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Maltipoo vs Pomeranian: How Do They Compare? (With Pictures)

Sarah Psaradelis

By Sarah Psaradelis

Maltipoo vs Pomeranian

Both the Maltipoo and Pomeranian are adorable dog breeds that have small sizes and soft coats. Although Maltipoos and Pomeranians are different dog breeds, they can be easily confused, especially if you aren’t familiar with the two dog breeds.

As such small dog breeds, the Pomeranian and Maltipoo are suitable for apartments, and their exercise and care requirements are quite similar. In terms of appearance, the Maltipoo is slightly larger than the Pomeranian, whose coat makes them look bigger than they are.

Maltipoos and Pomeranians both make good pets, but there are some differences between the two that can help you decide which breed is better for you.

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Visual Differences

Maltipoo vs Pomeranian
Image Credit: (L) Irsan Ianushis, Shutterstock | (R) Gpoint Studio, Freepik

At a Glance

  • Average height (adult): 6–14 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 5–25 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12–15 years
  • Exercise: 20–40 minutes a day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate
  • Family-friendly: Yes
  • Other pet-friendly: Often
  • Temperament: Intelligent, loyal, affectionate, and cuddly
  • Average height (adult): 6–7 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 3–7 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12–16 years
  • Exercise: 20–45 minutes a day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate to high
  • Family-friendly: Yes
  • Other pet-friendly: Often
  • Temperament: Intelligent, loving, and cuddly

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Maltipoo Overview

person holding up maltipoo puppy dog
Image Credit: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

The Maltipoo is a mix between the Maltese and Poodle, resulting in a small to medium-sized dog that originated in the United States in the 1990s.


The price of a Maltipoo can range from as low as $500 to as high as $3,000 from a breeder, and this is the more expensive option. If you were to adopt a Maltipoo, you would only need to pay the adoption fee which costs between $75 to $300 depending on the Maltipoo’s age, health status, and coloration.


The Maltipoo is a loving and affectionate dog breed that enjoys cuddling with their owners and regularly interacting with those they love. Maltipoos can form strong bonds with their owners and can even become anxious if they are separated from you for an extended time.

Aside from their affectionate nature, the Maltipoo is intelligent which makes them easy to train, while also being eager to please their owners. Maltipoos don’t tend to be as yappy as Pomeranians, and they have a deeper bark that can be more tolerable.

Overall, the Maltipoo is a friendly dog breed that gets along well with children and other pets like dogs and cats.


person training a maltipoo dog outdoors
Image Credit: Tadogami, Shutterstock

The Maltipoo does not have a high exercise requirement, but they do need at least 20 to 40 minutes of exercise a day. The Maltipoo’s exercise needs are higher than the Pomeranians and they can be fairly active dogs. Your Maltipoo will enjoy playing with various toys and engaging in a game of fetch with you.


You can begin training your Maltipoo at only 8 weeks of age, and their high intelligence and loyalty will make them willing to learn new things. You can quickly housebreak your Maltipoo and teach them commands such as sit or stay.

Rewarding your Maltipoo with a treat each time they have accomplished a milestone in their training can help them associate being trained with something positive, and it can help make the training process a much more pleasant experience for your Maltipoo.


Maltipoos are generally healthy dogs, but they are prone to certain health issues. Their mixed genes can make them slightly healthier than the Pomeranian who is a purebred dog, but as a mixed breed, the Maltipoo can inherit health conditions such as hip dysplasia or bloat from either parent.

Grooming and Coat

maltipoo dog standing outdoor
Image Credit: noelle, Unsplash

Maltipoos have a soft and fluffy coat that is medium to long. They have moderate grooming requirements and only need to be brushed a few times a week to get rid of tangles and keep their fur manageable.

You can bathe your Maltipoo once a month or only when necessary to keep their fur fresh and clean from any dirt and discoloration. When it comes to Maltipoo shedding, it is fairly low, which is why they are considered to be a hypoallergenic dog breed.

Suitable For

Maltipoos are family-orientated dogs, and they get along well with other pets like dogs and cats, as well as older children if they have been socialized properly. Maltipoos are prone to separation anxiety, especially if they are left alone for long periods.

They can start to become anxious and agitated if they are left alone, so they won’t be a good choice for people who work all day away from home.

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Pomeranian Overview

pomeranian dog lying on grass
Image Credit: Nick Stafford, Pixabay

The Pomeranian is a purebred dog that is small in size, making them a desirable lapdog. Pomeranians originated in Germany during the late 1700s.


Pomeranians can cost between $800 to $2,000, depending on the coat color and age of a Pomeranian from breeders. Finding a reputable breeder that is knowledgeable about the genetics of the breed is important if you want to purchase a healthy Pomeranian.

If you choose to adopt your Pomeranian from a shelter, then you will only need to pay for the adaption fee, which can be between $75 to $300.


Pomeranians may be small, but they are bursting with energy and playfulness. They are highly affectionate dogs that enjoy spending time with their owners, and they can quickly become close to the owner that spends the most time with them.

Pomeranians will enjoy laying on your lap and following you around the house, always looking to get your attention, which is why they can suffer from separation anxiety if they are away from you for too long.

They are known for being quite yappy and producing a high-pitched bark when they want to play or catch your attention, and their vocalizing is something to carefully consider before getting a Pomeranian.


pomeranian smiling
Image Credit: DrNickStafford, Pixabay

Since Pomeranians are active dogs, they will require around 30 minutes of non-strenuous exercise a day. You can take them on a short walk during the evening or early mornings when it is not hot, or you can play with them, whether it is with toys or allowing them to run around.

Since the Pomeranian is a type of toy lapdog, they won’t need heavy exercise like larger Maltipoos.


Training your Pomeranian involves teaching them new commands and housebreaking rules while reinforcing their good behavior. It isn’t difficult to train a Pomeranian, especially since they can be quite intelligent and eager to please.

It is best to teach your Pomeranian new things and praise their behavior with kind words and treats, as this will allow your Pomeranian to associate being trained as a positive experience.


As purebred dogs, Pomeranians are prone to more health issues than Maltipoo. Pomeranians can be prone to health issues that are commonly seen in small dog breeds. However, getting your Pomeranian from a reputable breeder that tests both parents before they produce a litter to ensure that the puppies don’t acquire any genetic health issues is important. Also, ensure that your Pomeranian is fed a healthy diet and receives enough exercise to stay in shape and live a balanced lifestyle.

Grooming and Coat

Pomeranian standing on grass
Image Credit: Nick Stafford, Pixabay

The Pomeranian has a fluffy, soft, and long coat that stands up around their small body. They have an undercoat and top coat, with the undercoat being soft and dense, and the top coat having longer coarse hairs that give their fur volume. Pomeranians come in a variety of colors, with 18 standard coat colors being recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Pomeranians have a moderate to high grooming requirement, and regular brushings will help keep their fur looking fresh and fluffy. Frequent baths can also benefit your Pomeranian and remove dirt, excess oils, and gunk from their fur that they pick up from being outdoors.

Suitable For

Pomeranians can be great family dogs, but they will generally bond with one or two owners and become most comfortable with them. When it comes to meeting new people, the Pomeranian can become shy and withdrawn, or even begin yapping.

Their high pitch bark can become irritating to some people, so be sure that you are prepared for a dog that is known for being vocal before getting a Pomeranian.

If the house is quiet during the day and no one is home for hours, then your Pomeranian will get lonely, as they are known to suffer from separation anxiety.

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Which Breed Is Right for You?

Both the Pomeranian and Maltipoo make excellent lapdogs. They are both small dog breeds that have a lively and loving temperament, with the Pomeranian being the more vocal and smaller of the two breeds. The Maltipoo is a “hypoallergenic” dog breed, while the Pomeranian is not, although they are still considered to be low shedders.

If you are looking for a small to medium-sized dog breed that has a moderate energy level, low grooming requirements, and gets along better with children, then the Maltipoo can be a good fit for you.

If you want a small lapdog that has high energy levels and can be quite vocal, with a low-shedding coat and inquisitive nature, then the Pomeranian will be the better option for you and your family.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: (L) marketlan, Shutterstock | (R) Trent Pickering, Unsplash

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