Category: Ask the Vet

Ear Mites in Ferrets: Our Vet Explains Signs, Causes, Care Tips & FAQ

Your ferret is spending more time lately scratching at their ears than getting into mischief, so you decide to take them to the vet. You’ve noticed a lot of dark ear wax but thought it was normal, so when your vet takes a sample to analyze and proclaims that it is ear mites, you’re bewildered. […]

My Dog Swallowed My Underwear: Our Vet Explains What to Do

Dogs are notorious for getting themselves into mischief. We have all experienced Fido chewing on something they aren’t supposed to or have pulled trash from their mouth. So, what happens if your dog eats underwear? First, it is important to not panic; however, you should seek veterinary care. Continue reading to learn more about this […]

Warbles (Wolf Worm) in Cats: Vet-Reviewed Signs, Causes, & Care

Cats are curious creatures. They wander, investigate, snoop about in random places, and can often find themselves in a spot of mischief, especially those who are hunters. Unfortunately, they can end up with more than the prize they were after, like a warble or wolf worm. Warbles (wolf worm, botfly) is the frequent name used […]

My Dog Ate a Hand Warmer: Our Vet Explains What to Do

From avoiding harmful chemicals to ensuring appropriate winter garments, cold weather conditions bring new challenges to pet parents. Unfortunately, our companion’s curiosity can get them into trouble. So, what happens if your dog devours a disposable hand warmer? What needs to be done? First, stay calm. It will be important for you to reach out […]

My Dog Ate Play-Doh: Our Vet Explains What to Do

Play-Doh is a popular toy and activity for kids. A lot of times, parents will even make homemade play dough for their kids to play with. Dogs are curious and may think that Play-Doh is real food or a toy that they can use. However, both commercial and homemade play dough can be toxic to […]

Can Hamsters Have Rabies? Our Vet Explains

It is reasonable to wonder about the chances of rabies exposure when a bite occurs. There are certainly animals more likely to have rabies than others, and this is mostly based on their exposure risk to wild animals. It is highly unlikely that a pet hamster would develop rabies due to their isolation from other […]

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Humans? Facts & FAQ (Vet Answer)

Allergies in dogs seem to be on the rise. Those of us who work in clinical practice don’t go a single day without one or multiple dog patients that present signs of allergies. The media and dog food marketers have done a great job making the general population believe that all of our dogs are […]

My Dog Ate Toy Stuffing: Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer)

When a dog eats something they are not supposed to, fear of the potential unknown can cause understandable panic to a concerned pet owner. One commonly consumed item that may cause anxiety to the pet owner when ingested by their dog is the toy stuffing from stuffed animal toys. Is this really a hazard? Can […]

6 Cornish Rex Health Issues to Watch Out For (Vet Answer)

The Cornish Rex is a distinctive looking breed of cat that originated in Great Britain. The Cornish Rex is typically a cat that is purchased from a breeder. While you may be able to adopt one that you suspect may be mixed with a Cornish Rex, or even find out that it is purebred, it […]

Can Dogs Eat Crab Apples? Health Concerns Explained (Vet Answer)

Crab apples (Malus sylvestris) are the ancient ancestors of cultivated apple species native to Europe. The crab apple is typically smaller and much more tart than the sweet apples we’ve come to love. These little fruits are often found on the ground when you’re walking with your dog in the fall, and you may wonder […]

6 Common Ferret Health Problems to Watch For (Vet Answer)

Ferrets are lovable and curious creatures. Although they aren’t quite as popular as dogs or cats, ferrets are quite beloved by their families. If you’re considering ferret ownership, you’re probably looking to see what kinds of health issues you can expect for your ferret. Let’s examine some common health conditions affecting ferrets and what treatment […]

Cat Acne: Causes, Signs & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

Cats can develop acne just like humans do. Lots of owners do not even realize that the little black spots, red bumps, and scabby patches under their cat’s chin have a technical term. Cat acne is caused by the overproduction of a protein found on the top layer of a cat’s skin called keratin. Keratin […]

Reverse Sneezing in Cats: Causes & What to Do (Vet Answer)

Reverse sneezing in cats can cause alarm if owners have never experienced it before. There is no need to panic—reverse sneezing is not as bad as it sounds. Reverse sneezing is relatively rare in cats, especially compared to dogs, who experience it much more often. If your cat reverse sneezes infrequently, this is a normal […]

Pica in Cats: Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Treatments

Pica in cats is the consumption of inedible materials like wool, cat litter, sand, wood, etc. Cats explore their surroundings with all their senses, so if you see them “tasting” certain substances or materials from time to time, this is likely to be normal exploration. It’s when this behavior becomes frequent and troublesome that your […]

Amoxicillin for Dogs: Usage, Dosage & Safety (Vet Answer)

Amoxicillin is a commonly used antibiotic for dogs. It is a broad-spectrum drug effective against a wide range of bacteria. It is relatively safe with minimal side effects reported. A veterinary prescription is required, and it must never be used without veterinary direction. What Is Amoxicillin? This is the same type of medicine as penicillin; […]