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National Hug Your Cat Day 2024: When Is It and How Is It Celebrated?

Rachael Gerkensmeyer

By Rachael Gerkensmeyer

happy cat with closed eyes hug owner

Most cat owners take the time to hug their kitties regularly, if for no other reason than to bond with them. A cat hug can be quite comforting, especially on a cold winter day. All cats deserve hugs, which is one reason that a national day for hugging cats has been established on June 4.

Hugging your cat, a friend’s cat, or even one living in your local humane society offers benefits for you and the feline that are worth discussing. Here’s what you should know about National Hug Your Cat Day and how to celebrate it.

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When Is National Hug Your Cat Day?

National Hug Your Cat Day happens to be during Adopt a Cat Month, which is the entire month of June. While hugging a cat any day of the year is encouraged, June 4 is the day that has been established to seek out a cat for the specific task of engaging in a meaningful hug.

What Are the Benefits of National Hug Your Cat Day?

cat hugging a woman
Image Credit: Studio Pizza, Unsplash

The reason National Hug Your Cat Day is so important is that it highlights all the benefits of hugging a cat. First, hugging your kitty is a great way to increase your bond with one another. It will reassure your kitty that they are safe and loved while helping you feel confident that you’re taking good care of your cat. Other benefits of hugging your cat (or one at the local shelter) include:

  • It’s Good for Your Health — Hugging a cat helps naturally release endorphins into the body, which helps keep up your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. The increased endorphins can benefit your health in various ways, including recovering from an illness and reducing feelings of depression and/or anxiety. Hugging a cat also creates a sense of belonging and can help lonely people feel like they are wanted and needed.
  • It’s Good for Your Cat’s Health — Just like hugging a cat can be good for your health, a meaningful hug can be good for your kitty’s overall health. Cats are sensitive to touch, and the things that they feel help them interpret the environment around them. Getting a hug from their human companion can help them feel less stressed out and enable them to create a social structure that they feel comfortable with inside the household. Regular hugs can help reduce a cat’s aggressive behavior too.
  • It’s Good for Society as a Whole — Hugging a cat can help people tap into their loving and caring side, which is something that we need help with, at least occasionally. The happier and more caring we feel, the more we want to help others. The more we want to help others, the more effective we are at being an integral part of a healthy and constructive community. The healthier our communities are, the richer and more productive our own lives tend to be!

For these reasons alone, it is easy to see why there is a National Hug Your Cat Day and why so many people choose to participate. That said, hugging cats should be a daily holiday, not just reserved for one day a year. Taking the time to hug your cat regularly is sure to improve your life experience in one way or another.

How Is National Hug Your Cat Day Celebrated?

little boy hugging his cat
Image Credit: Markus Lehmann, Pixabay

The truth is that there is no specific way to celebrate National Hug Your Cat Day, aside from simply taking the time to literally hug your cat. However, if you want to spread the love or you don’t have a cat of your own, there are other ways to participate in this truly magical holiday. Consider one or more of the following options:

  • Head to a local shelter, and give a few cats in need a reassuring hug.
  • Remind your friends and family members to find a cat to hug sometime throughout the day.
  • Make fliers to remind everyone in your community of the holiday and the importance of hugging a cat.
  • Take a photo of yourself hugging your cat, and post it on social media to commemorate the special occasion.

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate National Hug Your Cat Day. As long as it involves hugging a cat, you are celebrating properly! Even if you don’t have a cat to hug, you can still spread the word about this exciting holiday and get your friends and family members to participate.

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In Conclusion

While National Hug Your Cat Day is not as popular as holidays like the 4th of July, the 4th of June can still be a major holiday in your own household. Getting the word out about this day will also help make it more prominent in our culture. As more attention is drawn to this cat lover’s holiday, more cats will benefit from the feeling of safety, love, and security in their lives.

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Authored by

Rachael has been a freelance writer since 2000, in which time she has had an opportunity to research and write about many different topics while working to master the art of fusing high-quality content with effective content marketing strategies. She lives off the grid in Hawaii with her husband, her garden, and her rescue animals including 5 dogs, a cat, a goat, and dozens of chickens. She is an artist at heart and loves...Read more

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