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Why Do Cats Scratch Walls? 6 Common Reasons

Visnja Radosavljevic

By Visnja Radosavljevic

a cat scratching door

Cats are natural-born scratchers, which is why they love scratching almost everything. Some felines are especially keen to scratch walls and use them as their personal scratching posts.

But why do cats scratch walls?

There are many different reasons that cats scratch walls, from simple things like boredom or habit to claw maintenance. Scratching walls also enable felines to stretch and relieve frustration.

If you are a cat parent and your little furry companion likes to scratch walls, read on as we talk more about this behavior, the reasons for it, and how to prevent your cat from doing it.


The 6 Reasons Cats Scratch Walls

1. To Shorten Their Nails

It is typical for cats to engage in destructive behaviors like wall scratching if their claws are not in good shape. A cat’s claws grow non-stop, which is why you should trim your furry companion’s nails every couple of weeks. Otherwise, they will do the job on their own and use the walls in your home as a way to shorten their nails.

So, to prevent this behavior, it is best to keep your cat’s claws in good shape and regularly maintain them; this might not eliminate wall scratching, but it should minimize it.

close up woman clipping cat nails
Image Credit: Johnny Depps, Shutterstock

2. To Mark Their Territory

One of the most common reasons that cats scratch walls is to mark their territory. Felines are territorial creatures, and they’ll often engage in such behavior to mark their environment and therefore feel safe and calm.

 A cat’s paw pads contain numerous scent glands, so when they are scratching the walls, your cat is leaving markings and scents on the wall, claiming the territory for themselves. Favorite spots where cats like to scratch walls as a way of marking their territory include:

  • Near entrances and exits to the home
  • In their favorite room in the home
  • In their favorite sleeping location

This is an entirely normal behavior in felines that gives them a sense of security and belonging. However, this cat habit can be stressful for humans, which is why it’s best to try to deter your feline from engaging in wall scratching.

3. To Stretch Out

Much like humans, cats love to stretch out, which is why they may use various surfaces in your home for this activity. While your cat can stretch out in many different places, they may prefer to fully stretch out their body by scratching on walls.

Stretching by scratching enables cats to relieve tension, improve their blood flow, and wake up their muscles. It should also help cats rid their bodies of toxins and help them be ready for any situation.

If this is why your cat scratches walls, it’s best to provide other places where your furry friend can stretch out safely and happily.

4. To Expend Energy

If your cat doesn’t receive enough mental and physical stimulation, they might turn to wall scratching as a way to spend collected energy. So, if you haven’t been spending enough time with your furry friend, try to look for ways to strengthen your bond and stimulate your cat.

Cats that are content and properly stimulated throughout their day are less likely to act out and scratch the walls or other things in your home.

5. Out of Habit

Cats are creatures of habit, so if your feline has been scratching walls from kittenhood, likely, this habit will also carry into adulthood. Since this can be extremely stressful for cat parents, it’s best to try to break the habit.

If your cat enjoys scratching, purchase a scratching post, and help your feline slowly transition to scratching it instead of walls. This may be a challenging task because it will require you to be patient and understanding. But with a bit of effort, you can help your cat understand that walls are not to be scratched.

6. Anxiety or Stress

Cats may scratch walls when they are feeling anxious or stressed. In such situations, paying attention to your cat and helping them cope with this tough time is important.

Besides wall scratching, you can see if your cat is anxious by looking for the following signs:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Holding the tail close to the body
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dilated pupils
  • Holding their ears back
  • Staring
  • Aggression

If the reason for your cat’s wall-scratching habit is stress or anxiety, it’s crucial to help them by providing comfort and understanding. If your cat is under an unusual amount of stress, it’s best to consult your vet on what you should do to help.

cat scratching the wall mounted scratcher
Image Credit: Evgenia Terekhova, Shutterstock

hepper cat paw divider

Is It Dangerous for My Cat to Scratch the Walls?

Scratching is a normal and natural behavior for cats, but scratching particular items, such as walls, could harm your furry friend. Although wall scratching is not inherently dangerous for cats, it could cause your cat to break one of their claws, which may require medical care. Such situations are rare, but they could still happen, which is why it’s better to give your cat other scratching options that are safer.

How to Stop Your Cat From Scratching the Walls

Every cat is different and probably scratches walls for different reasons, so stopping this habit will not be the same for every cat parent.

That said, here are a few general tips that should help owners in such situations:

  • Provide your cat with other things to scratch. Unless you have old stuff that you don’t mind being torn up, consider buying a scratching post for your furry friend.
  • If you get a scratching post, place it near the wall that your cat typically likes to scratch.
  • Install a wall-mounted feline scratcher on the wall that your cat likes to scratch.
  • Keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated.
  • Provide your furry companion with constant love, and care, and always try to strengthen your bond.
  • Consider buying plastic claw caps for your feline.
  • Never declaw your cat.
  • If your cat is stressed or anxious, look for ways to help them cope with the situation and relieve their stress and anxiety.


Final Thoughts

Cats can scratch walls for many different reasons. You’ll need to determine the cause of your cat’s wall-scratching habit and then redirect your cat to scratching safer objects. Consider getting a scratching post or investing in plastic claw caps to prevent your cat from scratching the walls. If nothing else works, it’s best to consult your veterinarian and seek professional advice.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: SoNelly, Shutterstock

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