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How Much Does a Snowshoe Cat Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Kathryn Copeland

By Kathryn Copeland

snowshoe kitten

The Snowshoe is a beautiful and unique cat that any cat lover would love to bring home as an addition to their family. If you’re new to cat ownership and aren’t sure what to expect, particularly with your expenses, we’ll walk you through everything.

We’ll get into not only how much a Snowshoe might cost you, but how much you can expect to pay on a month-by-month basis to take care of this amazing feline.

Of course, these are just estimates as no two cats are alike, and no two cats will have the same expenses.

But we’ll give you a good idea of what to expect (and what your bank account can expect) when you bring a Snowshoe Cat home with you.

hepper cat paw divider

Bringing Home a New Snowshoe Cat: One-Time Costs

Once you’ve decided to go shopping for your Snowshoe cat, your one-time costs will ultimately depend on where you find them. Chances are you’ll be paying a rather large sum to a breeder, but we’ll get into that a little further down.

You also need to invest in a number of items just before you bring your kitten home. Everything from food and water bowls to a cat carrier, litter box, and litter should all be in place and ready for your new kitten to use.

snowshoe cat
Photo Credit: Aleksandar Nalbantjan, Shutterstock


Unfortunately, the days of picking up a free purebred kitten from the neighbors are largely over. In order to avoid backyard breeders and kitten mills, you should only take home a kitten that has been taken care of by their mother (of course) and a breeder that knows what they are doing.

Having said that, if you have a friend or relative that just so happens to breed the Snowshoe and is willing to give you a kitten for free, then you’re a lucky individual!



It’s not often you can find a purebred cat available for adoption at your local shelter or through a rescue organization, but it’s not unheard of. If you’re determined to bring home a rescued Snowshoe, check online with some online clubs and through social media and you might find one someday!

Other than giving an unlucky cat a chance at having a happier life, you’ll also be bringing home a cat (or kitten) that has been checked by a vet and spayed or neutered.



The Snowshoe is a little more difficult to find than most other purebreds, so not only will you need to pay for the kitten, but you might need to pay for shipping costs as well. However, the breeder will have had your kitten spayed or neutered and their first shots as well as a health check, which is all included in the price of the kitten.

If you’re lucky enough to live close to a Snowshoe cattery, then that should save you some money. If not, shipping costs can range from $200 to $3,000, depending on where you’re located.

Just make absolutely sure that the breeder is a reputable and responsible cat breeder before you start dealing with them.

snowshoe cat lying on bed
Image Credit: Jiri Sebesta, Shutterstock

Initial Setup and Supplies


If you already have most of these items, then these costs will be much lower than what we have projected here. And many of these estimates are in ranges because there is such a wide variety of prices, also partly based on how much you are willing to spend.

While your Snowshoe should arrive already spayed or neutered, the prices for these operations are included. There’s a wide range between surgery costs in our estimates given the large difference in pricing at veterinary clinics versus low-cost clinics.

List of Snowshoe Cat Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $15
Spay/Neuter $50-$500
X-Ray Cost $100–$250
Ultrasound Cost $300–$500
Microchip $45-$55
Teeth Cleaning $150-$450
Bed $30-$50
Nail Clippers $0-$20
Brush $6-$30
Litter Box $20-$60
Litter Scoop $7-$20
Toys $20-$50
Carrier $25-$60
Food and Water Bowls $10-$40
Scratching Post $20-$100+

How Much Does a Snowshoe Cat Cost Per Month?

$50–$150 per month

The overall monthly average of how much you spend on your Snowshoe will depend on your cat, as well as the choices you make. If your Snowshoe has any health conditions, your monthly costs could be considerably higher.

Plus, what kind of litter you use and food you start feeding your cat will also make a difference in how much you spend. And don’t forget other expenses, such as grooming, cat boarding, and creating enrichment spaces for them.

snowshoe cat on grass
Image Credit: Anna Krivitskaya, Shutterstock

Health Care

$50–$150 per month

All cats have certain health conditions that they are susceptible to, but the Snowshoe is prone to a select few. They might have to deal with kidney disease, as well as heart disease and obesity. Additionally, because of their genetic link to the Siamese, they might have crossed eyes and a kinked tail.

Your breeder will inform you of any potential health problems your kitten may have, but overall, the Snowshoe is generally a very healthy cat.


$20–$60 per month

The food you give your Snowshoe should be high-quality, but that doesn’t always mean expensive. Shopping for food online can sometimes be cheaper but try not to sacrifice quality for price. Your cat’s health and well-being depend a lot on their diet.

Try to keep away from any cat food that contains artificial flavors and preservatives or a lot of corn, wheat, and meat by-products.


$0–$70 per month

Grooming is pretty low maintenance with the Snowshoe, as they have thick but short coats. They only require a weekly brushing, typically with a rubber grooming brush to help cut down on the shedding.

If you handle their paws and start trimming their claws while they’re still a kitten, you can save a lot of money and groom your Snowshoe yourself.

Medications and Vet Visits

$15–$200 per month

Another aspect of grooming that can help save money is brushing your cat’s teeth so your vet doesn’t have to do it. An annual visit with your veterinarian that includes a physical exam and vaccines typically runs at about $150 but having your cat’s teeth cleaned can go as high as $450.

If you allow your Snowshoe to go outside, you’ll also need to cover the cost of parasite treatments, specifically for ticks and fleas.

Pet Insurance

$20–$100 per month

While you don’t have to pay for pet insurance, it might prove helpful if your Snowshoe develops any medical problems in the future.

How much you pay every month will depend on your cat’s breed and age, as well as your location.

snowshoe cat on wood
Image Credit: Donna_la, Shutterstock

Environment Maintenance

$20–$40 per month

You can’t house a cat successfully without the right litter and litter box. Once you’ve purchased your litter box, you need to figure out what kind of litter works best for both your cat and you. Clumping or clay, pine or recycled paper, and so on.

Keep in mind that what litter you prefer might not be a good fit for your cat. The last thing you want is for your cat to start using the floor as their litter box.

Litter $10-$20/month
Litter box liners (optional) $7-$15/month
Deodorizing spray or granules (optional) $5-$10/month
Litter mat $12-$60


$10–$50 per month

Indoor cats will incur more costs in this category since they do need more entertainment. You can invest in the usual fake mice, balls, and springs for your cat to chase around (and are not expensive). But there are also automatic laser pointers and other interactive electronic gadgets that can keep your Snowshoe entertained when you’re not around.

Keep in mind that cats are very good at destroying their toys during play, so you might need to replace things from time to time.

Finally, you can consider purchasing a cat toy box subscription which can run about $20 to $30 monthly or bi-monthly. This way, you have a constant supply, which will help if your cat is particularly excited about the toys.

snowshoe kitten playing
Image Credit: Baldassarre, Shutterstock

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Snowshoe Cat

$30–$100 per month

This estimate is rough as it’s 100% dependent on your Snowshoe and what choices and decisions you make as the owner. If you have a reasonable budget for food and litter, your Snowshoe is healthy, and you do all of the grooming, your expenses will be fairly low.

Also, keep in mind that all of these estimates are based on one cat and not multiple, which would obviously increase the estimates.

Additional Costs to Factor In

There can be additional expenses that will come out of nowhere or that you just didn’t factor in. Sometimes your cat might become suddenly ill or injured, so a necessary visit to the vet can take you over your budget.

Or perhaps you’re going away on vacation, and you’ll need to pay for a cat sitter or board your cat at a cat hotel.

And don’t forget that no matter how sweet your Snowshoe is, they’re still a cat, and they’ll end up damaging your house or your furniture. Clawing, knocking things over, but isn’t that part of the fun of being a cat owner?

Owning a Snowshoe Cat On a Budget

It’s possible to own a Snowshoe cat while sticking to a budget. Of course, the Snowshoe will most likely be quite expensive, but some of what we consider necessary items for a cat aren’t always necessary.

Buying them a cat bed, for example, might be nice, but they might end up not using it and will prefer to sleep on your bed instead.

snowshoe cat sitting on the floor
Image Credit: Tanasab, Shutterstock

Saving Money on Snowshoe Care

One way to save money is by making some toys yourself. Use a shoelace and aluminum balls for your cat to play with. Isn’t it true that most cats seem to prefer the least expensive things, including the box the toys come in?

If your Snowshoe doesn’t seem to appreciate being groomed, watch tutorials online that can help you through the process. This can add up to some decent savings if you trim their claws, brush them, clean their ears, and brush their teeth yourself.

Lastly, look for deals on food and litter online and if you have the space, think about buying in bulk, which can save some money.hepper cat paw divider


A Snowshoe Cat costs between $2,000 to $4,000 including your initial costs, but if you take great care of your cat, you can certainly keep the costs down over time. Just be sure to not skimp on the food you purchase for them, as the wrong kind could affect their health down the line.

Going forward, the monthly costs of owning your cat might range from $30 to $100, but as we’ve already stated, it depends on quite a number of things.

You certainly can’t avoid some of these ongoing costs (like litter and food), but just spend time playing with your Snowshoe and give them a ton of love and their presence in your life will be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have.

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Featured Image Credit: EVasilieva, Shutterstock

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