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Bullboxer Staff (Boxer & American Staffordshire Terrier Mix): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Bullboxer Staff lies on the grass

Height: 18–25 inches
Weight: 60–80 pounds
Lifespan: 10–14 years
Colors: Gray, brown, black, white
Suitable for: Families and individuals looking for a loving and loyal companion
Temperament: Loyal, loving, affectionate, protective, playful, energetic, lively

The Bullboxer Staff is a hybrid breed that combines two popular breeds: the Boxer and the American Staffordshire Terrier. As a hybrid breed, we don’t have a lot of history to go on, but we can glean a lot of information from the parent breeds.

The Boxer is known for being energetic and playful. He has a reputation for being a bit of a clown but is very loyal and loving with his family members. The breed is alert, relies on his sense of hearing above all others, and, although the Boxer can be wary of strangers, he will usually respond in kind to friendly humans. Despite their initial wariness, Boxers are very rarely aggressive, and any risk can be further mitigated through early socialization.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or Staffie, has a similar temperament to the Boxer. He is very loyal and affectionate towards people, although he may be aggressive with other dogs. Early socialization is important, and you should expect your Staffie to be alert to anything that it perceives as a threat.

The combination of these two breeds means that you can expect a loving and loyal family member. He will be protective but will require exercise, socialization, and training.

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Bullboxer Staff Puppies


Despite the popularity of the Boxer and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Bullboxer Staff is not a purebred dog. Although it is tempting to try and pay the lowest price possible, this may not be your best option. You should ensure that you use a reputable breeder who cares for their animals, as well as their new owners.

Check that the breeder has had relevant health checks and screening done on the parents. In the case of the two parent breeds, this will include hip and elbow dysplasia screening, as well as eye checks. Some of the screening cannot be done until a dog is two or three years old, so you should avoid puppies from parents that are younger than this.

Meet the puppies before you agree to purchase. Ideally, the puppy should approach you and be happy to be picked up. This is a good sign that they are developing to become sociable and friendly dogs. This will also give you a chance to meet one of the parents. It is usually the mother that is available to meet. Her puppies will learn a lot from her during their first months, so if mom is happy, lively, and energetic, and she is happy to meet you, then there is a good chance that her puppies will develop a similar attitude as they age.

The cross between Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Boxer can be very lively and energetic. They can also be a bit daft, and this combination means that some owners may get more than they bargained for when taking on this breed. As such, you may find some examples in shelters and local pounds.

Adopting a dog costs less than buying a puppy from a breeder, but you won’t be able to check whether the parents had their health checks and screens, and you won’t be able to meet the mom. Do ensure that you get to meet the puppy, and if you have dogs, cats, or children, arrange a meeting between them and the dog before you adopt. This will help ensure that things go as smoothly as possible when you do get to take your new dog home.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bullboxer Staff

1. The Boxer Originates From Germany

The Boxer was first bred from the now-extinct Bullenbeiser. The giant breed, which was related to the Mastiff as well as Bulldogs, was used to hunt tough animals like wild boar. When boar hunting lost its popularity, the Bullenbeiser was bred to be smaller and was used as a butcher dog and cattle dog. Butcher dogs were used for a range of tasks including pulling large carts that were heavily laden with meat.

As such, while the modern Boxer is smaller than the original, it is still a strong and hardy breed. The Bullboxer Staff combines the strength of the Boxer with the equally formidable strength of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

2. Boxers Get Their Name From the Boxing Sport

Although there are no records to confirm or deny this, it is believed that the Boxer got its name from the way it fights. The Boxer stands on its hind legs and effectively boxes with its front legs. Playing with a Boxer means that you should get used to this kind of tussling and be prepared to take a few right hooks.

3. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Tends to Be a Calm Dog

Unfortunately, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed gained a reputation for being aggressive. This was due, in part, to its physical similarity to the Pit Bull. It was also due to being bred for fighting and baiting. Disreputable breeders and owners still fight the breed today, which makes choosing an honest breeder even more important.

However, as well as being a loyal dog, the Staffie is known for having a calm demeanor. He will take most things, including new sights and sounds, in his stride and is rarely aggressive. He can be protective of his owner, but this is rarely exhibited as aggression.

Parent Breeds of the Bullboxer Staff
Image Credit: Jumpstory

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bullboxer Staff 🧠

The Bullboxer Staff gets its traits from the parent breeds of the Staffie and the Boxer. As such, we can assume a lot of characteristics will be similar to those of the parent breeds. Both breeds are loving and loyal, and they will flourish when given attention and love from their family.

Although the Boxer has a reputation for being a bit daft and very energetic, the Staffie is calmer and less goofy. Both breeds require plenty of exercise, however, and they will require training, although they can be difficult to train, but for different reasons.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Both parent breeds are extremely friendly, loving, and loyal with their family members. The Staffie will give unconditional love to children, and because he is calmer, he would be considered the better choice for families with children.

The Boxer also tends to adore children, but he can be quite accident-prone because of his pent-up energy. This can lead to accidents and injuries, with small children being especially prone to these accidents. Whether your Bullboxer Staff is lively or calm will depend on which parent breed he takes after, but he will not intentionally harm the children in his family.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Again, the Staffie is the preferred breed for families with other pets. He will usually get along with other dogs, and he can be introduced to other dogs readily in any location. He is not prone to protecting his territory, either, so he should be relatively safe to introduce to other canine family members.

The Boxer is less tolerant of other dogs, although he is not territorial either, as long as you introduce him to other animals in a calm and controlled manner as possible, it won’t be impossible to keep him with other dogs. The Boxer’s playfulness may prove too much for cats and other smaller animals, but this will depend on how tolerant the cat is, as well as how lively your hybrid breed is.

Bullboxer Staff on the grass
Image By: Anna-Krivitskaya_Shutterstock

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Things to Know When Owning a Bullboxer Staff:

Although the Boxer is prone to some health conditions, the staff is quite a resilient breed. However, no breed is the perfect choice for all potential owners, and before buying or adopting a Bullboxer Staff you should consider the following factors to determine whether he is right for you.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Although the Bullboxer Staff may be considered a medium-sized dog, like the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, he is energetic and he has the dietary demands to meet his liveliness. Expect to feed up to three cups of food per day. The actual amount you feed will depend on the quality of the food and its calorific content. It will also depend on the dog itself.

If your dog is lively and active, and he gets a lot of daily exercise, you are likely to have to feed the full amount to ensure that he has the energy. If he is more sedentary and does not get out for long runs, feed less. Do ensure that you measure and track the amount of food you give, otherwise, your dog could become overweight or even obese, and this can have serious consequences for your canine.

Exercise 🐕

Both parent breeds are energetic and lively dogs, and you should expect these characteristics in your hybrid breed, too. Expect to provide your dog with 60–90 minutes of exercise a day. This can take the shape of a brisk walk, although you can also try the hybrid breed at agility and other athletic courses. The breed will prefer a home with a yard, although may adapt well to living in an apartment if he gets enough time on the leash. You will also be expected to play with toys at various intervals over the day and night with your pup.

Training 🦮

With this hybrid breed, there is a chance that you will get the playful nature of the Boxer that finds it difficult to concentrate and loses attention easily. Alternatively, you could end up with the stubbornness of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. In either case, despite the dog’s willingness to please his owner and his intelligence, he could prove difficult to train. On the other hand, you could get the calmness of the Staffy and the eagerness of the Boxer. In this case, there is very little you won’t be able to teach your dog.

Be consistent with your training, and ensure that you start at a young age to ensure that your dog does not develop bad habits. You can also enroll in puppy classes when he is young. Not only does this help teach you how to train your dog, and gives him an understanding of how he is supposed to behave, but it allows you to socialize him with other dogs and people in new surroundings. This socialization will help ensure that your dog is well-behaved around other people and dogs.

Agility and training classes are also a good method of providing mental stimulation for your dog. This is just as important as physical exercise. A bored dog full of energy can become a destructive and even anti-social dog, whereas a tired dog is a good dog.


Grooming ✂️

The short hair of the Bullboxer Staff is easy to maintain, although it is not considered hypoallergenic. You should still give him an occasional brushing because this will help remove dead hair. Weekly brushing helps prevent his hair from becoming knotted and matted. This is not only uncomfortable for your dog, but it can lead to hair and skin complaints that last for years.

You should not bathe your dog too often, only when it is necessary. If you bathe your dog too often, it removes the natural oil from their hair. This oil keeps their hair in good condition.

Dental hygiene is as important for dogs as it is for people, and your dog will not be able to brush his own teeth. Start brushing when he is a puppy and do it three times a week. If your dog won’t accept a brush in his mouth, use a finger brush. This fits snugly on your finger so that you can run the bristles over your dog’s teeth and gums.

Cut your dog’s nails when they get too long. Long nails are uncomfortable and can dig into your dog’s paws and pads, causing discomfort and potentially cutting the skin and causing infection. Sharp nails also tend to be more painful for owners, especially with a dog that is as bouncy and athletic as a Boxer. You will usually need to trim nails every month or two. If your dog walks on abrasive surfaces like concrete, every 2 months should be fine because his nails will be kept short naturally.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Although the Staffy is considered to be a hardy and durable dog, the Boxer is a different matter. He is prone to a number of genetic health conditions and illnesses. Feed your dog a good diet with the right concentration of protein, carbs, and fat, and ensure that they eat the right amount. This is the best way to ensure that your dog leads as healthy and long a life as possible. No matter how careful you are, though, there are certain conditions that this hybrid is predisposed to. Look for signs of the following conditions and seek veterinary assistance if any signs do show.

Minor Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
  • Subaortic stenosis
Serious Conditions
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cataracts
  • Corneal erosion



Male vs Female

The male will grow a little larger than the female, but the difference is not usually too pronounced. The personality quirks of your Bullboxer Staff will depend a lot more upon those of their parents than anything else.



Final Thoughts on the Bullboxer Staff

The Bullboxer Staff is a hybrid that combines the Boxer and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. While the Boxer is known for being lively and a bit daft, the Staffordshire Terrier is considered much calmer. The hybrid is a loyal and very loving dog, who will be close to all family members and will usually get along with visitors. He may take some time to warm strangers but will often repay the kindness and love he is shown by others.

If your hybrid shows a lot of signs of the Boxer, you can expect a comedian of a dog who will not only make you laugh but will enjoy making you laugh. His Staffy side will allow him to curl up with you on the couch for some much-needed relaxing after playtime. Here’s hoping one of these pups makes its way into your home!

See also:

Featured Image: TetyanaLev, Shutterstock

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