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Saint Berxer (Saint Bernard & Boxer Mix) Info, Pictures, Traits

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Saint Berxer (Saint Bernard & Boxer Mix)

Height: 20–26 inches
Weight: 75–120 pounds
Lifespan: 8–12 years
Colors: Brown, fawn, white
Suitable for: Families of all types, first-time dog owners, singles, houses, small and big yards.
Temperament: Intelligent, Active, Protective yet not aggressive, Loyal, Great with kids

The Saint Berxer might sound like the name of an exotic purebred dog, but this mixed breed is the offspring of the Saint Bernard and the Boxer. This is a large hybrid dog that can weigh up to 120 pounds when fully grown. Although their size can be intimidating, their loving nature quickly warms people up to their big hearts and playful spirits.

The St Bernard Boxer loves hanging out with children in the yard all day. They have thick coats and are vulnerable to overheating in hot weather, but they enjoy lounging in shady spaces when it’s especially hot outside. They make a great guard dog, but owners don’t have to worry about aggression.

If you’re thinking about owning a Saint Berxer, you should know that they drool a lot, and you must be prepared to clean up the puddles in your home. Read on to learn everything else you need to know about this powerful yet affectionate large canine.

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Saint Berxer Puppies


When searching for a Saint Berxer, it’s best to do your research on finding a high-quality dog breeder. The dogs might not be very common, but asking your local shelter if they have Saint Berxers is also an option. Saint Berxers are active dogs that require plenty of outdoor time.

In addition to regular walks, they need room to play outside without being constrained by a leash. Apartment living isn’t the best option for this large dog, but it is possible if multiple walks and off-leash time at a park can be enjoyed every day.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Saint Berxer

1. They Don’t Necessarily Like the Snow

Saint Bernards may be well known for traversing the snow, but their Saint Berxer offspring don’t always share the same enthusiasm for snowy places. Their coats aren’t quite as thick and long as their Saint Bernard parent, so they can’t handle icy conditions very well.

2. They Don’t Always Like the Sun

Saint Berxers love spending time outside when the weather is warm and beautiful, but they can overheat when spending long periods in direct sunlight. They need a tree or shelter to lay under, or they should have an opportunity to head indoors when needed.

3. They Sometimes Act Like Little Dogs

The Saint Berxer has an independent side, but they also like to display their gentle side as often as possible. So, owners aren’t usually surprised when their huge Saint Berxer tries to cuddle up in their lap just like a Chihuahua.

Parent Breeds of the Saint Berxer
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Saint Berxer 🧠

The Saint Berxer is no angel, but they certainly try to be. Unlike other large breed dogs, they are more loving and affectionate than stubborn and independent. They make it a priority to protect their family members, but they are never aggressive in social situations unless a clear and serious threat has been detected.

This beautiful mixed breed is energetic and wants to play during much of their waking hours. They’ll run, jump, and play with kids but should be supervised during play sessions to minimize the risk of injury. Saint Berxers are intelligent and easy to train, even for first-time dog owners. They like to please their family members and are typically willing to do anything for a treat.

With socialization, the Saint Berxer will warm up to strangers quickly, even if they are a little suspect at first. Although Saint Berxers are alert and can effectively work as a watchdog, they don’t like to be left alone for any length of time. Owners should ensure that someone is home to be with them throughout the day or consider hiring a pet sitter or walker a few times a week.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Saint Berxers get along well with kids and adults, but they are unsuitable for every family. Families that live in apartments and those who don’t have fenced yards might consider adopting a smaller dog that doesn’t mind spending their days inside instead. However, families with fenced-in yards and plenty of time for walking and playing make the perfect companions for the Saint Berxer.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Saint Berxers seem to like other dogs no matter their size, especially if they have been socialized from a young age. These dogs are pretty laid back, so they don’t mind being subjected to new social experiences that involve other dogs.

You can expect a Saint Berxer to cuddle up with a cat just as quickly as they would snuggle with one of your children. In short, they can get along with various animals as long as they are properly introduced.

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Things to Know When Owning a Saint Berxer:

Saint Berxers are nice-looking dogs that are fun to play and cuddle with, but they require plenty of attention, lots of food, and regular visits to the veterinarian’s office to maintain a high quality of life.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Your Saint Berxer can eat three or more cups of food daily depending on how much they weigh, how much exercise they get, and how naturally active they are throughout the day. They will eat whatever you put in front of them, so free feeding isn’t a good idea.

These dogs should eat two or three meals daily to support their digestive system. Wet or dry dog food should be formulated to support large dog breeds and be free of unnecessary fillers like corn and soy. Look for brands that contain carrots, peas, spinach, and flaxseed instead.

Exercise 🐕

Due to their active nature and working instinct, the Saint Berxer should be exercised for at least 45 minutes every day. A missed day once in a blue moon due to an illness or a lazy day won’t affect your dog’s happiness or attitude. However, if you miss too many exercise days, you may be left with an unruly and destructive dog.

Walking through your neighborhood, hiking in the woods, spending time at a dog park, and playing games like hide-and-seek provide adequate exercise. Add a couple of hours of play in the yard, and you’re in for a relaxed, loving dog that is ready to cuddle at the end of the day.

Training 🦮

Luckily, the Saint Berxer is easy to train. If they do not learn how to sit and stay, they could accidentally destroy your belongings while trying to run around inside. So, training should start early and be done often until the pup can quickly comply with commands regularly.

Agility training will help exercise their body and mind, but because they’re so big, they aren’t usually as fast as other breeds. Saint Berxers will naturally protect their home, so they don’t need any special watchdog training.

Grooming ✂️

The Saint Berxer sheds a lot, so brushing or combing a few times a week is necessary to get rid of excess hair to keep the coat looking shiny. Drool can be cleaned off the coat with a damp cloth. But it’s a good idea to avoid full baths if possible, to avoid stripping important oils from the dog’s skin and fur.

They are active enough to keep their nails nice and short, but they need a little help when it comes to keeping their ears and teeth clean. Check the ears for debris once a week and brush the dog’s teeth regularly. You can also provide dental treats to remove plaque.

Health and Conditions ❤️

There are quite a few health concerns the average Saint Berxer might experience during their lifetime. A veterinarian can monitor your dog as they age to catch any possible problems early so they can be addressed before any serious illnesses develop.

Minor Conditions
  • Von Willebrand’s disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Colitis
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
Serious Conditions
  • Gastric torsion
  • Heart disease
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Subvalvular aortic stenosis

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Male vs Female

The biggest difference between the sexes is their size. Males are typically at least 10 pounds heavier than their female siblings, and they can be as much as 2 or 3 inches taller. Both boys and gals are gentle and dignified. They love their families and playtime, but boys are more exuberant when left to their own devices. Both males and females are suitable for active families.

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Final Thoughts on the Saint Berxer

The ever-mighty Saint Berxer is no saint, but they are a well-behaved dog that is easy to work and live with. Kids should know how to properly handle dogs before being left alone with them. However, once well-acquainted, Saint Berxers will spend hours keeping the children and family members company. They’re easy to care for, but they require lots of attention, so don’t expect to leave them on their own while you work. Overall, if you have the time and the love to give an active large dog, you should consider adopting the impressive Saint Berxer.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Martyna Nysk, Shutterstock

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