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When Do Corgis Calm Down? Everything You Need to Know!

Rachael Gerkensmeyer

By Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Corgis were bred to hunt, so they are naturally active and adventurous. As puppies, they can give you a run for your money when it comes to keeping up with them. However, this breed tends to calm down once they grow out of puppyhood, around the age of 1 to 2 years. This is not a steadfast rule, though; some Corgis calm down sooner, while others donโ€™t seem to ever chill out! That said, a calm disposition is not just about age, especially when it comes to the Corgi. It is also about personality, exercise regimens, and stimulation throughout the day. Letโ€™s take a closer look at these points and more.

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When Corgis Tend to Calm Down โ€” At Least a Little

There is no hard evidence as to when Corgis calms down overall. However, there is anecdotal evidence that these dogs start calming down at around 1 year old. For some dogs, a calmer disposition may start to develop at around the 8-month range, while for others, it wonโ€™t be until about the 2-year range. It just depends on the dogโ€™s innate activity level and other factors.

Image By: Elena Rogulina, Pixabay

Factors That Contribute to a Corgiโ€™s Active Personality

There are a few different factors, aside from age, that can contribute to a Corgiโ€™s energy levels and โ€œimmaturityโ€ as they age. First, Corgis are extremely active and curious dogs. They were bred to hunt, so they have surprisingly high stamina and drive. They tend to explore every nook and cranny, chew on shoes and books, chase cats and toys, and play with everything that they can get their paws on as puppies.

Many Corgi owners describe feeling overwhelmed while their dogs were puppies, never being able to relax at home because it always seemed to be โ€œgo time.โ€ Napping is uncommon among these dogs while still young because they donโ€™t want to miss out on any opportunity to explore or interact with their household companions. Corgis need plenty of exercise and attention each day, and if they donโ€™t get it, they are more apt to be overactive and cause disruption within the household.

Things That You Can Do to Calm Your Corgi Down So Theyโ€™re More Manageable

The best thing that you can do to settle your Corgi down so they are more manageable while spending time inside is to make sure you offer them plenty of exercise and attention. Go for a long walk (at least 20 minutes) first thing in the morning after breakfast, so your dog can get rid of the energy that they accrued throughout the night.

You should spend at least 15 minutes training and another 15 minutes playing with your Corgi before you start your own day. This should help make sure they donโ€™t get too wild while youโ€™re away from home, trying to wash dishes or do laundry, or even watching a movie in the living room. It is important to obedience and kennel train and socialize your Corgi puppy as early as possible.

Doing so will help ensure that your pup is well-behaved, even when things are not going their way in terms of activity and excitement during the day. It is also important to note that your Corgi likely wonโ€™t nap unless they have no choice, as they will explore and play as often as possible while awake. Putting your dog in their kennel for an hour or so at a time will help ensure that they get the rest that they need during the day.

With nothing else to do in the kennel, your Corgi is likely to nap after a little protest. Scheduling a couple of naps in the kennel during the day can help give you the space that you need to get things done around the house. You should train your dog to stay in their kennel whenever you leave the house until they are fully grown and you can trust them not to be destructive without supervision.

girl playing with corgi dog at home
Image By: BONDART PHOTOGRAPHY, Shutterstock

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Corgis are fun-loving dogs that are known for their high energy levels and rambunctious personalities. These dogs will give you a run for your money as puppies, but all the hard work that you put into being a good pet parent will be well worth it. Make training and socialization a priority, and everything should start falling into place within the first year or two.

Featured Image Credit: David Raihelgauz, Shutterstock

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