other pets, take care of the introductions. Their higher-than-average prey drive means you might find them developing an obsession with smaller pets! They’re not hugely tolerant of small children either, so they are better suited to families with older kids.

Their adorable soft coats and sweet faces are appealing, and if you think you’ve got what it takes to handle their character, then you may be the perfect new owner they’re looking for.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: David Clarine, Shutterstock

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