Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop? 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons
By Oliver Jones
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Whether they do it in the litter box or the garden, we have all witnessed our cats carefully burying their poop, and the behavior can seem strange indeed. But burying waste is not at all uncommon in the wild, and many other animals are known to do the same thing. Luckily, this behavior is perfectly normal in cats and nothing to be concerned about.
Still, the behavior is certainly curious, and you may have found yourself wondering exactly why cats do it. Let’s take a look at the three reasons for this strange but perfectly normal behavior.
The 3 Reasons Cats Bury Their Poop
1. Territory
In the wild, big cats are at the top of the food chain, and as such, there’s a constant battle for territory and dominance. Lions, leopards, and cheetahs do not have any natural predators to worry about, so they do not need to worry about hiding their poop. On the other hand, smaller cats, like domesticated felines or bobcats, are extremely vulnerable to these apex predators, so they bury their poop to let larger cats know that they are not a threat and present no territorial challenge.
This habit has been passed down through generations of cats and is still a part of their instincts today.
2. To Ward Off Predators
While territorial disputes with larger cats are certainly a concern, there’s more in the wild that smaller cats have to worry about. Predators are a constant and deadly threat, especially if a small cat has a litter of kittens around. Predators have a keen sense of the world around them, and scents like poop or urine are a glaring sign that a small cat is in the area.
For this reason, small cats will bury their poop in an attempt to stay under the radar and not attract larger predators.
3. Genetics
Your domesticated cat still has survival mechanisms in their DNA, and certain habits are purely instinctual. You know that no large predators or big cats are roaming around the neighborhood (hopefully), so why would your cat still carry on the practice of burying their poop? Your cat is not as sure about this as you are and likely sees you as the dominant member of the household. They will still bury their poop to avoid conflict, and this is a part of their instincts that is unlikely to go away.
Also, cats are fastidious about cleanliness, so they may just bury their poop to keep the smell away from their sensitive noses.
What if Your Cat Doesn’t Bury Their Poop?
Since burying poop is such normal behavior for cats, there may be an issue if your cat is not engaging in the behavior. Even in a calm, predator-free domestic home, most cats still see themselves as subordinates of their human owners. Cats that avoid using the litter box may feel dominant over their owner or possibly another cat in the home, and this is a part of their way of asserting that dominance. That said, the behavior is more likely due to issues like lack of training or something being wrong with their litterbox. It may even be due to illness.
Cats may also learn this behavior from observing their mothers, and kittens taken away from their parents too early may not have had a chance to observe this. The behavior is largely instinctual, though, so this is possible but unlikely. Litter box issues are possibilities, as your cat may not like the feel of certain litter or where the litter box is situated, so they avoid using it.
In general, there’s probably nothing to worry about if your cat’s not burying their poop, as cats are notoriously finicky and the smallest issue may be preventing the behavior.
- They are marking their territory
- They have a medical issue
- They are trying to establish dominance
- They were not trained by their mother
- Litter box issues, such as being dirty, too small, or shared with other cats
You can try to train your cat to bury its poop, but unless there’s a medical issue, there is not much that can be done. If the litter box is the issue, you can clean it daily to ensure your pet has a clean spot to defecate.
Our favorite enzyme cleaner for eliminating pet smells and stains is our very own Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray. It makes clean-up a breeze because it permanently removes even the very worst smells and stains (urine, feces, vomit, you name it!) from basically any surface you can imagine.
Burying poop certainly seems like strange behavior for a domestic cat, but when you take into consideration your cat’s ancestors and lineage and the fact that they were once wild animals that needed to fend for themselves, the behavior makes more sense.
You can now rest easy knowing that your cat burying their poop is perfectly normal behavior!
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