Category: Ask the Vet

My Dog Ate Nutella: Our Vet Explains What to Do

Nutella or its generic versions are not safe products for dogs to eat because they contain chocolate and significant amounts of sugar and fat. While a small amount probably won’t lead to a health problem, making a habit out of it will. In this article, you will learn why you shouldn’t give Nutella to a […]

My Dog Ate Oreo Cookies! Our Vet Explains What To Do

Oreo cookies are totally delicious and are considered by many of us to be one of our favorites, but what happens if your dog takes a liking to them too? Apart from being upset that you’ve had to share them, should you be concerned for any other reasons? There are many popular human foods that […]

My Dog Ate Charcoal – Our Vet Explains What to Do

Outdoor barbecuing with family and friends is a favorite pastime for many, but it can be hazardous for dogs. While charcoal on its own isn’t necessarily toxic to dogs, the lighter fluid used to start the fire is toxic, and the hot briquettes and ashes left over from the process can be harmful to canines. […]

Can Dogs Eat Clams? Facts & Safety Guide (Vet Answer)

Can your dog eat clams? The short and simple answer is yes, they can, in very small amounts, if cooked and prepared adequately. However, there are several important factors to take into consideration before giving your dog any type of shellfish. While clams and other shellfish may have great benefits, their intake should be kept […]

Seresto vs Dewel: We Asked a Vet (2024 Update)

Both Seresto and Dewel offer protection against fleas and ticks for cats and dogs. Also, both products come in the form of a collar and work for 8 months, so you will not need to change the collar often or apply antiparasitic products monthly, as in the case of other products. Dewel is made from […]

Revolution vs. Frontline Plus: We Asked a Vet (2024 Update)

Choosing a product to keep fleas and ticks off your dog can be hard. There are countless products on the market, each with its own list of benefits. Then you need to consider the cost of the product and how long it lasts. To make things easier, this article provides you with a direct comparison […]

Frontline Plus vs. K9 Advantix II: Which Is Better? Our Vet Answers

Ticks, fleas, and other external parasites are more than just a nuisance to your dog. These creepy crawlies carry and transmit potentially life-threatening diseases, such as heartworm disease, Ehrlichiosis, and Babesiosis. They also cause allergies, itching, anemia, abscesses, and paralysis, so it’s critical to keep your pet parasite free. There is no shortage of options […]

FRONTLINE Plus vs. Advantage II for Dogs: We Asked a Vet (2024 Update)

When owning a dog, there comes a responsibility to keep them on appropriate prevention. When veterinarians’ say “prevention”, we are referring to different products that treat and/or help to prevent heartworm disease, flea infestation, tick infestation, and intestinal parasites. Walking into a store or looking online at all of the different options can be overwhelming. […]

How Should I Introduce My Puppy to a Dominant Dog?

Congratulations on your new puppy! It’s simultaneously thrilling and terrifying, to become a new dog owner, isn’t it? No matter how experienced you are with dogs, every dog is different and throws up new challenges, so it’s always worth checking in if you’ve got concerns. In this article, we’ll look at vet-approved ways to introduce […]

Why Isn’t My Puppy Eating? Vet Explained Reasons & What to Do

When you think about your puppy eating, you might think of a Labrador Retriever eating everything they come across or a Yorkie turning up their nose at that canned pate you just opened. But what if your puppy is not eating like they used to? Is it normal? Let’s look at some of the reasons […]

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? 9 Vet Explained Reasons & What to Do

Dogs eating poop is an icky, though not uncommon, problem. Known as coprophagia, this behavior isn’t always as abnormal as you might think. Since it can sometimes indicate something is wrong, here are nine reasons a dog might be eating poop and things you can do about it. The 9 Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop […]

3 Dog Breeds With the Lowest Cancer Rates (Vet Answer)

Cancer can be one of the most difficult ways to lose a dog. While there’s no way to guarantee a dog won’t get cancer, some cancers are closely linked to certain dog breeds. With a little help, you can try your best to avoid this heartbreaking disease. Assessing which breeds have the lowest cancer rates […]

5 Basics of Nano Goldfish Keeping (Vet Answer)

“Nano tank” is a term given for small aquariums that are under 5 gallons in size, though some people also consider aquariums under 10 gallons as a nano tank. When it comes to goldfish, large aquariums are recommended, even for the fancy variants. A 30- or 40-gallon aquarium is advised for a pair of fancy […]

How to Quarantine New Fish Properly: 4 Steps (Vet Answer)

An important concept of fish keeping is quarantining any new fish or live plants you purchase before introducing them to an established, healthy community aquarium. Unfortunately, this is an often overlooked aspect of fish care as well. Ignoring this process is extremely risky and not advised. In this article, we’ll explain why it is important […]

What Do Betta Fish Eat In the Wild? Our Vet Explains What & How Often To Feed Them

Bettas have solidified their place as one of the most popular pet fish all over the world. As with all fish, knowing the nutritional needs of your beloved betta is important. The pet food market isn’t short of food options for a betta, but all the options make it complicated to how much and how […]