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Scottish Fold British Shorthair Cat Mix: Care Guide, Pictures, Info & More

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

scottish fold and british shorthair

Height: 8–14 inches
Weight: 6–17 pounds
Lifespan: 11–20 years
Colors: Blue, orange, brown, white, black, cream, tabby, tortoiseshell, bi or tricolor, calico, and other various patterns and shades
Suitable for: Single people, seniors, or families. They can be only pets but likely need their families around or company.
Temperament: Calm, loving, easy-going, sweet-natured.

The Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix is an interesting one. Most Scottish Fold cats are mixes of these two breeds; they should not be bred together because of their genetic mutations (the same one that folds their ears). However, they can be bred with British Shorthaired cats, combining these two very similar breeds.

This means that there is some variation in the appearance and temperament of these sweet cats, making them one of the more fascinating mixes available to cat lovers. Both breeds that make up this mix have unique characteristics, from the angelic, chubby-cheeked British Shorthair to the wide-eyed, owl-like Scottish Fold.

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Scottish Fold British Shorthair Mix Kittens – Before You Bring One Home…


These sweet-natured cats are an ideal mix of two well-known and popular breeds. However, they are both innocent and cherubic both in personality and looks. Your Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix may be more relaxed and laid back thanks to their British Shorthaired side or may be bright and all about being with their family, thanks to the clingier Scottish Fold side of them.

Despite their differing energy levels, these mixed-breed cats are likely to be very friendly and able to happily bond with other cats and pets in the home, provided they’re cat-friendly. This mix is also very trainable, and both breeds that make up the hybrid are known for their intelligence and willingness to learn and please their owners.

Unfortunately, the Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix is likely to be less healthy than the purebred British Shorthair and live for a shorter period. It’s still possible for this mix to live for 20 years, but if your Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix has poor health (like many Scottish Fold cats do), they’ll likely live shorter lives.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Scottish Fold British Shorthair Mix

1. Most Scottish Fold cats are mixed with British Shorthairs

Because of the gene mutation that causes their ears to fold, Scottish Fold cats cannot be bred together. If they are, they will suffer from severe abnormalities in the cartilage all over their body. The gene that folds their ears also affects all their cartilage, which is why they’re prone to joint conditions such as osteochondrodysplasia. Because of this, the Scottish Fold is bred with British Shorthairs to maintain their looks and temperament without the risk of severe joint problems being too high.

Scottish Fold kitten
Image Credit: chris7533, Pixabay

2. Only around 50% of the mix will have folded ears

In a litter of Scottish Fold British Shorthair mixes, there is a 50% chance that each kitten will have folded ears. All Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix kittens will be born with straight ears, and the fold occurs over the first few weeks of life.

3. They can be short-haired or long-haired

Like the Scottish Fold, Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mixes can be born with long or short hair. In Scottish Folds, both long and short hair varieties can be shown in cat shows, and it’s as random as their coat color. British Shorthairs can only have shorthaired coats, as their name implies.

Scottish Fold and British Shorthair cats
The parent breeds of Scottish Fold British Shorthair Mix: (L) Scottish Fold (LightField Studios, Shutterstock) | (R) British Shorthair (Laura Fokkema, Shutterstock)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Scottish Fold British Shorthair Mix

British Shorthairs and Scottish Folds are known for being intelligent, which often lends itself to the Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix. However, their temperaments can differ as their energy levels differ.

The Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix is likely to be a laid-back cat with lots of time and affection for its owners, but only on their terms. They can be lazy cats that like to relax and lounge, but they’ll still love playing with toys and following their owners around.

Are These Cats Good for Families? 👪

This mix is suitable for families with older children who can respect their need for space and understand when they need cuddles. They are homebodies who bond closest with their favorite people, which is ideal for single people or seniors who’d like some loving company.

Families with young children need to teach them to respect this mix (as they would with any pet), as the Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix needs their space to relax.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

They’re sociable cats that get along with other pets in the home, provided they’re cat friendly. If they are socialized well when they’re kittens, the Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix is sociable, friendly, and easy-going with other animals (and people) in the home. Be cautious of small pets such as mice or rats; the Scottish Fold mix has a strong prey drive.


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Things to Know When Owning a Scottish Fold British Shorthair Mix:

Food & Diet Requirements 🐡

Like other cats, the Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix will need a protein-rich, meat-based diet. Good quality wet or dry food is best since homemade or raw diets come with risks that are avoided with pre-made, high-quality food. Treats for this crossbreed should be kept to a minimum because they’re naturally stocky and prone to weight gain and obesity.

Exercise 🐈

Because of the potential joint problems, it’s best to stick to regular but non-intensive exercise. Pay attention to their gait and how they jump since the back legs and tail are particularly affected by joint issues caused by osteochondrodysplasia.

Training 🧶

These cats are intelligent, good-natured, and willing to please, even though they’re rather laid back. Because of their low energy, they may need to be persuaded to begin training. Treats can make a big difference, but if a Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix doesn’t want to be taught any tricks, they’ll make it known that they want to be alone.

Grooming ✂️

This mix can be long-haired or shorthaired, although the long-haired versions are rare. For short-haired Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mixes, grooming is minimal. A gentle brush with a curry comb can pull any shed hair out of their dense coats. For the long-haired variety, a comb must be used around twice a week to gently remove tangles and brush the hair out.

For cats suffering from joint problems that may make self-grooming more difficult, ensuring they’re clean helps keep them comfortable.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Unfortunately, because all Scottish Fold cats suffer from joint problems, the Scottish Fold British Shorthair mix can suffer from various health conditions.

Minor Conditions
  • Obesity
Serious Conditions
  • Osteochondrodysplasia
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Minor Conditions:

  • Obesity: Because of the build of the Scottish Fold British Shorthair cat, obesity can be a problem. This is a particular issue for those with arthritis or joint degradation from osteochondrodysplasia, as any extra weight puts incredible pressure on the joints.

Serious Conditions:

  • Osteochondrodysplasia: This condition affects all Scottish Folds and causes the fold in their ears and weakness in the joints. It commonly causes pain and restricted motion in the spine, back legs, and tail. It’s a very painful condition that can cause arthritis and even paralysis due to pain.
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): This condition can be inherited from the British Shorthair parent in this mix, and it involves the enlargement of the heart muscle, weakening it over time. Unfortunately, HCM eventually causes heart failure.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): PKD is the formation of multiple cysts on the kidneys and sometimes the liver, which can progressively worsen as the cat ages.

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Male vs Female

There aren’t many differences between male and female Scottish Fold British Shorthair crossbreeds, apart from their size. Males are slightly bigger than females and are sometimes more laid back, but the most difference can be observed in unneutered cats.

Female unneutered Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mixes will cry and present when they come into oestrus, and males will wander potentially for miles. Of course, kittens can also be an unwanted outcome of unneutered pets, so getting your Scottish Fold British Shorthair neutered at around 4 months is best.

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The Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mix is likely to be much more common than it seems. Since Scottish Folds are bred with British Shorthairs to produce more of the breed, most Scottish Fold cats you might come across are Scottish Fold-British Shorthair mixes. They are friendly, affectionate, and angelic to look at, but they can be a little lazy and know how to get their space when they want it.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Left – Scottish Fold (Alexander-Sobo, Shutterstock) | Right – British Shorthair (lowpower225, Shutterstock)

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