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Boingle (Beagle & German Shorthaired Pointer Mix): Info, Pics

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Boingle (Beagle & German Shorthaired Pointer Mix)

Height: 16–20 inches
Weight: 40–60 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Tri-colored in black, white, tan, fawn, or brown
Suitable for: Families with children, multi-dog homes, active single owners, homes with yards
Temperament: Energetic, Fun-loving, Loyal, Willful, Active, Anxious when left alone

Less commonly but more entertainingly known as the Boingle, the Beagle Point combines the best attributes of two renowned hunting breeds: the Beagle and the German Shorthaired Pointer. Large, friendly, and highly energetic, these keenly alert dogs make friends easily and develop intense devotional bonds with their owners and families.

In fact, both of the Beagle Point’s parent breeds have a long history of being incredibly well-suited to family life. With the Beagle’s even temper and merry disposition and the German Shorthaired Pointer’s unfailing affection, the resulting Boingle is a cheerfully eccentric family dog that’s sure to be loved by everyone in your home.

Are you thinking of making a Beagle Point a part of your home and life? Or perhaps you’re just interested in learning more about this unique breed? Either way, in each of the following sections, we’ll be introducing you to an aspect of what it’s like to own and care for a Boingle—from their history and origins to the price of adoption as well as what you need to know about their health, nutrition, and exercise requirements.

Divider 1Beagle Point Puppies


Even with their highly accommodating dispositions and general all-round friendliness, bringing a Beagle Point into your life is a serious commitment. Because of the relatively recent introduction of designer dog breeds, there is not nearly as much information about the Boingle as most purebreds.

As a small hound originally developed for hunting hares, the Beagle hails from the early 1800s in Great Britain. Because of their keen sense of smell and spot-on tracking instincts, the Beagle is often found working professionally as a detection dog for imports, foodstuffs, and narcotics.

Since they’re exceptionally intelligent and even-tempered, the Beagle is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. They’re neither aggressive nor mild and make wonderful companion animals. Due to their heritage as hunting dogs,  most Beagles will be single-mindedly stubborn and determined, making them difficult to train. They can also suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.

German Shorthaired Pointers, on the other hand, were bred as versatile hunting dogs capable of pursuit and retrieval both on land and in water. Intelligent but goofy, the GSP is cooperative and easily trained but prone to hilarious attention-seeking behavior. They’re mild and gentle with children and perfectly suited as a family pet.

Thanks to their sporting heritage, the German Shorthaired Pointer will require a lot of exercise to keep them happy, healthy, and free of anxious energy. Like the Beagle, they are natural pack animals and should not be left alone for long. This makes them best suited for larger families and multi-dog homes, where they’ll always have someone to keep them company and work out their considerable stores of energy.

In the Boingle, you’ll see many of the attributes of the German Shorthaired Pointer and Beagle accentuated, while their personality traits take a back seat. This makes for a family-oriented dog that requires constant attention and affection as well as plenty of exercise and training. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort necessary to develop a healthy routine with your Beagle Point, they’ll reward you with affection and devotion.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Beagle Point

1. The Beagle Point Can Be a Great Watchdog.

Although the Beagle and German Shorthaired Pointer are friendly and sociable dogs that don’t make good guard dogs, their Boingle Offspring combines both of their watchful and alert attitudes to become an excellent watchdog. With their keen senses of smell and sight, they can detect intruders from a great distance and alert you by barking.

2. Boingles Make Excellent Hunting Companions.

With the Beagle’s nose for scents and single-minded determination and the German Shorthaired Pointer’s athletic build and great endurance, the Boingle is a fantastic hybrid hunting dog. Though they lack the specificity of tracking or sighting found in either of their parent breeds, this also means that the Boingle loves going out into the woods with their owners for long hikes.

3. The Beagle Point Really Shouldn’t Be Left Alone.

Since both of the parents are prone to separation anxiety, the Beagle Point is doubly at risk of developing destructive behaviors when left alone. Add to this the parents’ tendency to wander off and explore, and it’s best always to keep your Beagle Point on a leash outdoors and with friends and family while you’re away from home.

Parent Breeds of the Boingle
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Beagle Point 🧠

Seemingly comprised of equal parts intelligence, silliness, and determination, there’s never a dull moment when you own a Beagle Point. It’s a good thing that they’re also incredibly friendly, gentle, and sociable! In short, a Beagle Point will be happiest when constantly surrounded by friends, family, and other dogs.

Are These Dogs Good for Families 🏡

Coming from two dog breeds with traits specifically developed to help them fit into families, the Beagle Point is a fantastic family pet. Young and old children will appreciate their playful and affectionate natures, and the Boingle will be equally appreciative of having plenty of people to keep them company and play with.

In fact, the Beagle Point is one of only a few designer dog breeds that really shouldn’t be adopted unless you have a family and plenty of room for them to roam. Their nervous anxiety is triggered by alone time and small spaces, so having a family and a yard is almost a necessity to keep your Boingle happy.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Beagle Point is tremendously sociable with other dogs but incompatible with small animals like cats, rabbits, and rats. Simply put, their hunting and tracking instincts are too firmly embedded in their DNA to let them get along nicely with prey animals.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Beagle Point

By now, you might think that the Beagle Point sounds like an ideal pet for your home and family. If so, we recommend studying up on everything that you’ll need to know to take care of them throughout their considerably long-lasting lives.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

As a medium to large dog with the appetite of a giant, Boingles will quickly eat you out of the house and home if you don’t keep an eye on their food intake. A diet of 3 cups of high-quality dry dog food, split into three meals throughout the day, will provide them with plentiful nutrition while not putting them in danger of excess weight gain or obesity.

It’s best to select a dog food appropriate to your pup’s age (puppy, adult, or senior) to ensure they’re receiving appropriate nutrition throughout their entire life.

Exercise 🐕

The parents require copious amounts of activity and exercise to keep them happy and healthy, and it’s the same with the Beagle Point. Anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of moderate to intense physical activity will keep them healthy and happy and sufficiently tuckered out to prevent destructive behaviors.

It cannot be stressed enough with this breed: adequate exercise makes the difference between a well-behaved dog and one that demonstrates destructive tendencies and disobedience.


Training 🦮

Early socialization and puppy obedience training are essential to a Beagle Point’s ability to be trained later in life and should be attended to by a professional if you’re not experienced in those areas. Once they have a solid base of early life training, the Beagle Point will be eager to please and quickly take to new tricks and exercise routines.

Grooming ✂️

Daily brushing is necessary to keep the heavy-shedding Beagle Point’s coat looking healthy. Combine this with monthly toenail clippings, weekly teeth brushings, and the occasional bath, and they’ll remain happy and healthy throughout their lives.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Though both of Boingle’s parent breeds are prone to hereditary health problems, this designer dog is lucky enough to avoid many of the more serious conditions that could be passed down. Still, the following conditions may arise during their lives:

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Cataracts
Serious Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Intervertebral disk disease
  • Patellar luxation
  • Bone cancer
  • Hip dysplasia

Divider 5Male vs Female

For both the physical traits and personality characteristics of a Beagle Point, puppies are easier to identify based on which of their parent breeds they take after rather than which sex they are. Still, female Boingles tend to be smaller and lighter than their male counterparts, while the males may be easier to socialize as puppies.

Divider 3Final Thoughts

With two reliable hunting dogs as parents, the Beagle Point is a tremendously friendly designer dog breed. They’re ideally suited to life in a large family home with a sizable backyard, and their goofy and playful natures have made them a favorite of children, teens, and adults alike. If you have plenty of time to train, exercise, and play with them, they’ll quickly become a lifelong companion to you and your family.

See Also: 

Featured Image Credit: Travis J. Camp, Shutterstock

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