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8 Best Pet Insurance Providers for Dachshunds – 2024 Reviews

Kristin Hitchcock

By Kristin Hitchcock

Smiling Woman Carrying Brown Dachshund

If you have a dog, we highly recommend getting pet insurance. This sort of insurance covers surprise vet bills that often come with dogs. For instance, if your Dachshund gets injured or hurts their back, pet insurance will cover much of your costs.

However, pet insurance is not very regulated and varies a lot. The industry hasn’t been around for very long, so even industry standards are pretty random and unset.

To help you choose the best option for your Dachshund, take a look at our in-depth reviews below.

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A Quick Look at Our Winners in 2024

Rating Image Product Details
Best Overall
Lemonade Lemonade
  • Short wait periods
  • Low price
  • Wellness plan available
  • Second place
    Spot Spot
  • Many coverage options
  • Low deductible options available
  • Vet office visits and pet microchipping covered
  • Third place
    Embrace Embrace
  • Optional wellness plan
  • Range of coverage options
  • Diminishing deductible
  • Pets Best Pets Best
  • Will pay vets directly
  • Wellness plan available
  • 24/7 pet telehealth line
  • Many Pets Many Pets
  • 24-hour wait period
  • Unlimited coverage
  • Vet exam fees included
  • The 8 Best Pet Insurance Providers for Dachshunds

    1. Lemonade – Best Overall

    lemonade pet insurance

    Lemonade is by far the cheapest pet insurance for Dachshunds. If you’re looking to save money while ensuring you have the right coverage for your pet, Lemonade is the way to go. This company covers many common illnesses and diseases. For most pets, they should cover everything you need. You get to choose from various coverage limits best suited to your pet, their age and, breed.

    We like that their wait periods are only 2 days in most cases. Therefore, you can get your pet insurance payout sooner than the average pet insurance company. They also donate a portion of their profits to pet charities, so you can rest assured this company was created with animal well being at the forefront!

    • Short wait periods
    • Low price
    • Wellness plan available
    • Offers a high annual coverage limit option
    • Doesn’t insure pets over 14 years

    2. Spot

    spot pet insurance logo

    Spot provides many different coverage options. For instance, you can choose maximum annual coverage that ranges from $2,500 to unlimited. Deductible choices also range heavily from $100 to $1,000. Therefore, you can easily customize your plan to fit your needs.

    This plan is the same one offered by ASPCA. However, ASPCA and Spot have slightly different coverage options (Spot has more). The prices and coverage are exactly the same, though.

    Veterinary office visits for illnesses and accidents are provided for in the base plan. This company also covers microchipping and offers a wellness plan. There is also a 24/7 telehealth line available to answer your questions.

    With that said, this plan does require a 14-day waiting period for most accidents and illnesses.

    • Many coverage options
    • Low deductible options available
    • Vet office visits and pet microchipping covered
    • Optional wellness plan.
    • Long wait time
    • No coverage for prescription vet food
    • Coverage choices may be overwhelming

    3. Embrace

    embrace pet insurance

    Embrace allows you to select from a wide variety of coverage options, reimbursement choices, and deductible choices. For instance, you can choose between $5,000 to $30,000 maximum annual coverage.

    The company also has a 24/7 pet telehealth line that you can use for free. You can use this to avoid visiting a vet when you don’t need to. We also love that Embrace uses a “diminishing deductible,” which lowers your deductible each year you don’t have a claim. There is also an optional wellness add-on for those that want help with regular vet costs.

    • Covers vet office visits for illnesses and accidents
    • Optional wellness plan
    • Range of coverage options
    • Diminishing deductible
    • 24/7 telehealth line
    • Orthopedic conditions have a 6 month wait period

    4. Pets Best

    Pets Best Pet Insurance

    Next to Embrace and Lemonade, we also really liked Pets Best insurance. This plan offers good coverage at a lower price than others. They have a wide deductible choice ranging from $50 to $1,000, which allows you to adjust the monthly premiums, as well. We also liked the ability to select the maximum annual coverage as unlimited, which means that you’ll never have to worry about affording your dog’s vet bills.

    Currently, Pets Best’s waiting period for accidents and illnesses is only 3 days. They do have a routine wellness plan available for those that want some extra help saving for vaccinations and annual exams. We like that they will pay your vet directly if your vet agrees, which means you won’t have to pay out of pocket and then wait to be reimbursed.

    With that said, they do have a 6-month waiting period for cruciate ligament problems. This is longer than much of the competition. Furthermore, there are many reports that this company takes a while with some claims—sometimes as long as 30 days.

    • Will pay vets directly
    • Wellness plan available
    • 24/7 pet telehealth line
    • Long wait period for cruciate ligament problems
    • Long claim waiting times

    5. Many Pets

    Many Pets

    Many Pets is a newer pet insurance company. However, it provides very competitive pricing and unlimited coverage for plans. Therefore, you never have to worry about not being able to afford your pet’s treatment. However, because they are newer, this plan isn’t available everywhere. In fact, they are only around in a very select number of states.

    If you’re switching over from a current insurance company, there is only a 24-hour wait time on most accidents and illnesses. However, the usual wait time is 15 days. Vet exam fees are included with all plans, which is a nice touch.

    You can sometimes choose a 100% reimbursement and $0 deductible, which would mean no out-of-pocket costs for you. However, this is only available in some states.

    • 24-hour wait period when switching from a different insurance company
    • Unlimited coverage
    • Vet exam fees included
    • Option to choose 100% reimbursement and $0 deductible
    • Only available in some areas
    • No behavioral therapy treatment

    6. Figo

    FIGO Pet Insurance

    Figo has competitive pricing and a unique feature that allows dog owners to form play groups with other dog owners nearby. They have a wide variety of plan options for you to choose from, as well. However, their deductible choices vary with age. Older pets only have the option of higher deductibles.

    This company does have a routine wellness plan that will help pay for things like wellness visits and vaccinations. However, vet exams are also something that must be added. They are not automatically included with the base plan.

    Figo provides a unique upgrade that provides advertising and rewards for lost pets, vacation cancelation due to a pet emergency, and loss of your pet. This is unique, but many of these circumstances are unlikely to affect your average Dachshund.

    With that said, this company doesn’t cover dental illnesses.

    • 100% reimbursement option
    • Wellness plan available
    • Unique upgrade for coverage in unique situations
    • Pet telehealth line
    • No dental coverage
    • No vet exam coverage
    • Little prescription food coverage

    7. Nationwide

    nationwide pet insurance logo

    Nationwide is a popular insurance company that offers coverage for many things, including pets. With that said, they aren’t our favorite choice for a few different reasons. They only offer one maximum coverage option (unlimited) and one deductible choice ($250). Therefore, you don’t have many options.

    Furthermore, this company does not offer any coverage for end-of-life expenses. On the other hand, there are many other competitors that have these benefits included. Some benefits also have long wait times, such as knee injuries.

    Of course, this insurance company is a bit more established than others available. Therefore, they’re a good option for those that want something a bit more set in stone. They offer a multi-pet benefit and provide a prescription plan that provides users with preferred pricing at pharmacies around the country.

    • Preferred prescription pricing
    • Multi-pet discount
    • Wellness plan included
    • Few customization options
    • No end-of-life coverage
    • 12-month waiting period for some illnesses

    8. Prudent Pet

    Prudent Pet Pet Insurance

    Prudent Pet provides coverage options of all sorts. They provide many deductible choices and a few reimbursement options (but no 100% reimbursement). However, their maximum annual coverage options are both very high at $10,000 and unlimited. Therefore, they tend to be a bit more expensive than other options out there.

    With that said, this company does have a high multi-pet discount of 10%. Furthermore, they also provide some unique coverage options, such as rewards if your pet gets lost. However, many of these coverage options are not particularly helpful.

    We do like that this company has an option wellness plan available. If you want help paying for vaccinations and wellness checkups, this is the plan for you.

    • Multi-pet discount
    • Unique coverage options
    • Optional wellness plan
    • Tends to be a bit more expensive
    • Doesn’t pay the vet directly
    • Only two maximum coverage options

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    Buyer’s Guide: Choosing the Right Pet Insurance Provider for Dachshunds

    What to Look for in Pet Insurance

    When you have a dachshund, there are several things you should look for in the perfect pet insurance. For instance, you should choose one that is well in your price range. You should also choose pet insurance that covers most potential costs. After all, you don’t want to invest in insurance only to find out that it won’t cover your bills.

    Policy Coverage

    Most importantly, you want the insurance plan to cover most potential costs that you might come up with. Of course, this means that most illnesses and accidents should be covered. Everything that a dachshund is prone to should absolutely be covered to some extent. The only things that likely won’t be covered are IVD, which tends to not fall into the covered area most of the time.

    You should also consider things like exam fees. While exam fees at the vet for an emergency should be covered, many insurance brands do not cover these. Therefore, you’ll need to double-check to ensure that you don’t get stuck footing the bill every time. While vet exam fees aren’t the most expensive consideration when getting dog care, they can add up.

    If you’re interested in a wellness plan, you should choose an insurance plan with this option. Most insurance plans do not have a wellness option and all that do provide wellness for an extra cost. Dental care should also be included, as it is one of the most expensive parts of owning a dog.

    Customer Service & Reputation

    While you hopefully won’t be discussing anything with the company’s customer service, you never know what you’re going to run into. Plus, customer service is typically where you go to file claims. Therefore, you want whatever company you choose to have a solid customer service line. Pet insurance can be complicated, so having some extra help is never a bad thing.

    Similarly, you also want a company with a solid reputation. Newer companies typically are a wild card, as you never know how they’re going to act. It is possible for newer companies to run out of money or oversell their protection, only to go out of business later.

    Therefore, the company’s overall reputation and staying power need to be considered, as well.

    Claim Repayment

    Of course, you want to select an insurance that will pay for your claims when you make them. Having insurance that won’t repay your claims isn’t helpful in the least. However, how you go about getting your claims repaid is also important.

    Preferably, claims will be easy to make and payments will come quickly. However, this is sadly rarely the case in most circumstances. Instead, claims can take up to months to get paid in some circumstances, leaving you without reimbursement for a long time.

    Furthermore, other companies may not cover claims that you’d expect them to. They may link the current illness with an “underlying condition” that happened a long time ago. In this way, they may get out of paying claims that you file.

    woman having pet insurance form
    Image Credit: Rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

    Price of Policy

    Of course, equally as important is how much you’re paying for your policy every month. The perfect plan isn’t really perfect if you can’t afford it. Therefore, it is vital that you choose a plan within your budget.

    Remember, plans can become more expensive or less expensive over the years. Usually, plans go up as inflation increases and your dog gets older. Many companies claim that they base the price on local vet prices. However, your dog’s age plays a huge role. In some cases, companies may have a lower starting price to get you on their plan and then raise their prices later on.

    You can often lower the premium by adjusting the deductible, lowering the annual maximum, or decreasing the reimbursement percentage. However, this will mean more out of pocket at the vet, so be sure you’re prepared for higher prices down the road.

    Plan Customization

    Some people want pet insurance for every little bump and scrap with very little out of pocket at each visit. Others just want those huge expenses to be covered. Many plans can work for both people if they offer significant customization. Therefore, it is generally best to pick a company that allows you to customize your plan.

    If there aren’t many customization options available, then be sure that the plan offers the options that you want. If you want an unlimited annual maximum, be sure it is provided before you start signing up for a company.

    Be aware that some companies will limit customization options for certain pets. If your dog is older, they may not provide lower deductibles, for instance. In the end, this is because older dogs are more likely to have claims, so the company is trying to cover its profit margin.

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    Can I Get Pet Insurance Outside of the US?

    Most pet insurance companies are only available within the US. However, some are available in different countries. Many countries have their own insurance companies that comply with that company’s exact rules and regulations, which are often stricter than the United States.

    Trupanion is one of the few companies that is available in the US, as well as a few other countries. You can get it in Canada, for instance.

    men sitting at table smiling discussing insurance
    Image Credit: RODNAE Productions, Pexels

    What If My Insurance Company Is Not Listed in Your Reviews?

    We tried to include the best pet insurance companies that would work for the most people. Generally, this means picking companies with many customization options that are available in most states. However, just because your insurance company doesn’t meet those qualifications doesn’t mean that it isn’t the best insurance company for you.

    If you’re happy with your current insurance company, there is probably no reason to change it just because it isn’t on this list. However, if you’re unhappy with it for one reason or another, our list is a great place to start for some other options.

    Which Pet Insurance Provider has the Best Customer Reviews?

    It depends on where you get the reviews from and how much you weigh each review. We took reviews into account when rating each of the pet insurance companies above. For instance, Embrace came out on top because it had really good reviews.

    However, you also have to consider why each negative review was negative. In some cases, it wasn’t necessarily the company’s fault that they got a negative review.

    Pet insurance
    Image Credit: visivastudio, Shutterstock

    What is the Best and Most Affordable Pet Insurance?

    If you want the overall best pet insurance, we recommend Embrace. This company has everything that the average pet owner needs and provides it at a pretty cheap price. Therefore, we recommend it for your average pet owner.

    For those on a strict budget, we recommend Lemonade, which is easily the cheapest option out there. This company still provides decent coverage despite costing far less than most of the competition.

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    What the Users Say

    Most negative reviews about pet insurance companies derive from dog owners not understanding their policy. In many cases, dogs got sick during waiting periods, and then the reviewer complained that they weren’t covered. Waiting periods can be buried in policies, so be sure you check before deciding on a policy for your dog.

    Similarly, all policies will have exclusions. However, these should preferably be minimal. There were many negative reviews on nearly every pet insurance company complaining about exclusions that the dog owner didn’t understand the company had. Therefore, we recommend taking a good look at exclusions as well.

    Online Pet Insurance Application
    Image Credit: rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

    What Dachshund Insurance Provider is Best for You?

    Dachshund insurance varies a lot. Some have high deductibles, while others have low deductibles. Some are full of exclusions, while others pay for nearly everything. There is an option out there for just about any pet owner based on the sheer variety of insurance plans.

    Before you set out to find a plan fitting for you, we recommend figuring out what you want. Do you want a plan that will cover everything? If so, you probably want an unlimited annual limit and a wellness add-on. Be sure to check for exclusions that might leave you hanging, as well.

    On the other hand, if you only want something for emergencies, an unlimited annual limit is recommended. However, you probably want a higher deductible, as well. In this way, you can avoid paying very high premiums while also getting the most expensive treatments covered.

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    We love Lemonade pet insurance for a few different reasons. This company has much lower costs than other options out there, which it achieves by not covering some procedures. However, if you go in understanding what is covered and what isn’t, Lemonade can be extremely helpful for those on a budget.

    Spot is another excellent option. This company offers a range of plan options that allows you to adjust annual coverage, reimbursement, and deductibles.

    Featured Image Credit: Dominika Roseclay, Pexels

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