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Doxie Pin (Miniature Pinscher & Dachshund Mix): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Doxie Pin smiling

Height: 6–13 inches
Weight: 10–25 pounds
Lifespan: 12–14 years
Colors: Black and tan, black and rust, red, merle, fawn, wheaten
Suitable for: Singles, seniors, families with children, or anyone in need of dedicated companionship
Temperament: Friendly, Loving, Loyal, Gentle

If you’re looking for an ultimate companion, the Doxie Pin may be the right pup for you. Doxie Pins are incredibly loyal to their masters and love nothing more than snuggling up with them. They are the true definition of a lap dog. They’re a mix of Dachshund and Miniature Pinscher, resulting in a stout, long-bodied dog similar to the Dachshund but with mellowed features akin to the Min-Pin.

When this little pup isn’t curled up with you, there’s a good chance they’re zooming around. They’re incredibly active and energetic little balls of lightning. However, they adapt exceptionally well to apartment living.

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Doxie Pin Puppies


Doxie Pins can be a welcome addition to your family, but you should know what you’re getting into. They follow the rule of “small dog, big personality” and will be your best friend. However, they may also be uneasy around strangers at first. They inherit a bit of anxiety from their lineage (primarily the Miniature Pinscher side) that can be off-putting for some people.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Doxie Pin

1. There’s no real origin story to the Doxie Pin.

While some designer dog breeds have fascinating origin stories, the Doxie Pin doesn’t. There’s no definitive story at all. They’ve just seemed to show up. However, that doesn’t mean they’re rare or hard to find. The Doxie Pin is one of the fastest-growing (in terms of popularity) designer doggies out there!

2. The Doxie Pin has a strictly German heritage.

Both the Dachshund and Miniature Pinscher hail from Germany. The Dachshund was bred to root out badgers, and the Min-Pin was bred roughly 200 years later as a rat hunter.

3. These are primarily inside dogs.

Although their ancestors were used for hunting, the Doxie-Pin is much more of an inside dog. They do not fare well in extreme temperatures, especially hot climates. They’re very susceptible to heat exhaustion, so carefully monitor them outdoors.

Parent Breeds of the Doxie Pin
Image Credit: Jumpstory

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Doxie Pin 🧠

Doxie Pins are sweet little bundles of joy and have unique personalities. They’re very energetic and can be timid or anxious like their Min-Pin parent. However, the Dachshund side of them helps mellow out their anxiety. However, don’t be surprised if they are cautious around strangers at first.

They aren’t notorious barkers, but that doesn’t mean they won’t yip when excited. Doxie Pins are also known for being smart and stubborn. So, while they can be trained, Doxie Pins may need a bit of extra motivation, such as a reward for following commands.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Doxie Pins are loyal and make great family dogs, especially when raised young. Because they love to play, Doxie Pins are excellent friends for the whole family, including children. They often have anxiety issues when first introduced to people outside of the family circle. However, they’ll quickly warm up once they realize the new person isn’t a threat.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Doxie Pins love playing with their owners and other pets, but you’ll see them be cautious at first and a bit timid. However, this quickly passes, and they’ll romp about in no time.

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Things to Know When Owning a Doxie Pin

If you’re looking to make the leap and pick up a Doxie Pin, there are some crucial factors you need to know about the breed to have the best experience possible.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Don’t be fooled by the small stature of the Doxie Pin. They love to eat! One cup of high-quality dog food a day should be all that they need to keep healthy, which can be split into two meals.

However, it’s very easy to overfeed a Doxie Pin because they’re gluttons. They can keep eating until there’s nothing left, which can lead to obesity.

Exercise 🐕

Doxie Pins are very smart and very active and need a daily exercise plan. They need about an hour a day to burn off all that energy. If you’re in a temperate climate, an hour at the park or two 30-minute walks daily would be great!

While you’re out and about, let your Doxie Pin sniff about and explore. When unstimulated, Doxie Pins can grow bored and become destructive through behaviors such as chewing and digging.

Doxie Pin
Image credit: Sarit Richerson, Shutterstock

Training 🦮

Training a Doxie Pin will be more challenging than with other breeds. Doxie Pins are chock full of personality, and sometimes that includes stubbornness. They might not want to heed commands initially. However, if you play towards their love of food, treat-reward-based training can be much more effective.

Grooming ✂️

One of the most stressful parts of owning a dog is cleaning up shed fur and grooming. Fortunately, the Doxie Pin is considered to be a low-to-moderate shedder. While they will shed a little bit, this can almost be eliminated entirely through weekly brushings. Their coat is straight and dense, which will shine when well-kept.

One major area of concern when it comes to grooming your Doxie Pin is their ears. The Doxie Pin inherits the floppy ears from the Dachshund side. Their ears make it much easier to trap dirt, water, debris, and wax. It’s best to examine their ears after a bath or a run in the rain.

Another focal point of Doxie Pin grooming is their skin. They have notoriously sensitive skin! Instead of giving them a full bath, you may want to get specifically designed wet wipes for dogs or use a washcloth and lukewarm water.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Doxie Pins are known for being relatively healthy and long-living dogs but are more prone to a couple of health conditions. A Doxie Pin’s stout nature puts a lot of stress on their hips, which can ultimately lead to hip dysplasia in older dogs.

This can be minimized by feeding them a proper diet with nutrients for bone and joint health and not overfeeding them. The breed has also been known to have a higher chance of developing epilepsy than other dogs.

Other than that, there are a few minor issues that ail the Doxie Pin. Compared to other dogs, they have sensitive skin. Even some of the most gentle of soaps and shampoos are enough to cause dry and itchy rashes leading to doggy dandruff. This can be controlled with proper grooming techniques such as using wet wipes for dogs or giving them washcloth/sponge baths.

Minor Conditions
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Skin
  • Itchy Skin
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
Serious Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Hip Dysplasia

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If you’re looking for an adorable small breed with an explosive personality, a Doxie Pin could be an excellent choice. Once they get past their initial timid nature, you’ll find an intensely loyal and loving companion ready to follow you anywhere.

Remember to be patient during training to overcome the Doxie Pin’s stubbornness. They are intelligent dogs and relatively simple to train. However, their stubbornness sometimes gets in the way. Nevertheless, they’re great family dogs and would be a great addition to any loving home.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Sarit Richerson, Shutterstock

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