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How Much Does a Burmese Cat Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Closeup Burmese Cat Stands on Gray background

The average cost for adopting a Burmese is around $500, which may seem like a lot, but it’s actually not too bad considering you’re getting an adorable pet with a great personality. Many factors can affect the price of a cat, and many other costs go into raising a kitten.

This article will focus on the Burmese breed.

Here are some other things you should know about these cats before you make your decision: they love attention and will follow their owners around the house; they’ll usually get along with everyone, including children and strangers; they’re very intelligent and independent, so training them is no problem (they’re also really good at learning tricks); as long as there’s plenty of space available, these cats don’t mind being indoors or outdoors.

Read on if you’re interested in buying a Burmese cat or are already a proud owner but wish to know how much money you’re spending on your furry buddy.

Bringing Home a New Burmese Cat: One-Time Costs

There are two types of expenses you need to budget for when adopting a cat. The first are one-time costs that need to be paid upfront, and the second are ongoing costs that you will need to be ready for on a monthly basis.

The first thing you’ll want to do is find your new kitty! There are many ways you can go about this, each with its pros and cons. Here’s the breakdown:

Burmese Cat lying face forward
Image Credit: Ivanova N, Shutterstock


Burmese cats are among the most popular cats in North America, both in human homes and in the streets. Unfortunately, many of them live without permanent homes, so you might be able to rescue one yourself for free if you look hard enough.


  • $50–$120

The second option to obtain a Burmese cat is to adopt. Rescue shelters often pick up abandoned or homeless animals and offer them to loving families at a low price.

Be warned that shelter cats are not always in the best physical shape, though that doesn’t mean they deserved to be loved any less! You may just need to be prepared to spend a little more upfront on vet bills to get them healthy.


  • $500–$1,000

The final option for obtaining a Burmese cat is to visit a breeder.

This can be the best way if you want an exact lookalike of your favorite celebrity’s cat or just breed-specific traits like long hair, short hair, fur color, etc. These cats are much more expensive because they take time to raise and are not often found in shelters.

When bought from a reputable breeder, you can rest assured that your cat was socialized from a young age and is in the best physical and mental health possible.

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $200–$400

You’ll also need to get your home ready for a new family member. So, to make sure your cat lives a rich and stimulating life, you need to acquire a few essential things.

These are also one-time costs, although they may need to be replaced when broken or overused.

burmese kittens
Image Credit: Dyadya_Lyosha, Pixabay

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List of Burmese Cat Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $15
Spay/Neuter $145
Microchip $45-$55
Bed $30
Nail Clipper (optional) $7
Brush (optional) $8
Litter Box $25
Litter Scoop $10
Toys $30
Carrier $40
Food and Water Bowls $10

How Much Does a Burmese Cat Cost Per Month?

  • $50–$200 per month

Once your feline has established his rule over your kingdom, there are a few ongoing costs you need to consider. These costs are drastically higher in the first year of your kitty’s life, after which they become much more manageable.

During the first year, the kitty will cost you approximately $100 per month, and during the second year, the total costs will hover around $50. Let’s break it down, so you can see where you might be able to save money, or on the contrary: spoil your cat.

European Burmese cat
Image Credit: fotoliza, Shutterstock

Health Care

  • $10–$60 per month

Burmese cats are a generally healthy breed, but your cat might need some medical attention from time to time. During the first year, these costs go up because of vaccinations and spaying, which could amount to around $400.

Throughout your cat’s life, you’ll want to ensure they are healthy by doing things like monitoring their weight and checking their fur or skin for anomalies. If your cat has a chronic condition that needs medicating, the cost will understandably go up.


  • $20–$40 per month

Feeding a Burmese cat is one of the best feelings in the world. They are hungry little creatures who require a regular diet of high-quality, healthy food.

You’ll need to buy a bag every few weeks, and your monthly cost will vary depending on the type you purchase and how many cats there are in your household. The best cat food is high in protein, grain-free, and with a lot of fresh meat.

Cats are famous for their appetite, so make sure you keep the food dish filled up at all times! A good rule to follow when feeding your cat is that they should be fed twice as much dry food as wet food.

You can also buy special treats like biscuits or crunchy snacks from the pet store.


  • $0–$40 per month

It’s important to keep your Burmese cat well-groomed and clean. You can find a great professional groomer in most towns, or you may be able to do it at home with simple kits like pet shears and a mat.

Grooming is essential for preventing them from getting hairballs.

Medications and Vet Visits

  • $10–$40 per month

Most pet owners despise going to the vet as much as they do the doctor. However, it is a universal duty for pet owners everywhere to take their animals to the vet for checkups, vaccinations, and any other medical needs.

If your cat has a chronic condition that requires medication, you’ll need to include those in your monthly costs. Otherwise, vet visits are more of a yearly thing than monthly.

Be sure to get a quote beforehand from multiple vets so you can find one at more affordable prices.

Champagne Burmese
Image Credit: SeraphP, Shutterstock

Pet Insurance

  • $10–$50 per month

Pet insurance can be an interesting avenue to explore, especially for those with multiple cats. How it works is that you have a fixed amount to spend each month. In exchange, the insurance will cover any costs incurred by your pet’s medical needs while they’re insured with them.

If your cat gets hit by a car or is attacked outside and has to go through extensive surgery for an injury, it could wind up costing upwards of $2,000, but if your insurance covers it, you only have to pay the monthly fee.

Getting pet insurance is also a good idea if your cat has any chronic health issues or needs frequent veterinarian visits.

Environment Maintenance

  • $20–$60 per month

Burmese cats are very clean animals who will spend hours on end cleaning themselves. Naturally, they expect their habitat to reflect that. You’ll also want to keep your cat’s living area stimulating, with lots of vertical space to climb on and toys nearby. If you’re not sure how to create a living space that your cat will love, there are lots of tutorials online.

Before we move on from the environment maintenance section, we should mention litter boxes! You’ll want one box per cat plus an extra in case someone has an accident and needs a place to go urgently. Space is often an issue here, so keep that in mind before buying five cats!

Litter box liners $25/month
Litter $20/month
Cardboard Scratcher $5/month
Catnip $5/month


  • $5–$50 per month

To make the area more entertaining and mentally stimulating, consider getting a cat tree, balls to play with, or other small toys your cat will enjoy. Cats are brilliant, so they may get bored of the same toys after a while. It’s a good idea to change these toys regularly to keep them intrigued.

Some companies even offer monthly subscription boxes that automatically send you a new box of toys every month.

Brown Burmese cat in the garden
Image Credit: jojosmb, Shutterstock

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Burmese Cat

  • $50–$300 per month

To summarize, the ongoing costs of owning a cat are not that consequential, and it’s fairly simple to get your cat everything they need. A clean and stimulating environment that caters to their hunter instinct will be perfect for them!

You’ll need to remember that there are one-time costs and ongoing costs, so you need to budget for both! You can find effective ways to split these costs throughout the year.

You should also set a little cash aside in case of emergencies, or additional costs, which you can find below.

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Additional Costs to Factor In

Other occasional costs may arrive out of the blue, and you should ideally be ready for them. If you leave your home for an extended period, on vacation, for example, you may need to hire a pet-sitter to come to check on your cat and feed it.

You may also need to budget for things in your house that your cat will inevitably destroy: couches, vases, phones. They’ll break at least one!

Owning a Burmese Cat on a Budget

Burmese cats can be very affordable to take care of. If you adopt or find one for free and cover the initial costs, it is feasible for people on any budget to live with a Burmese cat for many years.

Of course, you’ll want to skip out on the high-end products, but you can still give your cat a happy life!

burmese cat face
Image Credit: AdinaVoicu, Pixabay

Saving Money on Burmese Cat Care

Saving money on cat care should always be done consciously. You don’t want to skimp out on things like food and the vet because the quality plays a great role in your cat’s lifespan.

You can, however, look for bargains on toys, cages, and all the other essentials. You can also learn to groom your cat yourself instead of paying for a service.

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When considering the cost of owning a Burmese cat, it’s important to remember that there are ongoing costs and initial costs. The first year is more expensive than any other year because you have to invest in things like food, vet visits, toys, litter boxes, and so on.

However, once your little buddy has been with you for a few years they will likely be less expensive as their needs change from when they were younger.

It might not sound too bad right now, but if you think about how many years people typically keep cats (15-20), then it starts adding up pretty quickly!

With all that in mind, if you’re interested in learning more about these fluffy balls of fur or want to know what type of cat would suit your lifestyle best, then make sure to also check out our other posts!

See Also: 

Featured Image Credit: Seregraff, Shutterstock

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