18 Golden Retriever Mixed Breeds (With Info & Pictures)

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Golden Retrievers are known for their patience, energy, and love. All these traits combined have made them one of the most popular dogs in the world. Who wouldn’t want these traits shown in their new puppy, even if they aren’t strictly a Golden Retriever?
Many breeders have decided to try and get the best of two worlds by combining the Golden Retriever with other breeds that exhibit desired traits. Since they are such a popular dog, there are many mixed breeds involving the Golden Retriever and other breeds.
If you already like the Golden Retriever, check out our list to see if there is a mix that suits you and your family’s needs. Here are 18 Golden Retriever mix dog breeds:
The 18 Golden Retriever Mixed Breeds:
1. Box Retriever (Boxer & Golden Retriever Mix)
The Box Retriever is a mix between the Golden Retriever and a Boxer. Since both of the parents involved in the combination are medium to large dogs, their offspring are too. They can be 23 inches tall and weigh close to 70 pounds when they are fully grown.
These dogs come from two family lines of energetic breeds. They will not adapt well to apartment living unless they get a great deal of time being active outdoors. These dogs are perfect fits for busy families, and they both love to be around people, even if it is just to cuddle up on the couch. They can take part in agility training to work on obedience and get rid of excess energy.
The Box Retriever will favor one parent’s appearance over the other, which is expressed most obviously in their coat. They can have long-haired soft coats, or more bristly coats. Both breeds shed, so no matter what type of coat your pup inherits, they will need to be brushed at least twice a week.
2. Golden Collie/Gollie (Border Collie & Golden Retriever Mix)
The Golden Collie is a mix between the Border Collie and the Golden Retriever and can also be called the Gollie. They are a popular crossbreed because both breeds are well-loved and have gorgeous, well-behaved puppies.
These medium-sized dogs are sturdy, energetic, and agile. They typically stand between 19-22 inches in height from their shoulder down and weigh up to 50 pounds.
The Golden Collie has a longer coat of soft hair, thanks to both parents. They will need to be brushed multiple times a week to stop shedding to spread healthy oils through their fur and keep it from matting and becoming painful.
Border Collies and Golden Retrievers share many traits, including a high level of intelligence. Although they are both smart, this generally doesn’t manifest in a strong stubborn streak like it might in other dogs. They tend to be quite trainable because they desire to please their humans so much.
This mixed breed should live with an active family or one that can commit to training and long stints of outside playtime. They shouldn’t be left alone for long stretches in order to stay content and satisfied in their home.
3. Golden Dox (Dachshund & Golden Retriever Mix)
A Dachshund and a Golden Retriever have been bred together to develop the Golden Dox. The pups tend to resemble the body type of the Dachshund more than the Golden Retriever, although they typically have long golden fur.
These are sweet pups that need a great deal of exercise. However, satisfying this should be easier because they tend to be quite a bit smaller than Golden Retrievers. The Golden Dox inherits friendliness and love from both of their parents. This pup is a family dog, behaving beautifully around kids of all ages.
Both of the parents are considered smart dog breeds, although the Dachshund often has more of a stubborn streak than Golden Retrievers. If your pup favors the side of the Dachshund, they can be more challenging to train. They were bred for hunting small burrowing animals and can be a difficult dog to have if you also have rabbits or other smaller animals.
The Dachshund side of the dog can also cause them to develop eye problems as they age, so be sure to maintain regular visits to the veterinarian. They typically live 12 to 14 years, making them a long-lived hybrid.
4. Scolden Terrier (Golden Retriever x Scottish Terrier)
This hybrid is a mix between the Scottish Terrier and the Golden Retriever. Scottish Terriers, or most Terriers of almost any type, are known to be somewhat rambunctious and vocal dogs. This typical behavior is part of the reason that breeders decided to mix these two breeds.
Golden Retrievers are known to be patient, quiet, and mellow dogs. When you combine the two, the Scolden Terrier has a much more mellow demeanor than their purebred Terrier counterparts. The dog has a lively side and is friendly, loving, and alert, all in one furry package.
Their coat depends on which parent they favor, with the Scottish Terrier having more of a short, wiry coat and the Golden Retriever a long, soft one. They are both smart and generally easy to train. Both breeds are good with kids and make for great family dogs.
5. Golden Corgi (Golden Retriever x Corgi)
The Golden Corgi is a more obvious mix: a Corgi with a Golden Retriever. The Corgi is another breed that has been hybridized with many other breeds. They have great characters and attractive features.
Both dogs are adorable, and combined, you get a short dog with big ears, flowing locks, and a great deal of personality. They tend to be slightly larger than the typical Corgi and are considered a medium-sized dog. Still, they won’t weigh more than 50 pounds.
These dogs are a mix of two of the cuddliest dog breeds. They will need plenty of exercise but are big on settling in for one-on-one time at the end of the day. This combination makes for a laidback pup who is obedient and easy to train even with their intelligent nature. They make an excellent option for those looking for their first dog.
6. Spangold Retriever (Golden Retriever x English Springer Spaniel)
The Golden Retriever plus the English Springer Spaniel makes the Spangold Retriever. The mix is growing in popularity due to their incredible appearance. Like most crossbreeds, these pups are lively and need owners with active lifestyles to satisfy their desire for activity.
The breed is highly trainable, has a devoted nature to everyone in their family, and is friendly with anything they encounter. The pups make excellent companions for people who enjoy hunting, trail running, swimming, or hiking. They are considered to be medium-sized, although some people would consider them large dogs. They are not a great match for apartment living.
Since both the parents are full of smarts, this hybrid is also chock full of intelligence. They are easy to train and can make good watchdogs if coached correctly. Their combined curiosity and smarts can make them a bit mischievous as well.
Their coat is long and typically a mix of golden and brown shades. They need to be brushed multiple times a week to keep them looking sleek and clean.
7. Golden Chi (Golden Retriever x Chihuahua)
The mix of a Golden Retriever with a Chihuahua is unique. They are relatively new, although both of the parent breeds are immensely popular. The result can be hard to describe accurately because the two dogs have such different personalities.
Whether the Golden Chi favors the Golden Retriever or the Chihuahua will dictate their general behavior. They often end up with a mix of the Chihuahua’s feistiness and the sweet nature of the Golden. This mix helps make them easier to train and more obedient.
The Golden Chi normally favors the appearance of the Chihuahua and is small in stature. They usually are only 15 to 30 pounds in weight. They often have a golden coat color and can have medium or short coats. Thanks to Chihuahua’s long life, this mix is bound to be around for 14 to 15 years.
8. Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever & Poodle)
The Poodle has been bred with just about any other dog breed you could think of, so of course, they have been mixed with a Golden Retriever to make the Goldendoodle. This breed has a much more extensive history, being one of the first recognized breeds to be mixed in the 1990s. Since then, they have gained a devoted following.
These dogs are medium-sized with long legs and curly coats and are typically golden in color, although they can be bred to have brown, cream, black, or even gray coats. They can weigh between 30 to 60 pounds when bred with a standard Poodle. Since there are different sizes of Poodles, there are also different sizes of Goldendoodles.
The Goldendoodle is a happy, friendly dog with a great deal of energy. They love to be in the water, which is part of the history of Poodle breeding. Depending on precisely what type of coat they inherit, they may need daily maintenance and occasional professional grooming.
9. Afghan Retriever (Golden Retriever x Afghan Hound)
The Afghan Hound is an elegant breed with an arrogant attitude. However, crossed with the Golden Retriever, they are more peaceable and humble. These dogs are gorgeous, although they are a relatively unusual hybrid because Afghan Hounds are not as common and quite expensive.
The Afghan Retriever has a great deal of energy and is best suited to a living area with plenty of space to run around in whenever the need arises.
These dogs have faces that typically resemble more of the Golden Retriever, with long, dense coats. The coat color can vary between cream, white, chocolate, and gold. They need regular maintenance, though, to keep it from tangling and to maintain their beautiful, manicured sheen.
The Afghan Retriever can be a useful dog because they have a working attitude with plenty of energy. The combination has given them an athletic build that’s perfect to accompany hunters or hikers. They are a lovely dog for families or as companion dogs for the active.
10. German Retriever/Golden Shepherd (Golden Retriever x German Shepherd)
Although their name can be a mix of the breeds, it is still easy to hazard a guess at the combination: a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever.
Since both are working dogs, this combination practically requires having a job to keep them occupied. Allowing this pup to slip into boredom is risky because they might engage in damaging behavior to furniture or the lawn. Still, they have a gentle nature and are friendly pets. They can be trained to be a watchdog and make loyal companions.
Both the parent dogs are double-coated and will shed extensively, particularly as they are blowing their coats when the weather begins to warm up and during the fall. They live for 10 to 14 years and are prone to joint issues common to German Shepherds.
11. Alaskan Goldenmute (Golden Retriever x Alaskan Malamute)
The Alaskan Malamute is paired with the gorgeous Golden in this adorable mixture. They are not as commonly mixed as many of the other breeds on this list. Part of this is because of the large size they can reach, weighing up to 90 pounds and standing 25 inches at the shoulder.
These pups often resemble a golden wolf but can also be mixed colors of grey, black, cream, and white. They typically have a masked face, similar to the Alaskan Malamute. Although the coats are beautiful, they require a great deal of maintenance because both breeds are double-coated and shed.
They share not only the double-coated genes but also the high levels of activity. These dogs need a large amount of space to run around and need their endless curiosity satisfied to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. They can live 10 to 14 years, and although they are typically healthy, they can suffer from dysplasia and cataracts, among other problems.
12. Petite Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever x Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
The Petite Golden Retrievers are another unique mix, featuring a King Charles Spaniel and a Golden Retriever. They have different personalities, so their characters range between the two breeds.
Typically, Petite Golden Retrievers are quite friendly, fearless, and playful. They usually are smaller than the Golden Retriever, although they are shaped like Goldens rather than King Charles Spaniels.
13. Beago (Golden Retriever x Beagle)
The Beago is an adorable cross between a Beagle and a Golden Retriever. The mix is a smaller dog due to the influence of the Beagle’s genetics. This hybrid is the perfect addition to any family group because they are sweet, smaller, and good with kids.
Another big plus of this breed for many owners is that they only need a moderate amount of exercise, especially compared to the boundless needs of many of the other mixed breeds. Although the pup has the desire to satisfy their owner, their Beagle side can lead to being distracted easily and necessitates concentrated efforts during training sessions.
Beagos are incredibly curious and will need to be watched when they are outside because they can be escape artists, especially if something is interesting on the other side of the fence. They typically have short coats, mixed with golden, tan, white, brown, and black variations.
These dogs are generally robust and healthy and live between 10 to 12 years. They sometimes suffer from elbow and hip dysplasia and cataracts.
14. Golden Hound (Golden Retriever x Basset Hound)
Another canine that makes a stellar family companion is the Basset Hound and Golden Retriever mix, or the Golden Hound. They are medium-sized dogs with medium coats that can be golden, tan, brown, or white. They have long ears and a face with a mix of features from the two parental breeds.
The coat of this breed should not need as much grooming as other breeds, around one or two brushing sessions a week. They only require a moderate amount of exercise. It is essential to keep them in shape, though, since the Basset Hound side tends to gain weight quickly.
Like the Beagle and Golden Retriever mix, the Basset Hounds can be a bit harder to train because of their distractibility. They are scent hounds and will quickly lose focus if they pick up on something more interesting than you. Because of this, they should go to a family with experience training other pets.
15. Golden Mastiff Retriever (Golden Retriever x Bullmastiff)
The Golden Mastiff Retriever is a large-breed mix of the Bullmastiff and the Golden Retriever. They are heavy droolers, like the Bullmastiff is known to be. They are also muscular, resembling the thick-set build of the Bullmastiff more than the agile one of the Golden Retriever. They can weigh up to 130 pounds and stand 27 inches tall at the shoulder.
The coat can be medium or short in length, depending on the parent that the pup favors. The coat has mixes of brindle, red, fawn, golden, or striped mixes. No matter what kind of coat they develop, they still shed moderately and need to be brushed weekly.
Although these pups can appear intimidating, they are gentle giants at heart. They tend to be friendly and loving and can be trained to be a wonderful watchdog.
16. Golden Husky/Goberians (Golden Retriever x Siberian Husky)
The Golden Husky, or Goberian, is a mix between the Siberian Husky and the Golden Retriever. Regardless of the parent that this hybrid favors, they are stunning, especially if they inherit the bright blue eyes inherent to the Husky breed.
This is not a common crossbreed, though, since this combination makes them one of the priciest designer breeds out there. They have boundless energy and larger-than-life personalities. This combo makes them a great family pet for active families, especially if they have training experience.
Both of the parental breeds are intelligent, and Huskies can have a stubborn streak if they don’t want to do something. Make sure to have plenty of space for this breed to run around whenever they need to. They need to be kept mentally occupied as well.
They have a double coat and will constantly shed, particularly in the spring and the fall. Golden Huskies can live up to 14 years, but both parent breeds are susceptible to hip dysplasia.
17. Goldenweiler/Golden Rottie Retriever (Golden Retriever x Rottweiler)
The Goldenweiler, or Golden Rottie Retriever, is the mix of a Golden Retriever and a Rottweiler. The dogs are beautiful, having long hair like the Golden but the color and pattern of the coat inherent to the Rottweiler. They are a large breed dog due to their height and muscles, reaching up to and over 100 pounds.
Goldenweilers are quite active, especially as puppies. They do tend to mellow out as they reach the age of 3 and older. They get a territorial and protective tendency from their Rottweiler parent, but the Golden in them keeps them friendlier and less aggressive than some purebred Rotties.
The Goldenweiler needs anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes of exercise a day. Even with less activity, they are so big that potential owners should make sure they have plenty of room to stretch out.
18. Goldmation (Golden Retriever x Dalmatian)
The Goldmation, or Goldmatian, features a cross between a Dalmatian and a Golden Retriever. It is hard to believe that these pups even exist, as they are so incredible to behold. They generally have long to medium-length hair, and their coats tend to favor the spotting of the Dalmatian and can be a mixed color of black and white, along with golden shades.
Dalmatians tend to be less social than the Golden Retrievers, even though they are still friendly and loving. This dog has a happy-go-lucky character and gets along with almost anything. They have alert, intelligent natures, making them great watchdogs.
Goldmations are often eager to please their owners and are thus highly trainable. They can live between 13 to 14 years and are quite healthy. Watch out for signs of epilepsy, hip and renal dysplasia. This is another expensive hybrid.
Golden Retriever Mixes: Final Thoughts
There are so many wonderful mixes and hybrids out there. Designer dogs have the allure of being healthier dogs than their purebred counterparts, as well as combining characteristics of two breeds. If you have fallen for the lovable and reliable traits of the Golden Retriever, consider giving any one of these hybrid mixes a new home.
See also:
- English vs American Golden Retriever: What’s the Difference?
- Siberpoo (Siberian Husky & Poodle Mix): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts
- Golden Mountain Dog Mixed Breed Info, Pictures, Facts, & Traits
Featured Image Credit: alexgo.photography, Shutterstock